No permission to download
It should not have an xf_ before it. This table was created by the Add-on in 1.0.0 using the following query:
The error will be fixed?

  1. I uninstalled 1.0.0
  2. I installed 1.0.1
  3. I delete 1.0.1 and an error occurs!
An exception occurred: Mysqli prepare error: Table 'uix_node_layout' doesn't exist in /public_html/library/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php on line 77
Last edited:
We found one other bug which will be patched tonight -- inability to disable nodes as glyph icons -- but its fixed on our dev release. Very few actual bugs found guys, most issues here are cache related or require a few tweaks to style properties. I repeat, NO MAJOR BUGS reported so far. So please ask us any questions if something isn't right and try clearing cache first. Lots of JS changes so this is normal to see things a little wonky at first. But refresh the page or purge cache in CloudFlare or any cache service you use.

The error will be fixed?

  1. I uninstalled 1.0.0
  2. I installed 1.0.1
  3. I delete 1.0.1 and an error occurs!
An exception occurred: Mysqli prepare error: Table 'uix_node_layout' doesn't exist in /public_html/library/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php on line 77
@Jake B. is still looking into this.
Toggle width.
If I don't want it, and want all users to have my earlier fixed width, how to best do it.
If I understand correctly it defaults to floating, if turned off?
Toggle width.
If I don't want it, and want all users to have my earlier fixed width, how to best do it.
If I understand correctly it defaults to floating, if turned off?
You should just be able to disable the width toggler. Its located in the UI.X Global Settings style property group.
Would it be possible/simple to have a user toggle/setting for "Show Sticky on Scroll Up Only"
Some of my mobile users love it and others mostly on desktop hate it.
Even when the width toggler is disabled, every user has the wide design. How can we set the old fixed to default?

Ah, bug confirmed. Only happens when they haven't clicked the toggler but we have a fix we are working on. Will have a fix.

Would it be possible/simple to have a user toggle/setting for "Show Sticky on Scroll Up Only"
Some of my mobile users love it and others mostly desktop hate it.

It has been discussed. Its complicated to get a one stop fix all solution so everyone is happy. But we do have this in our feature list. will keep you posted.
Want to add in mobile view that if you have changed your width to be more in line with the fixed size, mobile takes on that change as well.

The sidebar is overflowing its boundary

View attachment 102897

I cannot recreate this on our development board but I'm working with a beta tester that has this on his site. Will be fixed in the upcoming patch.

Want to add in mobile view that if you have changed your width to be more in line with the fixed size, mobile takes on that change as well.

View attachment 102901

Looks like you have the fixed and fluid widths both set to percent widths. If the fixed width is set to a percent, however, it will cause the issue you are showing in the picture above. We will have a patch out tonight or tomorrow that fixes the default width for users for the width toggle if you have set both widths to be a percent to fix that.
Should this be correct

It appears that your styles and js directories are not writable. Please recursively chmod them to 0666 while installation takes place.

I have same problem... got chmod via terminal and via Filezilla, but still cant install theme gething this "IT APPEARS.." error...

Install first version just fine via automatic addon but this new one not a chance....
Same problem here...

due to the problem I updated with the 3rd option (manually) that brings the new style version up with no templates to merge (can't believe it).

But under UI.X --> Style/Options (place, where all styles by Audentio are listed), I've no chance to update there...

First install of addon without problems, see @Commander
due to the problem I updated with the 3rd option (manually) that brings the new style version up with no templates to merge (can't believe it).

That is why i wont install it manually.

I follow step-by-step, first disabled UI.X 1.0.0 patch3 addon, then upload new 1.0.1 via FTP, then back to Admin CP and upgreded new .XML file, then re-enable plugin... i now geting regular message in Admin CP: "There are styles by Audentio Design that may be outdated. Click here to review them." when i click there and go to "update buttons", click install, and get this message "It appears that your styles and js directories are not writable. Please recursively chmod them to 0666 while installation takes place."

I allready set both dir to -R 777, but nothing happen....
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