No permission to download
OK... now I restored my VM, and I have paid for another extension of support (even though two of the UI.X's showed to be valid into 2016).

And now I get yet another DB table doesn't exist that brings my whole site down.
Same problem here.

I think, it's not due to a license problem, it's only a missing prefix for tables in the add-on coding... Mike and his team will fix it.
Yeah, well, 5 hours later, and another $20 for a license extension on a license that I didn't really use to see if that could be what it was (since it kept telling me my support had expired and I still had 2 valid until 2016 and only have one forum using UI.X)... I'd say I'm just a tad bit exasperated.

Now I get to restore the VM a third time.
Yep this can be changed pretty easily. Just change [UI.X] Forum Nodes -> Medium Node Grid Breakpoint [MD] to be a smaller value (depends on your theme but something around 340px, maybe a bit smaller) should change to show that information again.
Depending on if you want to hide that information at smaller sizes, you may also want to add the following to extra.css:

@media (max-width: @maxResponsiveMediumWidth) {
    .Responsive .node.audentio_grid .nodeLastPost .lastThreadTitle,
    .Responsive .node.audentio_grid .nodeLastPost .lastThreadUser,
    .Responsive .node.audentio_grid .nodeLastPost .avatar {
        display: none;
Since doing the latest update this no longer seems to work. Anyone have any ideas ?
Found the problem, it's the width toggle added in the new version. I have a fixed header and for some reason, it defaults to the fluid version for logged users. Unfortunately, I created a ticket with Audentio to see how can I modify the default setting.
Same here, logged in users get the fluid version setting of the site when the toggle is disabled rather than the fixed width setting that guests are getting.

@Mike Creuzer, just a small note about the files in the packages, the UI.X theme (not the add-on) had .DS_Store and desktop.ini files throughout the various folders. Really these should be removed when packaging the files for distribution.
Got everything looking good and I'm going to spend WAY too much time playing with icons today at work, lol.

I do have something funky happening @Mike Creuzer - My search input seems to be in the middle of my header as opposed to flushed right. I don't know why. I checked the CSS and nothing is forcing it to the left. Must be something silly, but wanted to see if this was a bug or not. See here: http://www.otakutalk.com/
No. I'm testing.
v1.0.0 Patch3 deleted normally.
v1.0.1 is not deleted. Error occurs.

It seems to me that in v1.0.1 incorrectly specified database table. Table specified without a prefix.


It should not have an xf_ before it. This table was created by the Add-on in 1.0.0 using the following query:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS uix_node_layout (
         node_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
         layout_data mediumblob NOT NULL,
         PRIMARY KEY (node_id)

So there is no reason your table should have an xf_ before it

This update really blows.... I'm getting all kinds of DB errors for missing tables, etc... and now my site won't work because of missing layouts.
I've even updated the support for another year on the license... and now (for the second time) I'm burning the VM back out to the system.

Try to uninstall the UI.X add-on and you end up with this
An exception occurred: Mysqli prepare error: Table 'twowheeldemon.uix_node_layout' doesn't exist in /var/www/twd/library/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php on line 77

Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_prepare() in Zend/Db/Statement.php at line 115
Zend_Db_Statement->__construct() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php at line 381
Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli->prepare() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 478
Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query() in XenForo/Model.php at line 219
XenForo_Model->fetchAllKeyed() in Audentio/UIX/Model/NodeLayout.php at line 42
Audentio_UIX_Model_NodeLayout->getLayoutOptions() in Audentio/UIX/Listener/CodeEvent.php at line 134
call_user_func_array() in XenForo/CodeEvent.php at line 58
XenForo_CodeEvent::fire() in XenForo/Template/Abstract.php at line 82
XenForo_Template_Abstract->__construct() in XenForo/Dependencies/Admin.php at line 154
XenForo_Dependencies_Admin->createTemplateObject() in XenForo/ViewRenderer/Abstract.php at line 263
XenForo_ViewRenderer_Abstract->createTemplateObject() in XenForo/ViewRenderer/HtmlAdmin.php at line 87
XenForo_ViewRenderer_HtmlAdmin->renderView() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 586
XenForo_FrontController->renderView() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 158
XenForo_FrontController->run() in /var/www/twd/admin.php at line 13

It "may" be because the support had expired on that domain.. but if that is it, then there needs to be a LARGE warning that you should not upgrade it (the UI.X add-on) without active support. I've already wasted about 2 hours.
OK... now I restored my VM, and I have paid for another extension of support (even though two of the UI.X's showed to be valid into 2016).

And now I get yet another DB table doesn't exist that brings my whole site down.

The Add-on never checks licenses except when you are installing a style. What table does it say doesn't exist?

- Jake
We are calling this the platinum release. No more major features for a long while we are proud of what we built.

Upgrading themes can be difficult I know. We had 20 beta testers try it and no one reported much of anything. And we never claim releases will be perfect. We try but I mean UI.X is a software onto itself now. Lots of different servers and boards and design configurations.

Our program is simple, clean, and the best supported theme you can find. Scan the other 194 pages in this thread if you think we won't fix every issue we can. We are going to have all tickets taken care of.
Is there a way to get rid of the Sticky Thread/Normal Thread banners and go back to the old look?
Yep there's a style property under [UI.X] Threads and Posts > Separate Sticky Threads

Nothing appears to be sticky anymore.
It looks like some of your templates aren't merged right now. Specifically there was a change to include a <div class="sticky_wrapper"> ... </div> inside the navigation template you seem to be missing.

Having to add as another that's having issues in missing top user bar, sticky nav isn't sticky and other proglems as extra.css isn't being pushed through as the node icons are the defualt.

Looking at your forum, I think you are using the javascript functions file. Try upgrading that to and let me know if things are fixed.

Since doing the latest update this no longer seems to work. Anyone have any ideas ?
I tried to look at your site to see if anything looked like it wasn't set up correctly but couldn't seem to view the style. Would you mind making a ticket on www.audentio.com with login credentials to view the theme and I can take a look.
One bug I just found if you disable UI.X [Forum Nodes] > Show avatar of who last posted. Then when you scroll your "latest post" area will flash and blink. With it enabled then it works properly.
One bug I just found if you disable UI.X [Forum Nodes] > Show avatar of who last posted. Then when you scroll your "latest post" area will flash and blink. With it enabled then it works properly.

Hi there,

I'm not able to replicate this at all. Could you provide a link to where you are having this issue?

- Jake
Looking at your forum, I think you are using the javascript functions file. Try upgrading that to and let me know if things are fixed.
This was after trying the automatic way of upgrading the theme failed, went to FTP and this is the results. So, my only recourse is to do upgrades manually. I'll have to re-upload the files later today when I can to see if this fixes it.
Hi there,

I'm not able to replicate this at all. Could you provide a link to where you are having this issue?

- Jake

when scrolling:


When stopped scrolling:


I re enabled it on my site for temp being but not gonna leave it very long. This is with latest Firefox.
I did the upgrade on the testforum today in the morning just after the release. Everything worked perfect! I had to merge a lot of templates but it worked like a charm.

Just did the upgrade on our live forum - perfect. Thanks for the good work! Love that style even more now :D
Just upgraded my live forum. Followed the steps of disabling the add-on, upgrading it and then upgrading the parent theme. I merge changes and in cases where it wouldn't, I used the view custom changes to copy and paste to reverted templates.

Still making my way through all of the changes. Looks to be an awesome release.

Has anyone managed to get this theme to 100% on mobile when using Google Pagespeed Insights. Any suggestions and/or tips are greatly appreciated.
This was after trying the automatic way of upgrading the theme failed, went to FTP and this is the results. So, my only recourse is to do upgrades manually. I'll have to re-upload the files later today when I can to see if this fixes it.

We've noticed automatic updates can sometimes not work, just server configuration. Manually installing the theme is entirely just as safe and just as supported. All the automatic part does is download and install for you. You can perform those operations yourself, itll be no different than before. But we will look into this a bit more for a patch we will be sending out at some point. :)

when scrolling:

View attachment 102882

When stopped scrolling:

View attachment 102883

I re enabled it on my site for temp being but not gonna leave it very long. This is with latest Firefox.
Which site? Checked Fluxoid and it seems fine.
We've noticed automatic updates can sometimes not work, just server configuration. Manually installing the theme is entirely just as safe and just as supported. All the automatic part does is download and install for you. You can perform those operations yourself, itll be no different than before. But we will look into this a bit more for a patch we will be sending out at some point. :)

Which site? Checked Fluxoid and it seems fine.
I switched it back because it was annoying. Here I will leave it enabled for about 20 minutes if you want to take a look. Check it again. When you scroll down and up you will see them blink. Like I said no big deal since I can enable it back, but just thought I would mention it.
Found a little bug.

"Login Trigger Style" drop down menu doesn't show Google login button, only Facebook.

Confirmed bug, thank you. Fixed it >.< We'll be patching this tonight or tomorrow morning.

I switched it back because it was annoying. Here I will leave it enabled for about 20 minutes if you want to take a look. Check it again. When you scroll down and up you will see them blink. Like I said no big deal since I can enable it back, but just thought I would mention it.

Just checked, not getting anything :(. In Firefox as well. There should not be anything happening anyways, we don't do anything with scrolling there.
Confirmed bug, thank you. Fixed it >.< We'll be patching this tonight or tomorrow morning.

Just checked, not getting anything :(. In Firefox as well. There should not be anything happening anyways, we don't do anything with scrolling there.
Well don't worry about it I am going back with the avatars, no biggee. Thanks for looking @Mike Creuzer .
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