No permission to download
1. We will be officially supporting XF 1.5 after the final 1.5.0 release is made so there might be a couple issues like this.
2. Try downloading and installing UI.X once more. We had a packaging issue that we have uploaded a new version to resolve. Sorry about that.
3. Should actually be
<div class="primaryControls">
                <!-- block: primaryControls -->
                <i class="uix_icon uix_icon-search" onclick='{xen:if @uix_searchButton, '$("#QuickSearch form").submit()', '$("#QuickSearch .primaryControls input").focus()'}'></i>
                <input type="search" name="keywords" value="" class="textCtrl" placeholder="{xen:phrase search}..." results="0" title="{xen:phrase enter_your_search_and_hit_enter}" id="QuickSearchQuery" />         
                <!-- end block: primaryControls -->
4. Related to issue #1 I think.
5. UI.X Navigation > Alternative Dropdown Menu Trigger
6. I'll take a look into this.

1. Makes sense.
2. I reinstalled the UI.X addon plugin which is now 1.0.4 Patch 1 and I still have this issue. Waiting on my CDN manager to purge the cache to see if this helps.
3. Fixed.
4. Makes sense.
5. I don't see this option. Screen recording for you: Recordit: Record screencasts fast & free with GIF Support!
I think that has to do with 1.5 users not being able to update their theme. Don't changes occur after the theme update takes place?
6. The error still occurs in case you're wondering.
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Yes it would be. The version correlates to the xenforo version. Never use a 1.4.X UI.X and a 1.3.X xenforo for example. Use the 1.3.X version of UI.X there is one for every version.

I used the automatic update script, I input my xenforo version number and the rest was done automatically?
On my install of XF 1.5 B3 with UI.X1.4.9 i cant seem to find the 2FA option from the Account Menu.. Possibly a conflict because im running XF 1.5 with UI>X 1.4.9?
I got this error when manually updating the theme.

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Interested in this theme. Tried to register at your site, was told I was banned! Tried e-mailing the contact address it listed, it was returned as undeliverable! Lotta work for a potential customer to have to go through!
I'm having a little hiccup with centering the username on the UI.X framework. (This issue persists on other themes, Renue, Rogue, UI.X Dark). Is there anyone else using "Large" avatars and having issues with the username hanging off to the left? I've entered the text-align: center; line of code in the Misc. section, but nadda.

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On my install of XF 1.5 B3 with UI.X1.4.9 i cant seem to find the 2FA option from the Account Menu.. Possibly a conflict because im running XF 1.5 with UI>X 1.4.9?

That sounds like its probably correct. We will have a 1.5 version out for UI.X when it is actually released officially. Ill assume next week probably.

Manually.. I tried to use the installer but tat the time it wouldnt allow it because of the conflicting version numbers.

That is intentionally in place so you do not install incorrect versions of UI.X on your XenForo. The version number, say UI.X must only work on XenForo You are, as a general rule, safe to use a newer version of XenForo (if you merge templates), but NOT the other way around. In other words:

UI.X version <= XenForo version

I got this error when manually updating the theme.


This is because you are running an earlier version of the theme and older version of XenForo. Downgrade your theme, or upgrade your XenForo :)

Interested in this theme. Tried to register at your site, was told I was banned! Tried e-mailing the contact address it listed, it was returned as undeliverable! Lotta work for a potential customer to have to go through!

We took care of this via PCs a few days ago just wanted to make sure you got a response here in this thread as well! :)

Did this get taken care of in the PC as well? Still having trouble? If so post here, I can catch them easier, too many PCs >.<

I'm unable to change the node icons, is there some kind of CSS attributes for the read, unread, and link forum node icons? I was told that's how it would need to be done, but I'm not sure. @Mike Creuzer


Did you turn off Node Icons as Glyphs in the style properties? Under UI.X Forum Nodes style property group, you'll find this setting. Itll default to loading images, specifically the XenForo image sprite but modified slightly to work with our theme.

Node styling doesn't work to change the text color. Any idea why?

Probably because it edits text, and in the node there are tons of specific 'components'. Such as last post, node title, node description, node stats, etc. So you could try adding !important after this. Primarily you should use classes, not that area. We added it in just to flex our muscles so to speak and for the quick little background change.

Where can I get this as an image to change my forum default background?


In the Style Properties > General > Body, put this as the background:

I'm having a little hiccup with centering the username on the UI.X framework. (This issue persists on other themes, Renue, Rogue, UI.X Dark). Is there anyone else using "Large" avatars and having issues with the username hanging off to the left? I've entered the text-align: center; line of code in the Misc. section, but nadda.


Try the update and let me know if that fixed everything. But if you are manually centering your text, you'll need to iirc stop floating the username. If you create a ticket at audentio.com I can probably get you the ticket if you post your URL there.
Try the update and let me know if that fixed everything. But if you are manually centering your text, you'll need to iirc stop floating the username. If you create a ticket at audentio.com I can probably get you the ticket if you post your URL there.

I got it to work with using:

float: none;

UI.X seems to include a script that makes Flexbox work correctly with older browsers and I find that to be an awesome addition, already started using it for my own customizations. I hope that is not a bad thing to do?
UI.X seems to include a script that makes Flexbox work correctly with older browsers and I find that to be an awesome addition, already started using it for my own customizations. I hope that is not a bad thing to do?
Thank you, and most definitely please feel free! :)
Is it worth upgrading to since I am using XenForo Beta 1.5 B4 and due to there not being an official release, it'll still say my plugin is outdated?
Is it worth upgrading to since I am using XenForo Beta 1.5 B4 and due to there not being an official release, it'll still say my plugin is outdated?

The addon won't say it's outdated because of your xf version. You may have to merge a few templates manually though.
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