What do you think of XenForo?

Just think to yourself: What was my first impression when I saw the GOLD release of vB4 made by what, 20 developers?
vs .. what is my first impression when I see the first build of the first version of this xenforo alpha made by 2 developers?

Floris, I don't want to be reminded of my thoughts or impressions of vB4 GOLD, there are not enough expletives to go around. The manual should have been entitled " How to take the best forum software available and destroy it."

That would require an actual manual to begin with :p

Oh, liking the auto-expand in the quick reply box - just noticed that.
old_system -> new_xenforo url 301 rewrites or support is a matter of the right rewrite rules, or a custom script that you tell 'we come from this system', to catch urls entered. One of the problems is probably automatically recognizing where someone comes from (is this rewritten url old vbseo, or new vb4? etc).

Yeah but I'm sure some IDs are going to change and that will need a little bit more than the right rewrite rules. A custom script would be nice. I don't care if I have to leave the old database running in order to allow that the script properly redirects the old URLs.

Unless the Import tool is clever enough to even keep the ID's the same, but that may cause other problems so them an Import Redirection Tool will be needed etc etc...
Another thing, to get back on topic, ( :p ) that I think about xenforo is that it takes other BBS and instead of comparatively being better than, it doesn't bother to compete. It's like the smartphone world, and then you have the iPhone. If you're constantly being comparative, you are too far inside the box to make something as extraordinary as you want it.
And man does this show up out of the box already, and I'm just an end-user for this. :D
I like it's new, has some nice ideas like the popup profil thing, the seo urls are nice. But if browsing the forum for longer time it's maybe a bit too cartoonish, avatars too big and the font style is not in my taste. The reply (quote) buttons are to small and the arrow is a nice idea but not intuitive if I don't know it I would never click it.
But sure for an alpha it has a great potential.
Personally, I'd say that xenForo could be the next "best" forum software. It seems great for social networking, and much more advanced than I would ever expect a bbs to be. Also the fact that it implements what I've been wanting to see in a bbs, as far as socializing with others :P
Great job Kier and Mike!
I have a copy of IE6 that seems to be very picky. It works fantastic on this forum, but crashes when visiting vb.com or any vb4 sites.

No I don't use IE6, but I do have members that do.
I like the way that there's a similar little pointy bit in the avatary panel pointing to the posts to give the impression of a speech balloon - just like they have put into the quote boxes in vB4 except in a place that actually makes sense.

Cannot fault the design, don't think it looks massively like Facebook, Facebook (to me) is cluttered and confusing, this is clean and fresh and bang up to date.
I like the way that there's a similar little pointy bit in the avatary panel pointing to the posts to give the impression of a speech balloon - just like they have put into the quote boxes in vB4 except in a place that actually makes sense.

Cannot fault the design, don't think it looks massively like Facebook, Facebook (to me) is cluttered and confusing, this is clean and fresh and bang up to date.

I agree with everything you say here.
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