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    Happy birthday, Kier!
    Developing features for my website is one of my favorite things to do. A big part of that is the absolutely outstanding foundation in XenForo. I am so grateful and happy that you guys work in this project. It's EXCELLENT.
    Ever feel like you’re being personally targeted by the local FTTP rollout? (I hope I am…)


    • 116291B5-1BC3-4E50-9B5F-8AE9F0071BFE.webp
      419.4 KB · Views: 79
    That yellow sign on the pole should say 'Rejoice! Overhead Fibre'
    Unfortunately there's been fibre laid right past my front door since February, but Openreach don't seem to be in any hurry to activate it.
    I'm not sure if it's been asked somewhere else, but could you let us know what some of your favorite MacOS apps are? I really liked your setup from the Building with Xenoforo series, so I was curious.
    The Dark Wizard
    The Dark Wizard
    That makes it so both of my machines are mixed into my headphones and I can control them separately extra inputs for my iPhone or anything else I want to plug in and listen to. I'll have to give AudioFuse some research and look at it, I'll admit I don't know too much about them, but it seems pretty good.
    The Dark Wizard
    The Dark Wizard
    I adore Spark and how good it is for emails, to be honest.

    Your PS setup with AD and ImageAlpha seems pretty good. I'll be taking a look at VMware Fusion sometime soon and I just need to finish migrating a personal development server for xF to MacOS instead of remote Linodes and snapshots.
    The Dark Wizard
    The Dark Wizard
    One that you mentioned that really interests me is Clickup, and I'll have to be giving that a shot soon.

    Thank you for taking the time to write back Kier :)
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    Reactions: Kier
    I may have to update my avatar to reflect just how ancient and decrepit I actually feel. I'm thinking something along the lines of early Rise of Skywalker Palpatine.
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    Reactions: alpha-bone
    feeling old GIF by A&E
    • Haha
    Reactions: Alien
    Thank you for your awesome work! XF 2.1 is looking really great and is what we have all been waiting for the last years. Its nice to see you participating in the forums again. Much appreciated!!
    You were born on November 2th and it means your zodiac sign is Scorpio. Still today, this zodiac is very popular in the UK. Who knows, perhaps you can't make a decision without consulting your horoscope. For example as we can see, a man with style is a man who can smile. Haha.
    What have you guys done come back after 3 years and it now looks like crap.... Old skin from years ago much better. /sigh.
    Just a small note to say thank you for all the bug squashes you guys have really been hammering away at.. Looking forward to 2.0!
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