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    Have 2 accounts on Skype, but you're never on. boooo
    Skype for linux is still really pants... I am sticking to gtalk now as like almost everything I use it is browser based... only thing out side of my browser these days is Eclipse and Inkscape
    Feeling like crap today, but can't put the laptop down because 1.1 has been rolled out here! Damn you Kier, Mike & Ashley I need to rest!
    Waiting for the launch? Haven't seen you on skype lately =)
    Opps I have two accounts now, one on my laptop and one on my main PC because I was using them both for a while but haven't used the laptop for about a week... opps... Send me a DC and I will let you know my 2nd skype account also :)
    Ceri thanks for a brilliant explanation on the terms I didn't understand. Being able to explain clearly is a rare skill and I honour it. (Shanj from Newport S Wales)
    It is a pleasure, I have a passion for xenForo and really wish it to succeed, members being kind and helpful to each-other is what is needed to create such a community.
    As for my ability to explain things, that comes from many years of attempting to self tutor myself and then teach friends, being someone that left college early to brining up my daughter I see it as something of great importance to keep myself in the loop with new and improving technology (a very expensive task)
    Sitting in front of my PC with two 26" monitors and a TV to my right yet watching BBC iPlayer on my 3.5" phone screen :S
    Welcome to the internet, where the men are men, the women are men, and the 12-year old girls are FBI agents.
    Just changed my profile picture :D... love how xenforo shows the full size one just max-width 200 on the profile :D...
    Was a great wedding, but now I have tons to catch up with so wont be around much.
    Night World... I have enjoyed wasting time here at xenForo today its been fun, but now its time for sleep :D
    I am so awaiting the pirate translation.
    He He, you can't do without it :D...
    just grabbin a pic ... :D
    I should get my dad involved with the translation; he's always bragging about having been pirate of the year (I think 2009).
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