No permission to download
I've instructed a few users to clear their browser cache.... I've also purged cloudflare.
I'll give you login details soon Mike if this still persists.


Also, the login options for loggin in as facebook, twitter, etc. is indeed a bug. We have it fixed on our end, but for a temp fix to EXTRA.css:

.uix_loginForm .xenForm .uix_loginOptions .ctrlUnit > dt {display: none;}
I think that is cache related. You can try clearing that manually by going to the style property group AD Styler and messing with the cache version number. Just increase it by a factor of 2. Just remember that in case this happens again, you may need to reset cache.
I tried that, and no luck. I also cleared the cache on the server as well as well as the cache on my browsers.

You click on Ad Style a black line just pops up on the screen. Click Ad Styler again and the black goes away.
We did make some changes in this area, so will try and replicate this as well. What navigation style do you have? Logo in navigation? If you have a demo, please feel free to post here or in a ticket at audentio.com :)
Float logo next to navigation is the navigation style.
I tried that, and no luck. I also cleared the cache on the server as well as well as the cache on my browsers.

You click on Ad Style a black line just pops up on the screen. Click Ad Styler again and the black goes away.

Yep, I know whats wrong. Responded to the ticket you just need to make the styler work with a CDN: https://xenforo.com/community/resources/audentio-adstyler-cdn.3023/

Float logo next to navigation is the navigation style.

Would love to see a demo if you dont mind! Ill take a look.
Hey for @uix_widthToCenterLogo, along with setting text-align to center, can you also do margin: 0 auto; ?

I'm using a text logo and it won't center without that.

When clicking widget tabs, you get this error in JS console:
SecurityError: The operation is insecure.

The logo_small element only loads on pageScroll when the page loads while the navigation/header is fixed, but only if there are a lot of tabs. The navigation bar goes a little wonky if you have too many tabs it seems.

Would you mind posting or messaging me your board URL so I can look into that SecurityError? I'm testing a fix for the next release but I want to make sure I fully understand the issue.

Hey all,

Have you tried checking the boxes? We thought about adding a 'revert' option that would essentially start all nodes as collapsed, and then checking the box would open. But we never did so for now you'd need to manually edit every category and set each one to start as hidden. Im not sure what you are trying to do there in CSS though, that should not be necessary.

You gave me that code in an earlier post (see attached). I want the categories on the node list, but I want them collapsed as default.Screenshot 2015-04-06 at 5.24.09 PM.webp
I'm using CTA Featured threads. I chose to upload an image/icon for each featured thread. Usually a window pops up and I upload it right away.

Once I installed UI.X, that window hasn't appeared.

Not sure if there's a conflict somewhere, so maybe @Brogan can help us too.
Good Morning,

i don´t think so, it´s a new install with a new child.
when i refresh the page the sidebar only will go deeper.

Before refresh...

After .....

View attachment 103105

We are looking into this issue. If it only happens to a few members, it might be cache related. Is this the media gallery page?
Good Morning,
no, it´s only in showcase from @Bob .


when i play with the button "Toggle Width", it will not move the sub navi to the smaller width.

View attachment 103181
View attachment 103180

Do you have a demo so we can take a look?
Of course -> www.gsx-r1000.de
But there is no permission to show this button for guest

PS: Thanks for this featured style, i´m happy with this amount of possibilities.
Im not able to replicate this, anyone else having this issue? It might be an outdated template. Check the default style perhaps as well.
Its even in the default UI.X style.

- remove your Avatar
- click on "Avatar" to have the popup open
-> you see this: https://xenforo.com/community/attachments/screenshot_2-png.103118/
- directly open /account/avatar in your browser
-> you see this: https://xenforo.com/community/attachments/screenshot_1-png.103119/

It does not look the same.
I'm using CTA Featured threads. I chose to upload an image/icon for each featured thread. Usually a window pops up and I upload it right away.

Once I installed UI.X, that window hasn't appeared.

Not sure if there's a conflict somewhere, so maybe @Brogan can help us too.
No conflict from what I can tell. I'm using CTA Featured Threads with UI.X and it's working perfectly for me.
I went ahead and updated to 1.4.6, I had no outdated templates in case anyone was wondering. Everything went smooth.
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