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And if that wasn't bad enough, a custom styled banner doesn't even work at all...


Well, that happened because the extra.css merge trashed the extra.css, which as @TDUBS said, does not get marked as merged.
is there a way i can set the Avatars to use a different directory for the images. Each time i upgrade it reverts my avatars to the default ui.x ones and i have custom ones i use and have to upload every time.
is there a way i can set the Avatars to use a different directory for the images. Each time i upgrade it reverts my avatars to the default ui.x ones and i have custom ones i use and have to upload every time.
If you had of followed the process of creating a child style and then a custom directory under your styles (I call mine uix-twd) and copied the images there and changed your path to the images in the child style, you would not have that problem. You just have to manually remember to upload any changes in the images (which I haven't come up on that problem yet).

Screen Shot 2015-04-08 at 4.23.25 AM.webp
If you had of followed the process of creating a child style and then a custom directory under your styles (I call mine uix-twd) and copied the images there and changed your path to the images in the child style, you would not have that problem. You just have to manually remember to upload any changes in the images (which I haven't come up on that problem yet).

View attachment 103328
Thank you, would i have to copy all image files across that's currently in the UIX directory or just the ones i want to change so create directory called eg.. UIX-Child and then add the following directories within that xenforo/avatars/, is that correct?
I copy the existing images for my /styles/uix over to my custom one... and then when there is a new version I will compare to see if there are any new images.... not including the avatars.
I copy the existing images for my /styles/uix over to my custom one... and then when there is a new version I will compare to see if there are any new images.... not including the avatars.
This is what we do as well more or less.

We keep all media in separate folders for your convenience. I.e /xenforo/, /uix/, /xenmedia/, etc. When we do custom themes we do a folder called /site-name/. That way dependencies are always kept separated and upgrading is much more fluid.
I LOVE the node layout on https://xfuniverse.com/

View attachment 103335

Is there an option to to this with discussions and messages laid out that way?

Currently there is a ton of black unused space with how it is by default:

View attachment 103336
If whitespace is the issue have you tried using UI.X's node grid system?

Otherwise, that styling is more or less a characteristic of Rogue. It is technically possible to copy that code over but its not something easily explained.
You should put that option in UI.X....it's definitely eye pleasing.
Well thats what Rogue, Reneue, Scratch, etc. is for :). That is a characteristic of a style not a framework. A framework builds the, well, skeleton. The theme moves things, styles them, etc.
If whitespace is the issue have you tried using UI.X's node grid system?

Otherwise, that styling is more or less a characteristic of Rogue. It is technically possible to copy that code over but its not something easily explained.

The message / discussion layout is not in Rogue.

My users seemed to like the list style format of the nodes more than the grid.
@Mike Creuzer, I would like to expand the duration of this cookie: xf_uix_collapsedNodes

It seems to be a session only cookie, but I have users who want to collapse some nodes constantly.

Is it something easy and/or could it maybe be something for a future update to make this selectable as an option?
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I want my skeleton to have pretty numbers... :eek:

I agree with @cdub 's users, as in i don't like the grid myself.

Too many things in one places gets the users all confused, plus if your sidebar has an ad or two, then it needs to have a longer body area so that the sidebar isn't longer than the main content area.
Hello @Mike Creuzer I've installed UI.X addon version 1.0.0 patch 3. Can I upgrade doing that?
  1. download from the customer area of Audentio
  2. Disable UI.X addon on my forum
  3. Install the new one
  4. Enable the UI.X addon
Is this correct? Sorry for asking but on your site the procedure is not totally clear since you state
Note: If you are upgrading, please be sure to disable the add-on before uploading the new files. If you do, you will need to add $config['enableListeners'] = 0; to your library/config.php file, then upgrade and remove that line.
and I've not understood if I've to add $config or not
Hi Mike last week I purchased Tactical, and do "NOT" plan on upgrading xenforo to 1.4.6 .
So is there any reason I would upgrade ? I read the release notes but was not exactly sure
what the update did so thought I would ask here.

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