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Everything worked like a charm for many many months. I did change everything now with .css (both templates and includes), but it does not work :(

In this case the .css extension on the template name wont matter since you're including it from a css template. Would you mind creating a ticket over at audentio.com with admin details and I'll take a look?

Hi @Jake B., I've created ticket 4273 at Audentio with ACP access. Hopefully you can find out what's wrong.
It looks like some of the included CSS in extra.css is loaded, and other stuff is not.

I will keep my fingers crossed and will await your magic!
In this case the .css extension on the template name wont matter since you're including it from a css template. Would you mind creating a ticket over at audentio.com with admin details and I'll take a look?

Jake, thanks for the offer. After a lot of searching I found the little bugger. Clumsy copy/pasting and leaving some CSS code in there that was not closed with }
Broke everything up, but it is fixed now :)
I upgraded the Facebook Page plugin code - apparently it is now responsive - but it breaks down the UI.X. The main page shows perfectly fine, but if you open a forum all layout is gone.
I used previous versions of this code in the template PAGE_CONTAINER without any errors and a piece of code in the footer to generate a widget.
N.B. The error only occurs in Internet Explorer 11 (took me a lot of time to replicate the problem... I only have Macbooks).

This piece of code is the culprit (source):
<div id="fb-root"></div>
<script>(function(d, s, id) {
  var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
  if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
  js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id;
  js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.5&appId=809487829102045";
  fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script>

This piece of code is used to create a widget (source). Turning this piece of code off (and the above code active) does not solve the forums having no layout:
<div class="fb-page" data-href="https://www.facebook.com/mainecoon.nl/" data-tabs="timeline" data-small-header="false" data-adapt-container-width="true" data-hide-cover="false" data-show-facepile="true"><div class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"><blockquote cite="https://www.facebook.com/mainecoon.nl/"><a href="https://www.facebook.com/mainecoon.nl/">Mainecoon.nl</a></blockquote></div></div>
My slogan isn't showing. I remember it showing, and don't remember tweaking anything related to it. Could someone tell me something I might've accidentally changed to make it not show up?

I tried the reset button but it didn't help. There's definitely plenty of room, I'm viewing my site in full screen 4k resolution, there's like a solid 6 inches of whitespace between the end of my text logo and the search bar.

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Currently when on responsive themes, there appears to be a large amount of empty header space below the logo, and above the navbar. Is there anyway to set the narrow responsive height? Or eliminate this padding/empty space.
Is there a setting to disable the circle avatars? Would prefer to use standard squares.

There is such a setting. Search for "uix_avatarShape" in your ACP.

Is there an option to hide the welcome block on mobile devices?

Unfortunately, there is no setting. You'll want to use one of Xenforo's designated breakpoint variables to apply custom CSS within a media query.

Could it be that on the visitor side panel in responsive mode the tab "external accounts" is missing? It's not there.

I can't confirm that to be the case. External Accounts shows up both in the side panel as well as the default dropdown menu.

Currently when on responsive themes, there appears to be a large amount of empty header space below the logo, and above the navbar. Is there anyway to set the narrow responsive height? Or eliminate this padding/empty space.

There is no responsive header white-space setting. You'll have to apply a custom padding rule to the ".Responsive .logoBlock .pageContent" selector under a media query.
My slogan isn't showing. I remember it showing, and don't remember tweaking anything related to it. Could someone tell me something I might've accidentally changed to make it not show up?

I tried the reset button but it didn't help. There's definitely plenty of room, I'm viewing my site in full screen 4k resolution, there's like a solid 6 inches of whitespace between the end of my text logo and the search bar.


It's hard telling without seeing the live site. Feel free to create a ticket. The link is in my signature.
Have some members using Internet Explorer complaining that when clicking a post link, theNavBar covers the beginning portion of the linked post. Also they are saying the "post arrows" in the threads are not functioning.

I have the option for HTML5, CSS3 etc. enabled - anything else that may fix this for IE 11.
I am looking to buy this theme but I ahve a few questions, it is compatible with Xenporta 2 and Resource manager? many thanks.
Have some members using Internet Explorer complaining that when clicking a post link, theNavBar covers the beginning portion of the linked post. Also they are saying the "post arrows" in the threads are not functioning.

I have the option for HTML5, CSS3 etc. enabled - anything else that may fix this for IE 11.

I've been able to replicate this and can confirm that it's a bug. Unfortunately there won't be anything you can do to resolve this (although it should work fine in most other browsers), but I'll work on a fix for our next release.
Hey @Mike Creuzer

The latest version of XFRM has schema.org structured data important for reviews. UI.X latest version shows resource_view template as outdated. Should update... :)
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