No permission to download
I can't afford to disable all of my add-ons for a day to troubleshoot. I haven't added any new add-ons. This problem seems to have started with iOS 8. I'm starting to get multiple confirmations. I may try the default XF theme and see if it continues.

The issue is definitely related to the text editing in the editor.
And you've updated to 1.4.2 and the current version of the theme?
Love the new Ad positions.

Suggestion: Can we have an advert position halfway through a thread, say, after message 10 of a 20 message page? It's a great way to boost ad revenue having this extra ad on display in between content.
Quick one - why have i got this 'split' menu item? It doesn't look right.


  • Screen Shot 2014-11-05 at 21.53.33.webp
    Screen Shot 2014-11-05 at 21.53.33.webp
    2 KB · Views: 13
Suggestion: Can we have an advert position halfway through a thread, say, after message 10 of a 20 message page? It's a great way to boost ad revenue having this extra ad on display in between content.

You can do that with a conditional statement.

For example: <xen:if is="{$post.position} % {$xenOptions.messagesPerPage} == 0 AND {$thread.reply_count} > 0">

More details and examples here: https://xenforo.com/community/resources/responsive-adsense.2084/ and here: https://xenforo.com/community/resources/conditional-statements.1604/
Have you got any addons that have modified the helper_login_form template?

Shouldn't be. If you'd like to compare code, feel free.

<xen:if is="!{$visitor.user_id}">

<xen:container var="$hideLoginBar">0</xen:container>
<form action="{xen:link 'login/login'}" method="post" class="xenForm<xen:if is="@uix_loginModalBox"> formOverlay</xen:if>" id="pageLogin">

    <xen:if hascontent="true">
        <div class="errorPanel"><span class="errors">
            <xen:contentcheck>{xen:raw $text}</xen:contentcheck>
    <h2 class="textHeading">{xen:phrase log_in_or_sign_up}</h2>

    <dl class="ctrlUnit">
        <dt><label for="ctrl_pageLogin_login">{xen:phrase your_name_or_email_address}:</label></dt>
        <dd><input type="text" name="login" value="{$defaultLogin}" id="ctrl_pageLogin_login" class="textCtrl" tabindex="1" /></dd>

<xen:if is="{$xenOptions.registrationSetup.enabled}">
    <dl class="ctrlUnit">
        <dt><label for="ctrl_pageLogin_password">{xen:phrase do_you_already_have_account}</label></dt>
                <li><label for="ctrl_pageLogin_not_registered"><input type="radio" name="register" value="1" id="ctrl_pageLogin_not_registered" tabindex="5" />
                    {xen:phrase no_create_account_now}</label></li>
                <li><label for="ctrl_pageLogin_registered"><input type="radio" name="register" value="0" id="ctrl_pageLogin_registered" checked="checked" class="Disabler" tabindex="5" />
                    {xen:phrase yes_my_password_is}:</label></li>
                <li id="ctrl_pageLogin_registered_Disabler">
                    <input type="password" name="password" class="textCtrl" id="ctrl_pageLogin_password" tabindex="2" />                  
                    <div><a href="{xen:link lost-password}" class="OverlayTrigger OverlayCloser" tabindex="6">{xen:phrase forgot_your_password}</a></div>
<xen:else />
    <dl class="ctrlUnit">
        <dt><label for="ctrl_pageLogin_password">{xen:phrase password}:</label></dt>
            <input type="password" name="password" class="textCtrl" id="ctrl_pageLogin_password" tabindex="2" />                  
            <div><a href="{xen:link lost-password}" class="OverlayTrigger OverlayCloser" tabindex="6">{xen:phrase forgot_your_password}</a></div>
    <xen:if is="{$captcha}">
        <dl class="ctrlUnit">
            <dt>{xen:phrase verification}:</dt>
            <dd>{xen:raw $captcha}</dd>

    <dl class="ctrlUnit submitUnit">
            <input type="submit" class="button primary" value="{xen:phrase log_in}" data-loginPhrase="{xen:phrase log_in}" data-signupPhrase="{xen:phrase sign_up}" tabindex="4" />
            <label class="rememberPassword"><input type="checkbox" name="remember" value="1" id="ctrl_pageLogin_remember" tabindex="3" /> {xen:phrase stay_logged_in}</label>
    <xen:if hascontent="true">
    <div class="uix_loginOptions">
    <xen:if is="{$xenOptions.facebookAppId}">
        <xen:require css="facebook.css" />
        <dl class="ctrlUnit">
            <dd><a href="{xen:link register/facebook, '', 'reg=1'}" class="fbLogin" tabindex="10"><span>{xen:phrase login_with_facebook}</span></a></dd>
    <xen:if is="{$xenOptions.twitterAppKey}">
        <xen:require css="twitter.css" />
        <dl class="ctrlUnit">
            <dd><a href="{xen:link register/twitter, '', 'reg=1'}" class="twitterLogin" tabindex="10"><span>{xen:phrase login_with_twitter}</span></a></dd>
    <xen:if is="{$xenOptions.googleClientId}">
        <xen:require css="google.css" />
        <dl class="ctrlUnit">
            <dd><span class="googleLogin GoogleLogin JsOnly" tabindex="10" data-client-id="{$xenOptions.googleClientId}" data-redirect-url="{xen:link register/google, '', 'code=__CODE__', 'csrf={$session.sessionCsrf}'}"><span>{xen:phrase login_with_google}</span></span></dd>
    <input type="hidden" name="cookie_check" value="1" />
    <input type="hidden" name="_xfToken" value="{$visitor.csrf_token_page}" />
    <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="{xen:if $redirect, $redirect, $requestPaths.requestUri}" />
    <xen:if is="{$postData}">
        <input type="hidden" name="postData" value="{xen:escape {xen:helper json, $postData}}" />


        var $button = $('#pageLogin input.button.primary');
        $('#pageLogin input[name="register"]').click(function()
                $('#pageLogin input[name="register"]:checked').val() == '1'
                ? $button.data('signupphrase')
                : $button.data('loginphrase')
Collapse icons.
Mike could we have an option for the font awesome collapse icon character please?
You use, at a guess, fa-plus [&#xf067;] and fa-minus [&#xf068;].
I would prefer to use fa-plus-square-o [&#xf196;] and fa-minus-square-o [&#xf147;]. If there was an option, it would be easy to change them.

Also could we have collapse icons for extraUserInfo in messageUserBlock please? Like we have on AVForums e.g. here: https://www.avforums.com/threads/samsung-ue-h6400-owners-thread-related-2014-6-series-tvs.1892808/

I would prefer to use fa-plus-square-o [&#xf196;] and fa-minus-square-o [&#xf147;]. If there was an option, it would be easy to change them.
Nice idea, however if anyone wants to know how to change them, in your EXTRA.css
.uix_icon-collapse:before {content: "\f147" !important;}
.node.collapsed .uix_collapseNodes .uix_icon:before {content: "\f196" !important;}
Suggestion. Could we have an extra option for the Navigation Style in the UI.X Navigation page, please?
I want to have the logo inside the User/Mod bar top left.
Like this.
Sorry for the delay in responses and a huge thanks to all of you helping with support. I know its a bit tacky, but doing this allows me to work on optimizations which is the main goal of the next release seeing as how there are next to no bugs and the ones that are reported are very very small. I know some of you who have responded recently may disagree, but here are my responses below.

OH and also, we've fixed the iOS 8 flicker on fixed sidebar/sticky nav. But the best part is that we completely re-optimized our javascript and can boast a significant load time increase. Ill post benchmarking results when we're finished up.

@Mike Creuzer RE: the tag line, no, no resolution. It left the border but moved the text lower so it sat outside the border.

Also, not sure about the mobile webmaster tools. I just copied what I had. Others might have different results.

As for the tagline, try reverting the slogan under UI.X logo. See if that helps for now as its working fine on my install. As for mobile webmaster tools, Ill defer to you guys then. If there is an improvement you'd like let me know and if a few people agree Ill make the change.

@Mike Creuzer - Again, thank you :)

Just two issues left:
  1. Previously, the tools 'drop-down' below a post was positioned left, can this be done?
  2. I didn't want the search box to appear as an icon permanently, I just wanted to know what percentage was used previously for making a search icon appear, rather than a search box (responsive)
I've also noticed there's a bug when using DigitalPoint's AdSense add-on (which means the ad can be seen behind the Quick Navigation Menu):
View attachment 87878


1. Right, no this can be done but this is by design. As the way it works will add 2 lines for mobile if you have a ton of buttons. We did this to save space even though Id agree left and right for tablet looks *slightly* better. But Ill take mobile over tablet any day for space optimization.

2. Yep this has been answered by @thejackarmy

As for your quick navigation bg transparency, Ive noticed this happens randomly. I dont know how to replicate the issue or whats causing it but every time I ignore it it magically goes away. The issue happens on the default theme sometimes too, its something with the quick nav.

I don't have any extra widgets for Taigachat installed. However, Mike stated that it was a theme issue which was going to be fixed.

I thought it was theme related, but since then we've noted it is due to a combination of certain plugins. Im not sure how to go about fixing it in every situation but since it works out of the box and with most plugins Ill wait to hear back on devs. If you want to try moving user tabs back to navigation (away from userbar) and let me know if the issue persists Ill take another look.

Why should I install a 3rd party plugin for this function to return again? It's a theme issue, not a software issue.

I think this is in reference to having to login every time? I noticed this issue as well, has anyone else noticed it?

One of the issues that I've had with some of the UI.X themes is that when you hit "reply" on a thread, it scrolls down the page to the quick reply box farther than is desired. A while back I posted about this in another forum section thinking it was a XF thing. Another member just posted a workaround for the problem here: https://xenforo.com/community/threads/thread-reply-button-scroll-to-bottom-issue.79864/#post-850179 My thought is that this padding value in the javascript should be incorporated as a UI.X global setting that could be passed as a variable to this line of javascript.

Does this seem workable?

That code uses .offset() which adds seconds to load time. We do something similar but it doesnt always work. I think most people can agree it works more times than it doesnt. We are considering revisiting this issue though in the next release. But the solution here will not suffice.

Is there any way to change the Log In tab to say Log In or Sign Up like the default theme has? I looked for a Log In phrase but couldn't find one.

We are considering adding a setting that adds login register as buttons. But we made it login to save space on mobile, no other reason. If its necessary, yes a phrase or template edit is required. There is a phrase called {xen:phrase login_or_signup} iirc.

View attachment 88173
I have a situation where the subforums appear red instead of white when there are no unread threads. I looked at the template I believe controls this, but I think that I could only find where it makes them change color when there is something unread on them.

Does anyone know the correct template and how to tell it to be like the parent forum when unread? Or could this be changed in the Style Properties?

If you create a ticket Ill take a look but since it looks like youve made changes its hard to say. But Im sure the solution is just a simple style property edit. I think at least.

Is there a way to get something like a BBCode link in the Welcome Block? Something like Welcome to show up as Welcome with a link to a thread?

It accepts HTML, not bbcode. The 'custom' welcome block is literally blank by default and its for doing anything you want in that area, essentially just a template include.

The user hasn't done any significant testing with other browsers. Being an iPhone forum, Safari is the predominant browser. Incredibly odd stuff like avatars appearing in emojis.

Edit: Of course, most folks won't report issues. They simply won't come back to your forum.

View attachment 88216

We do absolutely nothing with the editor other than change icons out. So I can say with almost absolute confidence this is not caused by UI.X. But if you can prove otherwise Ill look into as the last thing I want is people leaving your forums. UIX is a framework, it actually (wherever possible) stays out of hairy places where things can break with the ONLY exceptions being navigation/postbit because, well, XenForo love the software to death doesn't make it easy to customize things in these areas.

Does anyone know how to remove the signature auto-resizer code? I've got my own I put in the EXTRA.css, but some code within this theme is causing images to be extremely small until it's clicked. I've tested my code on the default theme and it works fine.

@thejackarmy To answer above, it happens to everyone.

We do not add any signature resizing code, so you'll want to consult XenForo general support here. As I dont know how to do this at first glance.

I can't afford to disable all of my add-ons for a day to troubleshoot. I haven't added any new add-ons. This problem seems to have started with iOS 8. I'm starting to get multiple confirmations. I may try the default XF theme and see if it continues.

The issue is definitely related to the text editing in the editor.

Yes as I said, absolutely nothing is done to the editor with regards to JS, which that issue clearly looks like to be related to. I imagine its a redactor issue, there are tons with iOS, some of which XenForo just fixed in 1.4.2 if I recall?

I cannot get Off Canvas navigation to work. It doesn't display anything even though its turned on in the settings. Any ideas?

Create a ticket Ill take a look, but yeah I need more info to test that. Unless I already solved this, sounds familiar :P Sorry!

Love the new Ad positions.

Suggestion: Can we have an advert position halfway through a thread, say, after message 10 of a 20 message page? It's a great way to boost ad revenue having this extra ad on display in between content.

We plan to release an advertisement manager plugin, but yeah Brogan's code works perfectly and is what you'd want.

Quick one - why have i got this 'split' menu item? It doesn't look right.

Did you edit navigation.css? If yes, this is why, XenForo updated this icon in 1.4.2. If no, create a ticket.
Collapse icons.
Mike could we have an option for the font awesome collapse icon character please?
You use, at a guess, fa-plus [&#xf067;] and fa-minus [&#xf068;].
I would prefer to use fa-plus-square-o [&#xf196;] and fa-minus-square-o [&#xf147;]. If there was an option, it would be easy to change them.

Also could we have collapse icons for extraUserInfo in messageUserBlock please? Like we have on AVForums e.g. here: https://www.avforums.com/threads/samsung-ue-h6400-owners-thread-related-2014-6-series-tvs.1892808/


As @thejackarmy said we do most of our icons in CSS so that they work with any icon set, not just fontawesome. But yeah you cannot use a variable which is the downside. It was a tough choice, but we find this way we can work with other icon sets without anyone forcing us to use fontAwesome. Unlike other themes which force it.

As for collapse extrauserinfo, I've added it to planned features :)

Suggestion. Could we have an extra option for the Navigation Style in the UI.X Navigation page, please?
I want to have the logo inside the User/Mod bar top left.
Like this.
View attachment 88393

I will consider this, but its a bit of a pain because of all the navigation styles and the organization. Other than in your example, I cannot think of a situation in which this would be useful. So I might not add this into the framework. What might make more sense is to just move the navigation, but Im not sure.
I will consider this, but its a bit of a pain because of all the navigation styles and the organization. Other than in your example, I cannot think of a situation in which this would be useful. So I might not add this into the framework. What might make more sense is to just move the navigation, but Im not sure.
Thanks for considering. Personally I think the best place for the logo is the far top left. Presumably if you're a left to right reading society then that's where you start reading the page. And since I like to keep the header as compact as possible, it's out of the way up there. And in the perfect place if you're having a slogan up there immediately to the right of it.
Thanks for the 1.4.2 update, @Mike Creuzer
1) The Search and More text in the popup search window is not aligned. More... and the arrow down are not vertically centered. A lot of other places got this issues as well like the Go to Content button in report center. I'll report when I come across them again.

View attachment 87419

2) You added this line ".redactor_dropdown a.icon" into the uix_icon.css which caused it to load the redactor background image in the dropdown bbcode menu
View attachment 87420
Yes, sorry for missing this, this has been sorted.
Attempted to get my login/password from Audentio.com and it isn't working. Sent an email a couple days ago for support without reply.

Would like to get logged in so I can download an update.
Did you get your account sorted? Apologies for missing this.
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