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I'm scared of losing everything I currently have if I run an upgrade, what's the best way going about it?

Just make sure you have a backup. Did you make all your changes to a sub-theme? If so, you have nothing at all to fear. If you made your changes directly to UI.X (which you should never do), you might be in a bit of trouble but that would be any theme not just UI.X.

Also thank you for the update Audentio, your designs are impeccable. Would expect something like this as a custom, not a $30 resource skin!

I appreciate your kind words very much!
When trying to use 1.4, it's not allowing me to pull font awesome images as they're said to be, whenever I try to change to use one they either appear as a '?' or a parallel lines.

Therefore I kept with using my original version, however in which the 'Sign up' button is no longer working!
When trying to use 1.4, it's not allowing me to pull font awesome images as they're said to be, whenever I try to change to use one they either appear as a '?' or a parallel lines.

Therefore I kept with using my original version, however in which the 'Sign up' button is no longer working!
Make sure you add 'fa ' in front of the class you are adding. For example "fa fa-book".
I don't recommend this update. Now the menu is not usable on mobile screens (!) and sidebar elements are out of place (pushed too far down).
I don't recommend this update. Now the menu is not usable on mobile screens (!) and sidebar elements are out of place (pushed too far down).
Why not just disable it then? Go to UI.X Sidebar and disable sticky sidebar and also off-canvas sidebar. And what sidebar elements get pushed down?
Why not just disable it then? Go to UI.X Sidebar and disable sticky sidebar and also off-canvas sidebar. And what sidebar elements get pushed down?
Ouch, my fault. I didn't even think about disabling the sticky sidebar, since it wasn't sticky before the update. Usually such options stays put. Now everything's in order :) thanks!
Ouch, my fault. I didn't even think about disabling the sticky sidebar, since it wasn't sticky before the update. Usually such options stays put. Now everything's in order :) thanks!
Apologies for that. We thought we tested every device, there are just a few that it could use some more work on. The next release should have sticky sidebar working flawlessly.
Ugh im screwed!!! Gonna have to start totally from scratch if i update.. :( thats the only thing about heavily modified custom styles i detest..
lol of course not. thats why im still using ver 0.0.1 beta001 ;) i bet the newer stuff if pretty sweet. :)
Yeah. But remember. ANY theme you install, make a child theme. We update our themes, other authors don't. Hence we get complained at when things break :P. Do the child theme method and you won't have anything to worry about but standard upgrade processes.
Yeah. But remember. ANY theme you install, make a child theme. We update our themes, other authors don't. Hence we get complained at when things break :p. Do the child theme method and you won't have anything to worry about but standard upgrade processes.
Yeah im not beating you up over my mistake.. This is the first third party style ive ever bought.. Ive always been fond of styling my own sites but i just couldnt pass up the fixed navigation and now im just addicted to the framework/UI and it just so happens to be one of those things i love to hate..
Yeah im not beating you up over my mistake.. This is the first third party style ive ever bought.. Ive always been fond of styling my own sites but i just couldnt pass up the fixed navigation and now im just addicted to the framework/UI and it just so happens to be one of those things i love to hate..
Haha :p Well I appreciate that you like the framework, we tried to make it an all-in-one make your own theme kind of framework and I honestly think we were quite successful. We use this for our own custom jobs and it is just a breeze.
well i suppose my need to always have the latest greatest has gotten the best of me.... Would this be the proper structure going forward.. (disregard the 1.3.1 build as i will delete that after i re replicate my current style as best as possible..
I'm thinking of adding Font Awesome icons next to node and category titles.

On the same line and next to the title. E.g. " ICON Node Title"

Please does anyone know whats an easy and effective way to go about doing this?

I'm thinking of adding Font Awesome icons next to node and category titles.

On the same line and next to the title. E.g. " ICON Node Title"

Please does anyone know whats an easy and effective way to go about doing this?

Open template node_category_level_1

<h3 class="nodeTitle"><a href="{xen:link categories, $category}">{$category.title}</a></h3>

Replace with:
<h3 class="nodeTitle"><a href="{xen:link categories, $category}"><i class="fa fa-home"></i> {$category.title}</a></h3>


Change fa fa-home in code with your desired icon.

*note: this will show the same icon to every category name
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