XenForo 1.5 discussion and feedback

Likewise, we did the update on a test board to see if any issues happened with our current set up but other than a few templates from our style it went well and the members love the new features!
It's obviously pretty close, but the exact release date will be driven by the quantity and severity of the bugs found during the Release Candidate stage. We won't release it until we're confident it's ready.
It's obviously pretty close, but the exact release date will be driven by the quantity and severity of the bugs found during the Release Candidate stage. We won't release it until we're confident it's ready.
Thank you!

I'm as excited to get to 1.5 as the next person, but I like the idea of having good software to use. The XF team does an outstanding job on good software.

Using another company's software - I found their updates were released when they weren't ready -and- the updates trashed features that worked in the previous version.
Now running 1.5.0 RC2. Everything upgraded perfectly and all add-ons seem to work. Loving the new features!! :D
Has anyone put together a "What's New" guide for 1.5 to show members? I almost pulled the trigger on RC2 but realized I'm not prepared to explain the new stuff.
Has anyone posted performance numbers after moving to 1.5?

Besides being able to remove a couple of addons because of now-core features, I'm really only interested in thread tagging. If there is any sort of performance decrease I'll happily stay on 1.4

Just upgraded on of my test forums to 1.5.0 and everything still seems to work fine. (16 add-ons)
Nice! :cool: (y)
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