Puntocom Aug 3, 2015 Can't wait for the stable release of XFMG with video uploading support. It's *perfect* for my community. Keep on the good work!
Can't wait for the stable release of XFMG with video uploading support. It's *perfect* for my community. Keep on the good work!
aculate Aug 3, 2011 hello, i don't see your website... i want to see how the spanish version looks like.. thanks
glorify Jan 19, 2011 Hey man. I was going to do a jquery scroller at the top of my forums like you have. Any possibility you can give me a write up and where to dl the script? Thanks.
Hey man. I was going to do a jquery scroller at the top of my forums like you have. Any possibility you can give me a write up and where to dl the script? Thanks.
Puntocom Dec 19, 2010 Si, vb4 da muchos problemas, no te arrepentirás. La traducción no está completa, si quieres echarnos una mano estaría bien.
Si, vb4 da muchos problemas, no te arrepentirás. La traducción no está completa, si quieres echarnos una mano estaría bien.
CRDeveloper Dec 19, 2010 Hola! Solo queria saludar y decirle gracias por su foro hispano! Tengo 2 comunidades en vb4 y quiero mover a xenforo pronto. Esta exelente este software!!!
Hola! Solo queria saludar y decirle gracias por su foro hispano! Tengo 2 comunidades en vb4 y quiero mover a xenforo pronto. Esta exelente este software!!!