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Bug! :)

When you disable parameters:
  • Sticky User Bar
  • Sticky Navigation
error appears:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property '0' of undefined functions.min.js?_v=0cb401be:1
(anonymous function) functions.min.js?_v=0cb401be:1
n.event.dispatch jquery-1.11.0.min.js:3
r.handle jquery-1.11.0.min.js:3

Shows that here:

Bug! :)

When you disable parameters:
  • Sticky User Bar
  • Sticky Navigation
error appears:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property '0' of undefined functions.min.js?_v=0cb401be:1
(anonymous function) functions.min.js?_v=0cb401be:1
n.event.dispatch jquery-1.11.0.min.js:3
r.handle jquery-1.11.0.min.js:3

Shows that here:

We recoded the sticky nav in the next release.
Well it's confusing. I see @Audentio says:

By now you might be sick of the major releases, but at this point we've decided that we've done all we can do on the 'major' side of things. We've added just the right amount of 'major' features to make this product just the perfect amount of powerful. And it is powerful. So I think it is fair to call this version the final (at least for XenForo 1.X).

But then on May 28th they release another update. So basically I am wondering if I install the latest version will I have outdated templates since 1.3.4 was released from Xenforo? Or will there be releases each time a new version of Xenforo comes out?
Well it's confusing. I see @Audentio says:
But then on May 28th they release another update. So basically I am wondering if I install the latest version will I have outdated templates since 1.3.4 was released from Xenforo? Or will there be releases each time a new version of Xenforo comes out?

It's not confusing if you follow along with what he has posted in the updates. The "major" updates are done for this version. His last release was a bug-fix, as no new features were introduced.

You will have at least one outdated template, navigation. (from what I can tell, at least upgrading there was one)

As far as releases, that I cannot answer. That is up to Audentio and his team.
Quick question, 'cause I'm not sure...

When upgrading to XF 1.3.4 I got navigation template outdated. What have you clicked?

Resolve parent, custom or both?

Did you use the next update for the recent themes you made and posted on Facebook?

Yes we did. Hence we are waiting to release those until this version of UI.X is out.

Well it's confusing. I see @Audentio says:

But then on May 28th they release another update. So basically I am wondering if I install the latest version will I have outdated templates since 1.3.4 was released from Xenforo? Or will there be releases each time a new version of Xenforo comes out?

As Sheldon said the last release were some minor bug fixes. This release I wouldn't necessarily call major but there are some new features. Like off canvas navigation and some fixes to the sticky navigation.

There will be new versions for major XenForo versions, but not always for smaller versions. We try to do every version but if we are in the middle of a feature, we cannot release in the middle. Releasing takes us about 1-2 days just because of all the hassle it is with all the themes. But like I said, this next release is going to be phenominal! :D I always recommend upgrading but it definitely is not necessary. Don't fix something unless its broke I suppose.

Quick question, 'cause I'm not sure...

When upgrading to XF 1.3.4 I got navigation template outdated. What have you clicked?

Resolve parent, custom or both?


If you want to be safe, wait for the official release, which we just are wrapping up.
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Oh, I did this on my test board, but what should I do now? Just leave this template outdated and wait for style update?
Well, the navigation template is a bit complex. So I suppose so. It is updated already on our end. So upgrading UI.X will fix this issue when we release.
Nice work Mike, it will makes my day :p
Can you tell more about the rework of the Sticky nav?
Well, I was trying to speed it up on mobile. Upon attempting this, we really optimized the hell out of it. Again. The main thing I learned though is that sticky navigations just aren't something mobile is entirely ready for. So we added settings to allow you to remove it for mobile. That said, if you START sticky, it works perfect. And don't get me wrong it works fine for most devices. But there are a few where its just a bit sluggish. I spent weeks, hired consultants, and the consensus is all the same.

So what do all the web's best sticky navs have in common? They START sticky. So thats our recommendation. And UI.X supports this. Just gotta tweak a few settings.
@Audentio I am playing with the latest version and have fixed navigation turned off but I still see requests for "Fixed navigation logo" to my server. I assume that if I have fixed navigation disabled it should not attempt to load the fixed navigation logo...
Does the next sticky nav will be able to know when the user scroll down? I mean that if we set the nav to be sticky at start, he will gain another status? (e.g, shorten the height of the nav). I guess that I'll have just to try it soon :)
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