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Oh yeah, it's a sprite :oops:

I'm trying to figure what is causing it to be loaded on the forum home page. The initiator is listed as xenforo.js?_v=9845499x:194 when looking in Chrome developer tools. It's loading the sprite from styles/uix/xenforo

It's just I don't see this on my other site running xenBlock
NVM Mike, managed to figure it out. It's the Gritter notifications causing it :(

Nope, not that :confused:
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Although, found something else that could by replaced with fontawsome


Changed the new alert icon to use the fontawsome one.
Glad you figured it out Matt.

The next release has a retina friendly icon sprite I'm quite fond of But replacing with font awesome works great too!
Awesome, awaiting UI.X and Quark! Thanks for your work on these, irrespective of the fact that my XF isn't even live yet :unsure:
It's Monday now in some parts of the world... :)
Ah so it is, wasn't thinking clearly. Just gotta package it up and release. I have to be some where in an hour so I probably won't release tonight, but first thing in the morning. Unless of course something major stops us, but so far I'm extremely happy with the progress we made this weekend and am absolutely relieved to finally release. I honestly hope after using the product and seeing all the [organized] settings we added it will make sense why it took so long.

Remember those issues where the content wrapper background was getting removed for removing tab links? We split that up in to two options now. All the bugs with the Styler? I can't find any (significant) now. All the issues with node table style not working on sub-forums, RSS icon alignment, etc? All fixed! We'll have a full changelog, I want to say its like 50 items long and some of the stuff we didn't log as we found them as we were going along and fixed them (and probably just forgot to log).
Remember those issues where the content wrapper background was getting removed for removing tab links?

I told you it was necessary =D I tried this one with Class some weeks ago and because of the margin-left and right at -16px , every elements were out of the main_container and it was very strange ^^'
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I told you it was necessary =D I tried this one with Class some weeks ago and because of the margin-left and right at -16px , every elements were out of the main_container and it was very strange ^^'
You still cannot remove the wrapper in Class (as it just doesn't make sense to due to the style that it is), but it won't cause a bug anymore.
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