No permission to download
Hey, I tried to import the UI.X theme but I've having trouble doing so. For some reason, the import hangs at 76% and the pages just stops with this [Image]

@Kcirtap, I've tried re-downloading the theme several times. I can't figure out what the problem is. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

I've experienced this before in the past when I've not paid close attention to upgrading apache / php [leaving default values in ini files). One time, the server memory setting was too low; I have several styles and these take a while to rebuild when installing a style / add-on. Ask your host to increase the memory available to the PHP environment. The other time this happened was basically because of high traffic on the website making it SLOW and consuming connections / memory - I hit a script execution time-out.
By default (I think, don't quote me) PHP's script execution time out is 30 seconds so you might want to up this, or ensure to close the site so you are not sharing processing cycles with many visitors.

Are you on shared hosting? If so, you may be unable to change any of these settings.

Tried this on a child style of UIX.Flex and it doesn't seem to work. It resolves to /styles/uiflex/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf?v=4.2.0 which is 404 error since it can't seem to get to the correct url which is /styles/uiflex/uix/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf?v=4.2.0
@Mike Creuzer
Customized Style Components: UI.Flex
There is a component called test which links to Style Properties: ├ [UI.X] Welcome Block
@Andy.N On occasion before now I've had to copy style resources into the same image path, but within my own style folder. Just copy the ui.x bundled images to the path reported in "view-source". If you've altered your image paths then these steps are just something you can expect to repeat for a few add-ons.

Hope this helps,

I've experienced this before in the past when I've not paid close attention to upgrading apache / php [leaving default values in ini files). One time, the server memory setting was too low; I have several styles and these take a while to rebuild when installing a style / add-on. Ask your host to increase the memory available to the PHP environment. The other time this happened was basically because of high traffic on the website making it SLOW and consuming connections / memory - I hit a script execution time-out.
By default (I think, don't quote me) PHP's script execution time out is 30 seconds so you might want to up this, or ensure to close the site so you are not sharing processing cycles with many visitors.

Are you on shared hosting? If so, you may be unable to change any of these settings.

Thanks, but I switched to a well-known hosting provider and thankfully the issue hasn't followed me! :)
Can you link me to this issue? I just searched and I couldn't find this.
Found it.
This is line 369 in your style XML
    <property property_name="messageLikesSummary" property_type="css"><![CDATA[{"background-color":"@breadBox.background-color","background-image":"@imagePath\/uiflex-dark\/navigation-tab.png","background-position":"0 0","background-repeat":"repeat-x","border-color":"@breadBox.border-color","border-radius":"@uix_globalBorderRadius","border-style":"solid","border-width":"1px","color":"@breadcrumbItemCrumb.color","margin-top":"@uix_gutterWidthSmall","padding-all":"@uix_gutterWidthSmall"}]]></property>
It refers to the image under /uiflex-dark/ which does not exist.
Found it.
This is line 369 in your style XML
    <property property_name="messageLikesSummary" property_type="css"><![CDATA[{"background-color":"@breadBox.background-color","background-image":"@imagePath\/uiflex-dark\/navigation-tab.png","background-position":"0 0","background-repeat":"repeat-x","border-color":"@breadBox.border-color","border-radius":"@uix_globalBorderRadius","border-style":"solid","border-width":"1px","color":"@breadcrumbItemCrumb.color","margin-top":"@uix_gutterWidthSmall","padding-all":"@uix_gutterWidthSmall"}]]></property>
It refers to the image under /uiflex-dark/ which does not exist.
Good find, thank you!
@Andy.N as a temporary measure I suppose you could add this image to /styles/uiflex/uiflex-dark/


  • navigation-tab.webp
    150 bytes · Views: 5
I actually removed all the background images, gradients, etc. I want to have a flat style without rounded corner, etc.
I actually removed all the background images, gradients, etc. I want to have a flat style without rounded corner, etc.
Did you remove them from your server? If so that may explain the problem, best way to remove background images/gradients is via Style Properties or a css edit.
Did you remove them from your server? If so that may explain the problem, best way to remove background images/gradients is via Style Properties or a css edit.
Nope. I did everything from stype property. The missing 404 is right off a fresh installation.
Some bugs reported
1) Log in as admin, the deleted post check box is clipped on the top. Maybe we can replace that sprite image with fontawesome as well? (fa-square-o and fa-check-square-o)
Screen Shot 2014-10-13 at 11.00.13 PM.webp

2) As admin with sticky navigation bar turned on, the last unread post of a thread will be hidden because the height of the admin bar + sticky nav bar will cover it.

Screen Shot 2014-10-13 at 11.05.37 PM.webp

This is the content of the post being covered by the sticky nav and admin bar.
Screen Shot 2014-10-13 at 11.06.06 PM.webp

A possible solution would be to not sticky the admin bar?
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