s9e Media Sites

s9e Media Sites 2.15.6

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Hi, the addon is great - but doesnt show actual price drops at amazon

For example,

Is showing 46.99€ - but currently its only 39.99€
For what it's worth, the embed showed me the discounted price earlier today and now it has reverted to the full price on some browsers but not all. Either way, that's on Amazon's side, they decide what to display and there's no option to show or hide discounts. It probably has something to do with their internal cache.
Any idea what would be causing this sporadically for some users? Here's an example where this user didn't see the instagram but once they quoted the post, it worked just fine. XF 2.2.8 and AddOn 2.7.6

Any idea what would be causing this sporadically for some users?
Not at a glance, no. If that's the same page and the page has just loaded, it may just be that Instagram was unavailable for a moment. If the second, quoted post was added dynamically (not on the page when it first loaded) then it might be that a third party is blocking the embed loader. There may be more info in the browser's console.
TikTok short links (those that start with "vm.") need to be resolved in order to be embedded. That requires contacting TikTok's servers, and they're a bit finicky. Make sure you have the latest version of the add-on, see if they like it better.

Otherwise, paste the link into your browser then use the canonical URL to embed.
Not at a glance, no. If that's the same page and the page has just loaded, it may just be that Instagram was unavailable for a moment. If the second, quoted post was added dynamically (not on the page when it first loaded) then it might be that a third party is blocking the embed loader. There may be more info in the browser's console.
I got the user to send me a console copy/paste and not seeing anything obvious. Was told the failed load was twitter but that isn't in the console. Any other advice for me? I am likely just going to tell him sorry. Just strange as he reports it on desktop and mobile which is interesting. Could be the same network perhaps.
@jscherbel Send me a link to the page that doesn't load and I'll take a look at it. If that issue is reproducible I'd need to know the exact steps, including the browser used. Also, does it happen with every tweet? Instagram too, judging by the screenshot?
There's a button on that same page that toggles each media site individually. If you don't see it, you can edit the media site and either disable it or disable auto-embed for this site only.
After posting there only the message loading tweat
While during the postfase the Twitter message was compleet!
It works for me. In what browser does that not work for you? Is there any errors in the browser's console? Have you tried using XenForo's default style, unchanged?
Not "based on", do try using the exact default style. I see that new lines have been removed from the page source and some JavaScript is incorrect too, that may have something to do with it.

Firefox works fine for me too, as long as Tracking Protection is off. I expect anti-tracking extensions to block it too, yes. Tweets are embedded with DNT enabled, for what it's worth.
All my styles are children of the XF default style, so it very strange that you see that new lines have been removed from the page source and some JavaScript is incorrect too
They are unrelated. Whatever removes new lines from the output is unrelated to styling. It might be an add-on or even some sort of Apache module or proxy.
It's been requested a couple of times, not sure if it was in this thread. Embedding maps requires an API key and would be better handled by a specialized add-on.
An API key isn't needed to embed maps if they are just general maps, or routes. Only when maps are pointed to a specific location/place do they need an API key, apparently.

In my case, it is a matter of extracting one (very long) variable from Google's embed URL. It can be done manually using XF's Custom BB Code, but it's hard to get members to do it correctly. Regex would extract it and display it in a forum post automatically.

<iframe src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!1m52!1m12!1m3!1d6492750.964612266!2d-95.74303779671051!3d37.38300765853405!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!4m37!3e0!4m5!1s0x8620a454b2118265%3A0xdb065be85e22d3b4!2sNew%20Orleans%2C%20LA!3m2!1d29.9510658!2d-90.0715323!4m5!1s0x8628e027f6b111b9%3A0x77422a69074f7bc0!2sVicksburg%2C%20MS!3m2!1d32.352645599999995!2d-90.877882!4m5!1s0x87d57e1eea439745%3A0xd193f315601ab6fe!2sMemphis%2C%20TN!3m2!1d35.1495343!2d-90.0489801!4m5!1s0x87d8b4a9faed8ef9%3A0xbe39eaca22bbe05b!2sSt%20Louis%2C%20MO!3m2!1d38.627002499999996!2d-90.19940419999999!4m5!1s0x87e234c5e012a2f1%3A0xe8ea1f6356581fb0!2sDavenport%2C%20IA!3m2!1d41.5236437!2d-90.5776367!4m5!1s0x52b2d4cee4e9379f%3A0xc87291d23fda2e29!2sSt%20Paul%2C%20MN!3m2!1d44.953702899999996!2d-93.0899578!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sus!4v1646067049399!5m2!1sen!2sus" width="600" height="450" style="border:0;" allowfullscreen="" loading="lazy"></iframe>

Basically, everything between the pb= and the closing ". I can match it using PCRE regex myself (testing it at regex101.com), but can't get it to work in the BB code media site editor. Maybe because the regex field in the BBCode setup needs to be a URL and not an iframe?

We have a members-only section on the site where we often post travel routes, and it is much easier to include an embedded map vs. copying and pasting numerous screenshots.
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