[DBTech] DragonByte Member Map

[DBTech] DragonByte Member Map 2.5.0

No permission to download
This is not a bug. If you have multiple users with the exact same latitude and longitudes, then they will never expand further than what you see.

This is why the option to disable clustering was added :)


Hmm.. Isn't there a maxzoom parameter for markerclusterer that's supposed to decluster beyond set zoom level? It may not be a bug but a bit of a pain as large number of IPs would typically resolve to the exact same location hence these users will never be selectable.
Isn't there a maxzoom parameter for markerclusterer that's supposed to decluster beyond set zoom level?
I see, I was not aware of this setting. I'll set maxZoom to 7 in the next version.

It may not be a bug but a bit of a pain as large number of IPs would typically resolve to the exact same location hence these users will never be selectable.
Can you still see the pins if they are located in the exact same location, though? 🤔

I see, I was not aware of this setting. I'll set maxZoom to 7 in the next version.

Great, better yet you can add is as an option to ACP for folks can fine tune it a little.
Can you still see the pins if they are located in the exact same location, though? 🤔


Nope, no pins. Just cluster markers at max zoom. Hence the issue.
I meant without the cluster :p


Ooof, first time I tried it without clustering and it's pretty unusable (all sorts of rendering issues with so many pins). From what I can tell there were no pins where marker was showing at max zoom but very difficult to do a scientific use case on this one.
Ooof, first time I tried it without clustering and it's pretty unusable (all sorts of rendering issues with so many pins). From what I can tell there were no pins where marker was showing at max zoom but very difficult to do a scientific use case on this one.
Thought as much.

If the user can't change their own location, their location will be updated with the current coords of their device when they view the member map. Since there's obviously no way to poll users' devices without them expressly giving consent and visiting the site / map, this is the best compromise.

@DragonByte Tech ,

what I would love to see coming up in an update would be those options, that lived in an XF1 member map:


and in postbit a functional link to the users location, if given:

Any chance, Fillip? Come oooon.... ;)
what I would love to see coming up in an update would be those options, that lived in an XF1 member map
Given that this is a free mod, updates are mostly going to be bugfixes unless they represent an unique technical challenge that I'm interested in undertaking, or if we get hired to make an update to the mod.

Given that this is a free mod, updates are mostly going to be bugfixes unless they represent an unique technical challenge that I'm interested in undertaking, or if we get hired to make an update to the mod.


"Given the fact, that many would be happy to pay for this addon..." - sounds familiar, he ?

heck, you know this ain´t the answer I was looking to get. This is a mod I am using since vb (2.. ?), at least 3. And thousands do still, wether they are on Xenforo or vB. That´s how long? 10, 12, 14 years? I´m not complaining, when an addon transforms in a paid one. At least not as a Xenforo addon, when people have to write it, support it and have to make a living. Guess there´ll be few who still stick to the old vb behaviour "it´s only good, when its free".

Check your download or install numbers for that addon, multiply by 10 or 15 bugs and check if that would cover development costs twice. If so, start coding, please. For gods sake: you did this version published here completly for free! So, come on and make some profit out of it. Listen to the community, as we are most likely your existing or potential customers, too ;)

Check your download or install numbers for that addon, multiply by 10 or 15 bugs and check if that would cover development costs twice.
According to the download counter here @ XF.com, the highest number of downloads was for v2.0.0b1, which was 52. Even if we assume 100% of people would purchase it, that's 52*10 or $520. That would not cover the cost of development of all the features in your screenshot once, much less twice :p

Of course, that maths is entirely flawed as it does not account for the hit we would take to our reputation, not to mention that not everyone is willing to pay $10 for something today when they got it free yesterday.

I should clarify; "cost of development" is not only "the time it takes to develop feature X multiplied by hourly rate Y". Time spent working on mod A is time not spent working on mod B, so the cost of development has to (at least partially) cover for the delay in releasing mod B.

In short: based on the current user base numbers, it would not be financially viable for us to convert this mod to a paid mod.

According to the download counter here @ XF.com, the highest number of downloads was for v2.0.0b1, which was 52.

Do I believe that?! You can't just go there and check the actual download numbers. That's clearly a foul, Fillip ;)

Anyway, I hear you. But you should take into account, that there was another member map addon by localhost (https://xenforo.com/community/threads/xenforo-user-map-deleted.64760/). And so far I could wittness, this was the map that was used in most of the forums I have visited over time. Unfortunal there are no download #'s available, since localhorst processed it all via email and conversations. But as far as I can tell: from all the forums in germany, AFAIR it was one that had another map addon installed. Guess, that should have been yours. I know, that doesn´t make it easier to calculate though.

Can you point out, where the marginal product would have to be, to cover the transaction costs?
Can you point out, where the marginal product would have to be, to cover the transaction costs?
I don't have any exact threshold figures, no.

In either case, the point is that I will still update this mod and those features may arrive, how and when depends on when I need a break from regularly scheduled development or if I'm just inspired for whatever reason.

There are some people in the German Xenforo Support Forum who would purchase/pay more than just a license. Right now a small group is thinking about winning a developer for a completely new implementation. That probably won't work, but the will (some money) is there.

Very often used maps in Xenforo 1 were the map by localhost as well as the map by Crispin. The latter is running on my forum. I switch to Xenforo 2.1 in spring and would then be without membermap.
Why? Although it is not clear, the automatic entry of the users into the map is possibly problematic concerning GDPR, at least however it does not please all members. So I may not be allowed / willing to use yours.

So it would be great if your map, as the only current serious option for a map for XF2, could allow users with a checkbox ( or even better, like Crispins map ) with an additional location field to decide if they want to appear on the map.

What do you need to realize this function, please? I would go "collecting" to inspire you.

Your map could become THE ONE Xenforo2 map if it really gets started and builds up a lead. And of course, as @Sperber writes, the map can and should become fee-based to pay the costs. In order not to endanger your user base, you could possibly offer two branches - a limited solution like now for free and a more complex one with desired functions. The latter might cost $ 30-50 if it becomes really powerful. Maybe your bill will fit.

But in any case: thank you for your map for Xenforo2!
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I think you might be right, I use Justin's add on to fill that gap for that custom user field on my 1.5 installation. The map_location field.
It would be nice to have that integrated into the core map add on though, seeing as it relies on those values to populate the map accurately.
i have a question about the google map api.
it is free ?

the add on is only working with google api, not leaflet ?
Seem to be getting the missing phar wrapper error below, even though phar is showing as enabled on my php info page

UnexpectedValueException: RecursiveDirectoryIterator::__construct(): Unable to find the wrapper "phar" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP? in src/addons/DBTech/MemberMap/Repository/GeoIp.php at line 133

    PharData->__construct() in src/addons/DBTech/MemberMap/Repository/GeoIp.php at line 133
    DBTech\MemberMap\Repository\GeoIp->geoIpUpdate() in src/addons/DBTech/MemberMap/Setup.php at line 106
    DBTech\MemberMap\Setup->postInstall() in src/XF/AddOn/AddOn.php at line 560
    XF\AddOn\AddOn->postInstall() in src/XF/Admin/Controller/AddOn.php at line 573
    XF\Admin\Controller\AddOn->actionFinalize() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 249
    XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchClass() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 88
    XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchLoop() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 41
    XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->run() in src/XF/App.php at line 1934
    XF\App->run() in src/XF.php at line 333
    XF::runApp() in admin.php at line 13
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