Conversation Essentials

Conversation Essentials [Paid] 1.14.1

No permission to buy ($45.00)
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This add-on doesn't support conversation indexing being disabled, it is on my todo list to improve how the general search works because of the issue you've identified.

Will this search improvement be part of Conversation Essentials, or is it planned to be a separate new add-on?
Will this search improvement be part of Conversation Essentials, or is it planned to be a separate new add-on?
It will be part of Elastic Search Essentials v2.0.0, and will also allow searching of deleted/moderated content without degrading search for normal users. I will also update Report Improvements, Conversation Improvements, Word Count search to support it.

This major overhaul should be finished in ~2 weeks.
there's at least a little interest in this, so maybe you can strip and replace that function from essentials to improvements? something to think about at least.
The kick feature in Essentials is actually reasonably complex. It adds a graphic showing they are kicked, the ability to invite them (showing how many you can invite and still re-invite kicked users), alerts on kicks and invites, and some other details.

I've successfully removed the Likes and Searching from Conversation Essentials to use the versions in Conversation Improvements and I'm considering reducing Conversation Essentials in price to compensate.

I'm in the process of updating bits & pieces, and some bugfixing. This includes updating the export to thread feature so it handles attachments, and a more convenient 'export entire conversation' rather than individual posts.
I've successfully removed the Likes and Searching from Conversation Essentials to use the versions in Conversation Improvements and I'm considering reducing Conversation Essentials in price to compensate.

What will the difference of those add-ons be? I've purchased Conversation Essentials and like all features of it. Now I'm reading they're gonna be stripped and put in a second add-on? Or am I missing something?
What will the difference of those add-ons be? I've purchased Conversation Essentials and like all features of it. Now I'm reading they're gonna be stripped and put in a second add-on? Or am I missing something?
I have another the free add-on Conversation Improvements By Xon, which contains feature overlap for Search and Likes. It's version of search is more complete, and has a simpler (but just as functional) implementation for Likes.

I plan to bundle latest version of Conversation Improvements with the next version of Conversation Essentials. The only difference will be there will be two add-ons, rather than 1 but it will have the same functionality. With Conversation Improvements, you'll get more functionality.

The major functional changes are:
  • You need to have Conversation Essentials installed to turn off Search from Conversation Improvements :p
  • To turn off Likes, revoke the relevant permission. The global option to disable Conversation Likes will be removed.
  • Most complex template modifications are pushed into templates with a simpler template modification.
  • Extra add-ons based off this one will be completely broken due to backend structure change.
  • Conversation Essential's "Conversation Message Like" permission will be migrated to Conversation Improvements "Conversation Message Like".
  • Conversation Essential's "Edit Any Conversation" permission will be migrated to Conversation Improvements "Manage Any Conversation".
  • Some Conversation Essential's options will be tweaked.
So there will still be 2 addons, it's just that if you have ConvEss then you have to also have ConvImp installed, correct?

I like what I see so far
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So I am confused.
I have ConvEss but not have ConvImp installed.
What I reading here, free ConvImp will be replacing (in time) payed ConvEss?

You are owner of both addon Xon.
Why just set up one as light version of another one?
Same is with ModEss addon
Sorry about the confusion.

So there will still be 2 addons, it's just that if you have ConvEss then you have to also have ConvImp installed, correct?

I like what I see so far

Currently having both installed causes some wonky issues, but I'm working on fixing that.

So I am confused.
I have ConvEss but not have ConvImp installed.
What I reading here, free ConvImp will be replacing (in time) payed ConvEss?

You are owner of both addon Xon.
Why just set up one as light version of another one?
Same is with ModEss addon
ConvEss will require ConvImp. Functionality that is free in ConvImp will remain free.

I'm attempting to stop having two separate codebases which do the same thing, slightly differently.
Just notice us (when it will be need it) with alert or email (us who has payed "ess" addons) that we must install those free addons
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Hmmm, I've now granted my users the ability to lock their own threads. However, they can still write in their threads without unlocking them first which confused some of my moderators (and I believe it would have confused me, too).
I've successfully removed the Likes and Searching from Conversation Essentials to use the versions in Conversation Improvements and I'm considering reducing Conversation Essentials in price to compensate.

I'm a little confused here :)

I have Conversation Essentials installed without Conversation Improvements, but I still have the like feature. I also still see the Conversation Essentials search templates on the Template Modification list.
I'm a little confused here :)

I have Conversation Essentials installed without Conversation Improvements, but I still have the like feature. I also still see the Conversation Essentials search templates on the Template Modification list.
The next version hasn't been released yet, some other breakfix work has come up before I could finish the next version Conversation Essentials.
I have a suggestion for ConvEss: split a conversation (aka "move to new Conversation"). My users tend to just start a totally different new topic in the same conversation. I would like to have the ability to inline-mod select the conversation replies and move them to a NEW conversation where I can give a new conversation title.
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@Xon, can we have a small notice on conversation page warning users about pruning if option is enabled?

All conversations older than X days will be deleted.

Any chance of adding live updates to conversation messages with this Xon? Or even adding something like the message bar that appears on threads to let users know there's new replies?

Conversation are in desperate need of a push towards real time chat functionality

This seems to be the only add on that does it:
(Which seems to work okay to it's credit, upon a quick demo, but I already have a licence for Conversation Essentials I'd like to make use out of, and live updates is a real conversation essential these days)
thinking of getting this since this has exactly what I need but it is still missing 1 feature I really need and there isn't any current add-ones that do this most of them have become unmaintained and are no longer working..

@Xon will you ever implement a feature for Admin/Moderators only to have access to read anyones conversations? as in Eg you go to search and there is a tab "search user's conversations" or type in specific users in search:
User1, User2

then show all conversations from User1 & User 2

or simply go to the user's profile and click on a button that assigns the admin/moderator to view and read all that specific users conversations.

I really loved this plugin here:

but it no longer works :( but as you can see each Moderator Or Admin can assign specific user inboxes and he can keep checking those specific users inboxes until he decides to remove them from his Conversation Tab View.

I really need something like this but there isn't anything out there that I can find that is still being maintained..
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@Xon will you ever implement a feature for Admin/Moderators only to have access to read anyones conversations? as in Eg you go to search and there is a tab "search user's conversations" or type in specific users in search:

@XxUnkn0wnxX Conversation Essentials does not support that feature.

Please do not consider such a feature within this add-on. Otherwise we would have to uninstall and could no longer use it, because we've an obligation to not read private conversations between users. Thanks.
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