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[bd] Widget Framework 2.6.6

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sorry, can not find what you mean...?

The issue seems to be due to a line of code in the Widget Framework add-on.
In that add-on in file Extend/Model/Thread.php on line 61 it says
if (!empty($fetchOptions['last_post_join']) AND empty($fetchOptions['join'])) {
Replace that with:
if (!empty($fetchOptions['last_post_join'])) {

That line of code is expecting an empty ‘join’ field which is not the case when my add-on is active.
I have contacted xfrocks in order to get his opinion about this matter.
I have a problem with the birthday widget, it is several days it show always the same users, some of them even don't have a bday date set...

EDIT: i tried to modify the renderer (Birthday.php) but even adding conditions and forcing a particular date doesn't change anything :(
I have a problem with the birthday widget, it is several days it show always the same users, some of them even don't have a bday date set...

EDIT: i tried to modify the renderer (Birthday.php) but even adding conditions and forcing a particular date doesn't change anything :(
Hi xfrocks,

I have added a widget for "Threads / New Replies", but this is also showing the very first post in a new Forum-Thread.
So it actually shows the very first post of a new thread, which actually is not a "Reply".

Just wondering if this is normal and if this is how this widget is supposed to be working ?

Many thanks!
Hi xfrocks,

I have added a widget for "Threads / New Replies", but this is also showing the very first post in a new Forum-Thread.
So it actually shows the very first post of a new thread, which actually is not a "Reply".

Just wondering if this is normal and if this is how this widget is supposed to be working ?

Many thanks!
Yes. Should name it latest posts.
Hi xfrocks

Love the widget framework. Wanted to extend the Advanced template renderer to pass some custom data to the template which I was calling in the renderer, and it took me 5 mins to use the widget framework ready event listener and create a renderer which extended the template renderer and set a data parameter in the _render method!

Brilliant! (y)
I have a question about usergroups. Its possible to only SHOW a widget to a specific usergroup but as i have some user that belong to two usergroups (primary and secondary groups) I am looking for an option to HIDE widgets for a certain usergroup number.

In earlier versions it was possible to use the conditionals of xenforo I believe but they dont seem to work anymore.
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