Ads Manager by Siropu

Ads Manager by Siropu [Paid] 1.26.9

No permission to buy (€49.99)
Use device criteria and select footer position.
Add this in EXTRA.css:
.samCodeUnit.footer {
     position: fixed;
     bottom: 2px;
     left: 2px;
     right: 2px;
To rotate ads, use a package and make the above changes in the package. Create and assign each ad to the package to inherit its settings. If you have any other questions regrading this, please send me a PM.
Hello @Siropu i have done this, and the banner does not stick at the bottom.
maybe you dont understand me. i want the banner to be stuck to the screen and display at all times.
@Siropu --

I can't get adblocking detection to work. I've got it set to "Replace ad with a message", but nothing happens even when i'm running ad block pro. Do I need to create a message somewhere?

Does this feature work with UI.X? Do I need to revert a template somewhere?

I'm building a new forum in XenForo that will have an existing FluxBB site ported over, so I'm doing a few installs of the software to familiarize myself with it.

Right now I've got a vanilla XenForo 1.5.12 install, with ONLY the Ads Manager 1.26.0 installed. I've uploaded a banner ad, if I place it into the Header position, the top breadcrumbs disappear and a couple of floating white arrows appear. If I move the banner to the Above Top Breadcrumb position, the top breadcrumbs reappear. Can the Header issue be investigated please? I can forward screenshots/HTML if requested.

Further to the above... a subsequent add-on I've installed appears to have disabled header / footer banners altogether. Is there a particular file I should be looking for that would indicate if another add-on has overwritten this?

The above behaviour with the missing breadcrumbs was ONLY with the Ads Manager installed, nothing else, on a fresh XenForo install.
Can the Header issue be investigated please?
The header problem is due to absolute positioning of the header and it's an expected behavior (on default style and default based) when placing something with a height bigger than the logo. To fix this issue, go to Appearance > Style Properties > Header and set a higher height for logo.
urther to the above... a subsequent add-on I've installed appears to have disabled header / footer banners altogether.
What add-on is that?
Thanks for the tip on the header, the last time I built the board I had uploaded a logo that prevented the issue, this time I was just building the software and the add-ons with no changes except placeholder ads.

What add-on is that?

One of the following :/ Any pointers on what file Ads Manager uses to position the header? I'll look to see if one of the following has done something before I start rebuilding.
Did a rebuild - the header banner disappears if I select 3 or more Google Adsense units on the page from the same Adsense ad created in Ads Manager.

Only the Header position seems to be affected - I can run the banner ad in Header, Above Content, Below Content no problem, as soon as a third Google Adsense appears on the page, the Header disappears and the Above Content / Below Content banners remain. As soon as I reduce the Adsense to two instances, the Header banner re-appears.

Should I be using separate Google Adsense instances for each Adsense location? I'm using a single responsive ad unit and selecting multiple locations for it.
@Siropu --
with "display priority" the higher the number, the more probable the ad is to come up. But what is the actual equation for determining if an ad comes up? ie, is a priority of "50" five times as likely to come up as a priority of "10"?
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