[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) PRO

[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) PRO [Paid] 1.2.2b

No permission to buy ($40.00)

I have XenPorta 2 Pro 1.1.4 installed and I would like to display on my forum some widgets regarding resources:
Random resources, top resources, etc...
How to do that?
Do I have to download some additional widget or I have to create them by myself?


I have an additional question.
I would like to delete the display of these elements on the homepage:
- The breadcrumb
- The website title
- The information displayed under the title (meta description)

Thanks in advance

ok, I found a big issue for me @Jaxel . I have the add-on Article Manager and by default, this add-on has its home as "articles". So, in your add-on, home is also set as "articles" so when I click on my tab for "blog" (which is the article manager) it takes me back to your add-on home page.

So my home is http://www.mywebsite.com/forum/index.php (your add-on opens up as home page)
My blog tab is also http://www.mywebsite.com/forum/index.php and opens up your add-on home page and I don't go to my blogs created with Article Manager.

How do I edit either your addon to be for example home/ instead of articles/ ?

Maybe @wang wants to put his 2 cents in this at this time since both of these add-on are sort off conflicting right now.
I am now getting Error 500 due to bbcode cannot declare class because it is already in use. How do I fix this?
Trying to uninstall and getting this:

Not sure how to fix :/
Guess we're going back to no support again. Note to self. Don't buy any more add-ons from xenforo. Unless it's from Siropu who always gives the best support.
Guess we're going back to no support again. Note to self. Don't buy any more add-ons from xenforo. Unless it's from Siropu who always gives the best support.
God forbid I take the ****ing weekend off, and then have a busy day on Monday because some of my clients use GoDaddy and their servers have been crashing and burning all weekend, so I can't get to XF stuff... but noooo... you ****ing selfish ****ing *******s have no patience.

Trying to uninstall and getting this:

Not sure how to fix :/
Sounds like you deleted the databases before you uninstalled... You cant do this as it wouldn't know what templates for widgets to delete. Restore the databases and try again.

I am now getting Error 500 due to bbcode cannot declare class because it is already in use. How do I fix this?
Run the upgrade script.

ok, I found a big issue for me @Jaxel . I have the add-on Article Manager and by default, this add-on has its home as "articles". So, in your add-on, home is also set as "articles" so when I click on my tab for "blog" (which is the article manager) it takes me back to your add-on home page.

So my home is http://www.mywebsite.com/forum/index.php (your add-on opens up as home page)
My blog tab is also http://www.mywebsite.com/forum/index.php and opens up your add-on home page and I don't go to my blogs created with Article Manager.

How do I edit either your addon to be for example home/ instead of articles/ ?

Maybe @wang wants to put his 2 cents in this at this time since both of these add-on are sort off conflicting right now.
XF has a built in route changer... but I'm not sure how its going to help in this case. I think you'll have to modify the route prefix itself and then modify the associated interfaces and templates.
I have an additional question.
I would like to delete the display of these elements on the homepage:
- The breadcrumb
- The website title
- The information displayed under the title (meta description)

Thanks in advance

Use CSS to hide these elements...


I have XenPorta 2 Pro 1.1.4 installed and I would like to display on my forum some widgets regarding resources:
Random resources, top resources, etc...
How to do that?
Do I have to download some additional widget or I have to create them by myself?


Click the install widgets button on the widgets list. There are included widgets for these.
Hi Jaxel,
Click the install widgets button on the widgets list. There are included widgets for these.
Many thanks for your reply and please take time to rest ;-)... no emergencies for me.
I have tried to install new widgts but not found some regarding ressources module... maybe it is in a further version (I have not yet upgraded to the last one).
Here is the list of widgets proposed:
@Jaxel I had backed up my entire forum and database (moved from a windows server to a ubuntu server). Everything went fine except for XenPorta and XenRio (Was able to uninstall that though). Is there a manual way for me to remove it so I can re-install?
Hi Jaxel,

Many thanks for your reply and please take time to rest ;-)... no emergencies for me.
I have tried to install new widgts but not found some regarding ressources module... maybe it is in a further version (I have not yet upgraded to the last one).
Here is the list of widgets proposed:
View attachment 139628View attachment 139629
Resource widgets were added in 1.1.6

@Jaxel I had backed up my entire forum and database (moved from a windows server to a ubuntu server). Everything went fine except for XenPorta and XenRio (Was able to uninstall that though). Is there a manual way for me to remove it so I can re-install?
Try installing it again, then uninstall. Or remove the relevant lines from the uninstall script.
Hello, I have just purchased this addon - a couple of things I would like to do and was wondering if you could assist?
1. On the tabbed threads widget is it possible to have one tab showing popular, one showing most answers and one showing most liked? Perhaps someone has created this widget?
2. If I can't do this above, I can't seem to have BD Widget framework playing nicely with this add on. If I use bd frame work as the default home page and enable XenPorta - the link appears in the heading tabs. I can't get around this by changing any of the standard options. Is there a way to make them work together?
3. Is there a block for creating a dynamic list of categories / forums?


Hello, I have just purchased this addon - a couple of things I would like to do and was wondering if you could assist?
1. On the tabbed threads widget is it possible to have one tab showing popular, one showing most answers and one showing most liked? Perhaps someone has created this widget?
2. If I can't do this above, I can't seem to have BD Widget framework playing nicely with this add on. If I use bd frame work as the default home page and enable XenPorta - the link appears in the heading tabs. I can't get around this by changing any of the standard options. Is there a way to make them work together?
3. Is there a block for creating a dynamic list of categories / forums?


Is there a possibility to do a raw php widget? I need to add some code to that does look ups in some tables and just want to output it in a div here. Maybe it is in here somewhere and I just don't find it.
Having a problem with extending the Threads Tabbed widget.

Currently the widget displays 5 tabs, I wanted to extend them and create more tabs, however when I create a new tab nothing displays on the main page. Any Idea what im not doing correctly?

God forbid I take the ****ing weekend off, and then have a busy day on Monday because some of my clients use GoDaddy and their servers have been crashing and burning all weekend, so I can't get to XF stuff... but noooo... you ****ing selfish ****ing *******s have no patience.

Sounds like you deleted the databases before you uninstalled... You cant do this as it wouldn't know what templates for widgets to delete. Restore the databases and try again.

Run the upgrade script.

XF has a built in route changer... but I'm not sure how its going to help in this case. I think you'll have to modify the route prefix itself and then modify the associated interfaces and templates.
I solved it by running the upgrade script.
Hello, I have just purchased this addon - a couple of things I would like to do and was wondering if you could assist?
1. On the tabbed threads widget is it possible to have one tab showing popular, one showing most answers and one showing most liked? Perhaps someone has created this widget?
2. If I can't do this above, I can't seem to have BD Widget framework playing nicely with this add on. If I use bd frame work as the default home page and enable XenPorta - the link appears in the heading tabs. I can't get around this by changing any of the standard options. Is there a way to make them work together?
3. Is there a block for creating a dynamic list of categories / forums?


1. You would have to make your own widget for that... the one included in the package is available as-is.
2. I cant speak for anything using BD.
3. Huh?

Is there a possibility to do a raw php widget? I need to add some code to that does look ups in some tables and just want to output it in a div here. Maybe it is in here somewhere and I just don't find it.
If you can create Raw PHP, why can't you just make your own widget? Its practically the same thing...

Having a problem with extending the Threads Tabbed widget.

Currently the widget displays 5 tabs, I wanted to extend them and create more tabs, however when I create a new tab nothing displays on the main page. Any Idea what im not doing correctly?

The included Tabbed Threads widget only supports 5 tabs. You have to make your own widget to go beyond that.
1. You would have to make your own widget for that... the one included in the package is available as-is.
If you can create Raw PHP, why can't you just make your own widget? Its practically the same thing...
Is there any documentation on this at all on how to create a widget?
Just got it a few days ago. Wonderful add-on and perfectly matches my need!!!

Just one question, that when I start a new thread and check the box Promote to Article (You will be automatically forwarded to the article promotion page.) but it doesn't redirect me to that page. What's wrong here? Please advice. Thank you!
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