[8WR] XenCarta (Wiki) PRO

[8WR] XenCarta (Wiki) PRO [Paid] 1.4.8a

No permission to buy ($30.00)
Another one;

When creating a Discussion, the resultant thread does not automatically use the Thread Prefix set as default for the forum it is posted in.

Is this intentional / overlooked?
I have list notices setup on my forum and some of them are sneaking into the wiki somehow.
I have them setup on just one node, but for some reason they get applied to the wiki...

This notice can be seen in the proper spot, here: http://www.mcbrawl.com/forums/67/
and it can also be seen in the wiki for some reason, here: http://www.mcbrawl.com/wiki/fpshg/

How do I go about removing it from the wiki?
When a user attempts to create a page which already exists, a server error is thrown back.

Would it be possible to have this error simply say "The page you are attempting to create already exists"?

Also, the error is only given after the user is finished and submits the page, is it possible to have the error given earlier let checking the link URL field and displaying a small on screen error instead so users don't potentially waste a lot of time building a page just to be informed it exists ready?
When a user attempts to create a page which already exists, a server error is thrown back.

Would it be possible to have this error simply say "The page you are attempting to create already exists"?

Also, the error is only given after the user is finished and submits the page, is it possible to have the error given earlier let checking the link URL field and displaying a small on screen error instead so users don't potentially waste a lot of time building a page just to be informed it exists ready?
Never had this occur before... I will put it in for the next version.
Does anyone know if there is any integration between XenCarta PRO and XenPorta? Like recent wiki article blocks, or whatever. Anyway to put the wiki nav menu in your portal sidebar?
Any chance to get XenCarta running with XF 1.4 Branch ?
How can i import my old XenCarta pages running with 1.2 ?
Thank you
I get the message "The controller EWRcarta_ControllerPublic_Wiki does not define an action called MinecraftseverBetreten." if i try to view a wiki page why?
I get the message "The controller EWRcarta_ControllerPublic_Wiki does not define an action called MinecraftseverBetreten." if i try to view a wiki page why?
I dont think that error has anything to do with this addon...
Im getting this issue with use of BBM and TinyMCE, I think the error could be one or the other, please help


Heres the BBCode CSS if that helps
<xen:require css="EWRcarta.css" />
<xen:require js="js/8wayrun/EWRcarta_ajax.js" />
<xen:require js="js/8wayrun/sortable.js" />

<div class="sectionMain wikiPage">
    <div class="subHeading">{$page.page_name}</div>

    <div class="wikiContent primaryContent">{xen:raw $page.HTML}</div>

    <div class="sectionFooter" style="text-align: right">
        <div style="float: left;">
            (<a href="{xen:link 'wiki', $page}">{xen:phrase view_this_page_on_the_wiki}</a>)
        {xen:phrase last_modified}: {xen:phrase date_x_at_time_y, 'date={xen:date $page.page_date}', 'time={xen:time $page.page_date}'} (Cached)
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BBCodes and Buttons Manager
I can't give support for someone else's modification. XenCarta has built in BBcodes and are meant to be used as-is. If you're trying to change them, then thats on you.

However, quickly looking at it, it looks like the $page variable is not being passed. Which means your new custom BBcodes are not using the XenCarta BBcode callback classes.
I can't give support for someone else's modification. XenCarta has built in BBcodes and are meant to be used as-is. If you're trying to change them, then thats on you.

However, quickly looking at it, it looks like the $page variable is not being passed. Which means your new custom BBcodes are not using the XenCarta BBcode callback classes.
well I actually tested, and its not the addons I said that may cause it, so im not sure how it happened, could it be due to 1.4.1 of Xenforo?
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