[8WR] XenCarta (Wiki) PRO

Unmaintained [8WR] XenCarta (Wiki) PRO 1.4.8a

No permission to buy ($30.00)
Visible branding
Yes, but removable with payment
A branding removal license and instructions on how to remove the brands quick and easily can be purchased HERE for $50. Each branding removal license is good for ONE forum only!

What is XenCarta

XenCarta is a "lite" wiki. It can be considered a page/content management system with wiki-like features such as diff comparisons, revision history and templates. However, it is a "lite" wiki because I have designed it to be as lite as possible; to eschew the many useless and bloated features you can find in most wiki software.​

  • Pages based on either BBcode, HTML or PHP files
  • Page caching to conserve server resources
  • Discussion threads from pages
  • Revision history
  • Page redirects
  • Per-page permission masks
  • Comparison engine
  • Automatic cross page linking
  • Automatic table of contents generation
  • [template=] replacement BB code
  • [h#]head[/h#] replacement BB code
  • Special maintenance pages
  • "Sortable Tables" javascript
  • upload contents of the attached zip to your XFroot
  • install from file on server: "library/EWRcarta/addon-EWRcarta.xml"
  • set usergroup permissions for administration rights
Usage Notes:
  • There are TWO navigation blocks on the wiki. The top navigation block is a "family tree"; it only shows pages within the current family tree. The bottom navigation block is an "index" block; it shows a search form and any pages with positive index ratings (usually you would want to give the progenitors of your trees index ratings).
  • To use sortable tables, you must set the class of your table to "sortable".
  • 1.webp
    191.2 KB · Views: 5,587
  • 2.webp
    158.5 KB · Views: 5,563
  • 3.webp
    163.7 KB · Views: 5,370
  • 4.webp
    173.8 KB · Views: 5,299
  • 5.webp
    134.8 KB · Views: 5,445
  • 6.webp
    249.6 KB · Views: 5,169
  • 7.webp
    154.7 KB · Views: 5,089
  • 8.webp
    56.4 KB · Views: 4,991
First release
Last update


4.62 star(s) 13 ratings

More resources from Jaxel

Latest updates

  1. Version 1.4.8a HOTFIX

    Fixes a bug where pages without a trailing slash dont show up correctly.
  2. Version 1.4.8 CHANGELOG

    Changed event listeners from switch-case statements, to XenForo's event hint system. This should...
  3. Version 1.4.7 CHANGELOG

    BUG FIX: fixed a bug where the redirect page option gets reset when clicking "preview" on the...

Latest reviews

Thanks for providing excellent customer service. Had issues outside the scope of the project and jaxal listened and worked with me right away. Top notch service!
Finally allowed me to move away from MediaWiki. Really great integration into the forums and easy to use. Permissions implemented into Xenforo as opposed to the previous MediaWiki system is a blessing :)
I have buy and install this wiki on my forum. I'ts easy to use and looking good.
It's possible to implement html or bbcodes.
The wiki works great, easy to get it working the way I'd like without any hassle. Been using for two months now without finding any faults and it comes with many useful features that I need. It's certainly worth the money
Its crap. I'm honestly surprised anyone uses this addon... Haha.
i've been looking for a wiki solution forever that was easy for my users to interact with, without using complicated wikicode and the like. other solutions were just too complicated for average users to contribute information to. This plugin definitely hits the sweet spot of being just as easy to use as the forum while offering everything a wiki plugin should, while not trying to over complicate things.

also, the author has been really accommodating about making changes and taking suggestions and putting them into the plugin with a quick turnaround. I would definitely suggest this for anyone looking for a wiki solution for xenforo.
A powerful, well designed and easy to use Wiki add on. Works flawlessly with the latest version of XenForo. The add on is easy to set up, with handy configurable permissions to ensure only the correct people can manage the wiki and create pages. Would definitely recommend this add on for those wanting a stable wiki platform for their XenForo forum.
Good resource, does what it says on the tin, however templates are outdated / don't look correct / aren't responsive, and furthermore the product is riddled with exploits which the author does not appear willing to fix!!!
The templates may be a little confusing at first. But this update does well to fix the bugs the previous version had. This is a long needed update and is very much appreciated.
Great update love the automatic link add feature when using xencarta bbcode
This add-on is great when you understand how everything works. And if you're someone that understands code, then this Add-on can work wonders for you.

Unfortunately for those of us that don't know how to code, this Add-on is a nightmare to work with. The template system is extremely confusing and even with other tutorials, they don't cover nearly enough to make someone understand the full potential to using this.

When a page is created by a user, there's no notification of it so the potential for pages to go unnoticed or unseen are high. This is especially true if the page wasn't linked to another page or a menu item.

Going back to the Template system there is no way to load a preset template so if a user were create a page like any other one you already have they wouldn't be able to style it the same way unless they knew the exact templates used in its creation and furthermore, how to even use them properly.

For what is supposedly a fully supported Add-on I'm extremely disappointed in the way the author chooses to handle some cases. For example bugs reported 7 months ago still persist today and weren't addressed and many support questions will go unanswered as evident by looking through the pages of discussion.
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