XFtoWP - XenForo to WordPress integration

XFtoWP - XenForo to WordPress integration [Paid] 1.5.5

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Hello @kolakube -

I’m interested in using this as a bridge to allow Wordpress / MemberPress to handle membership subscriptions. Unfortunately, Xenforo doesn’t do this up to the standard that most subscription websites offer. MemberPress provides the missing functionality.

1) Do you know if other folk are using XFtoWP successfully in this way with MemberPress?

2) Will XftoWP create new XF users with the same user name and password as WP?

3) Does XftoWP communicate user upgrades / downgrades to XF?

Hi Peter, thanks for your interest!

1) Do you know if other folk are using XFtoWP successfully in this way with MemberPress?
Yes, MemberPress is the most popular integration with this plugin. My customers use it to add and remove premium usergroups when a product is purchased, or its membership expires. It is also possible to make the integration do anything by syncing custom user fields across purchases, and you can even send personalized conversations and alerts after a user takes a buying action on your WP site.

2) Will XftoWP create new XF users with the same user name and password as WP?
That's correct.

3) Does XftoWP communicate user upgrades / downgrades to XF?
If you mean by the Account upgrade system in XenForo, then no, but it does create its own ways of upgrading and downgrading users through different plugin actions.
Thanks @kolakube, great reply.

If you mean by the Account upgrade system in XenForo, then no, but it does create its own ways of upgrading and downgrading users through different plugin actions.
Needed to know e.g. if a subscription is not renewed, will MemberPress successfully downgrade the user’s XF primary usergroup through XftoWP?
Thanks @kolakube, great reply.

Needed to know e.g. if a subscription is not renewed, will MemberPress successfully downgrade the user’s XF primary usergroup through XftoWP?
Yes, that is setup with a simple action in the XFtoWP settings. To make an important distinction, the users secondary usergroups will be added or removed. The plugin was built to follow XenForo's usergroup promotion recommendations and doesn't change the Primary usergroup for that reason.
kolakube updated XFtoWP - XenForo to WordPress integration with a new update entry:

Latest Posts Widget Filtering, and Minor Plugin Improvements

XFtoWP 1.5.2 Beta is now available for download. This release adds a major new feature and data refresh process, as well as some minor plugin improvements as discovered through discussions at the XFtoWP support forums.

To download XFtoWP 1.5.2 beta login to your Customer's area and download the .zip under the Bonus Downloads section. This will be a short beta cycle and the full stable release will be available via the...

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kolakube updated XFtoWP - XenForo to WordPress integration with a new update entry:

XFtoWP 1.5.2

XFtoWP 1.5.2 is now available for download and one-click updates through your WordPress admin dashboard. There are no changes from the beta version to the stable release (yay!).

View attachment 286841

This release adds a major new feature and data refresh process, as well as some minor plugin improvements as discovered through discussions at the XFtoWP support forums.

  • New: New option to...

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Final question (thank you!)

Is there a user guide - or something similar – that covers the key points of moving subscription processing from XF to WP?

I realize this is as much of a MemberPress question as it is for you. However, a lot of folk do use XftoWP for this integration, so it’s possible someone may have already covered this stuff.

I’m very keen to see how we might preserve ongoing subs and their renewals, rather than forcing members to re-subscribe on the new system.

Thanks again.
Final question (thank you!)

Is there a user guide - or something similar – that covers the key points of moving subscription processing from XF to WP?

I realize this is as much of a MemberPress question as it is for you. However, a lot of folk do use XftoWP for this integration, so it’s possible someone may have already covered this stuff.

I’m very keen to see how we might preserve ongoing subs and their renewals, rather than forcing members to re-subscribe on the new system.

Thanks again.
From your question others' feedback I see a way to tweak the plugin's user sync process so it can better detect when XF usergroups change and sync them over to the WP side. That way, the subscriptions system you use won't matter and XFtoWP will simply just keep a closer check on usergroup changes from the XF user. I will look at this for inclusion in XFtoWP 1.5.4 which is a minor update that has been in the works. :)

Is this add-on compatible with WordPress Multisite?
I have not yet tested the plugin on Multisite so I can't say with certainty.

@kolakube one of my users has the Author role and can't see "Xenforo" options in the post settings. Is this normal and if so is there a way to let Authors use it?
Yes, you can enable the Author role in WP admin > XFtoWP > Thread connect

Screen Shot 2023-06-29 at 00.35.14.webp

You can also use a custom filter to add other user roles to these options.
This may be addressed in the previous pages, but can I bring a XF resource to WP as a blog entry and have the comments posted on both XF and WP? Can I bring over posts that have 50+ comments in specific forum nodes?


I am in need of an add-on to perform this task, and I would appreciate your advice and pricing if you find it interesting to implement.

Currently, I have an XF forum and around 5 WP websites.

I want to synchronize a group of XF users to become Admins of WP.

In other words, I want to create a user group called "WP_Admin".

And all users within this group will be automatically synchronized to become Admins of the 5 other WP websites.

When I change a user's password on XF, the login on WP will also be automatically updated with the changes.

Thank you,
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