wordpress and xenforo integration

  1. kolakube

    Login users to WordPress 1.0

    A simple XenForo addon that detects when a user logs in from the XenForo and also logs in a corresponding user in WordPress. Requirements Both WP and XF must be on the same server You cannot use subdomains, only subfolders (ex: domain.com/community) Both WP and XF users must have the same...
  2. T

    XF 2.2 Using XenForo as authentication for other subdomains

    Hello all! I'm working on a site that has multiple components - a Xenforo server (e.g. forums.xyz.com), a Laravel API server (api.xyz.com) and a WordPress site (xyz.com). These are all running on the same physical server, but some are using their own web servers. I don't have much experience...
  3. Subi888

    XF to WP Bridge

    Hey guys, i need someone who can create a custom bridge to sync the users and their memeberships/ renewals from WP (memberpress plugin) to xenforo. Payments are being made on WP and I would like the users to, once they register on WP, be able to login on both WP and XF.
  4. NicklasM

    CORS error on Nginx

    Good day, I have a problem, if I'm connecting to my website (https://playunlimited.de), I'll get a CORS-error. I'm using XenForo and WordPress - to share the resources and themes for WordPress, I'm usign XPress and XLink from ThemeHouse. If I ask for help (at ThemeHouse support), I'll get the...
  5. wordpressuser1

    Wordpress with Xenforo

    Hi, I have a wordpress website with woocommerce and want to integrate Xenforo as forum to it. It will act as a forum but want the same logins and have seen this: https://xenforo.com/community/threads/xpress-a-theme-and-bridge-for-bringing-wordpress-into-xenforo.150114/ I am not allowed to...
  6. kolakube

    XFtoWP - XenForo to WordPress integration [Paid]

    Mangini submitted a new resource: XFtoWP - Bring powerful forum features to your WordPress sites Read more about this resource...
  7. kolakube

    XFtoWP - XenForo to WordPress integration 1.5.5

    👉 BUY NOW ...or see more at XFtoWP.com Reliably connect your XenForo forum to WordPress website(s)*. Sync user registrations and account details, automate group promotions, send messages, and everyone's favorite—use thread replies as blog and page comments. XFtoWP is a must-have for every...
  8. LukeWolf

    XF 2 Restricted Access to Certain Pages on my Wordpress Website

    I'm just wondering if you guys are able to help set up a single-sign in feature with a WordPress website between my Xenforo forum and my website and how much that would cost? There are features I would like only people in certain user groups on the forum to have access to content on my website...
  9. M

    Questions on xenForo Wordpress Plugin

    Hey guys, I haven't used xenForo before but options wise it looks like a great forum that will work great for us. I just had a few questions before I actually went forward and brought the plugin. 1. How easy is it to set up. Is there any documentation anywhere on how to set this up on a word...
  10. sujatha90

    Connect with WordPress is Possible?

    Hello friends, I have a website using wordpress. Now i want to create a Forum for my website. I have found XenForo is the best one for create forums. I want to connect XenForo with WordPress. Wordpress is best for blog and XenForo is best for Forum. This is the reason why i want to connect...
  11. Brent W

    How are you using the API in 2.1 with Wordpress?

    Is anyone using the new API with Wordpress? I am beginning to look into using it to create a thread when a Post or Page is created under certain circumstances. When a post or page is created two things would happen: The thread id or url of the new thread would be stored in a custom field so...
  12. Alpha1

    Implemented Single Sign On (Connect XF with XF, WordPress, etc)

    It would be really awesome if we would be able to connect multiple XF installs. Or a XF install with Wordpress, Magento, MediaWiki, etc. Members would be able to use multiple sites and scripts with the same login or while they keep being logged in. XF 2.1 has a REST API. Please extend this to...
  13. LPH

    Unmaintained XenLate 1.1.2

    This is my first attempt at creating a XenForo 2 addon. It is a XenForo widget which will pull the latest posts or pages from a WordPress installation. This addon should not require a bridge but the authors of the blog posts ID and user_id should match. Options Set the absolute path Set the...
  14. P

    WordPress Question

    Hello. I am looking for a platform for a community for my startup cherrytask.com. XenForo looks very interesting but I have a few questions. First, I am hosting my WordPress site on WPEngine. Is there any issue installing XenForo there? Second, I’m not clear on how users are managed. Will the...
  15. Apokalupsis

    WordPress bridge for XF2?

    I know there is a popular bridge for XF1, I can't find it atm. I recently installed XF1 on a dev site to play around with it, saw that XF2 was just released, so I'm upgrading that now. But my original plan was to use a bridge for WP/XF for an existing site. Now that XF2 is out, will the WP...
  16. C

    XF 1.5 Integrate Wordpress Header/Footer Without Overriding XenForo CSS

    Hi, I'm trying to implement my Wordpress header / footer over the Xenforo page, but the CSS that it's pulling in is overriding much of XenForo's. What could I do to have the CSS called within Wordpress' php only apply to the header / footer sections when called here, and not the rest of the...
  17. Your Ski Advisor

    Other Looking for WP merging help and someone to handle maintenance.

    First of all we are very happy with Xenforo and our community loves it. With that said, we need help. Our site (pugski.com) is up and running well but we didn't build it and the person who did needs to move on so we need someone to pass the reins to. I/we are not tech people, we do not know or...
  18. D

    XF 1.5 How to migrate from Wordpress to Xenforo forums threads.

    Dear Support, We are going to migrate our Wordpres to this forum xenforo.Please can you provide us instruction how to do it. Please tell us what table are responsible for saving forums topics and threads attachments? Thanks
  19. B

    Can Xenforo be integrated with wordpres

    If it can be integrated with wordpress, what functions will the integration have?
  20. T

    XF 1.5 Integrating Wordpress and Xenforo

    My website is Wordpress, but the membership forum is Xenforo. When someone signs up on my Wordpress site, how can I pass their credentials to Xenforo to create their account and allow them to auto-login upon sign up? Thanks.
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