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  • Managed to bridge content from a XenForo 1 installation into a XenForo 2 site. Pretty snazzy way to handle the transition.
    Tracking down a conflict with another add-on can be time consuming when the backtrace stack doesn’t provide enough information. I know the line number, I know the code, but I don’t know why it’s a problem. :p
    PSR-4 autoloading is sweet but leads to many questions about anchoring a namespace to a subdirectory.
    It’s annoying to have code working, make a change, and everything falls apart. ;)
    The difference between $visitor['is_banned'] == false versus $visitor['is_banned'] != 1 is working code ...
    Shoot $tags=[]; is for PHP 5.4 and above whereas $tags=array(); is for 5.3 ... oh compatibility pains....
    Watching Columbo -- "Dog" is the best character in this episode.
    Happiest moments of the past two days? Curling up next to my two dogs and giving them huge hugs.
    Oops. Broke rule 17. Didn't know rule 17 existed ! *Feeling Sheepish *
    CodeAnywhere is a great site for testing code -- wish there was a way to get a subdomain instead of long URL. And code completion for XF too
    Left a message on Tuxreporters:)
    Thank you. Yes. I need to finish helping a few people and will be with you as soon as possible. :)
    Rojah that:)
    50 lines of code cut down to 3 essential lines. Now that is a good day of coding fun, especially when features are added. Code in
    It's snowing in Prescott, AZ.
    If it's major snowfall / a major snowstorm, then I'm jealous of you.
    According to your location, though, you live in California. o.O
    We are in AZ for the holidays :)
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