Xenforo Review system - Would you invest

But of course, have to get interest some how. LOL

Maybe you post a thread what you have in mind and what's going to be look like. I've used gars and it was a very powerful plugin enhancing almost everything. I'm sure if you post some definitive things about what the addon will be like people are going to be hooked :)
MARS, MyGallery, etc etc etc.
The best way for you to start a steady stream of addon purchases is to *100% complete* an addon. Lots of creative people never finish anything. Don't be that person. I've hesitated to say this during your last 5 major software plans, but I find your latest round of promises .... I felt I had to say something.

I've seen some cool stuff you've finished to the 75% level. But people aren't going to purchase or be happy with software that isn't complete.

== Incomplete == EDIT July 17, 2012 18:16 EST.
http://xenforo.com/community/threads/asr-portal.26952/ (incomplete)
http://mythotical.com/ (DNSing)
http://codiums.com/ (Gone)
[ASR] Classifieds (incomplete)

I want you to succeed and make money. I'll be happy to see one of your addons do well with users and financially. I suggest concentrating on one.
Doubt we will see anything like this anytime soon ! So far it's all just discussion no one has stepped up for it even tho there has been lot of request for this add-on .
The best way for you to start a steady stream of addon purchases is to *100% complete* an addon. Lots of creative people never finish anything. Don't be that person. I've hesitated to say this during your last 5 major software plans, but I find your latest round of promises .... I felt I had to say something.

I've seen some cool stuff you've finished to the 75% level. But people aren't going to purchase or be happy with software that isn't complete.
I have never left anything at 75% and you constantly posting stuff like this is a tad annoying now. I have a set plan and a route I'm taking. I have just brought on another developer to help with addons therefore please refrain from these comments as I see you are not an owner of MyShop or MyPoints.

EDIT: DD I liked your post because at the end you were respectful more so than before. Now with the ASR Portal being 75% that is not 75%, I am rewriting it entirely to include a lot more features. The classifieds is still having features planned out. Also any talk of me not giving 2 mins to say I'm leaving was not an option at that time, loss of internet plus college then having personal issues I would not like public is the main reason no one heard from me.
Doubt we will see anything like this anytime soon ! So far it's all just discussion no one has stepped up for it even tho there has been lot of request for this add-on .
That type of attitude is what causes people to not do anything or step up, instead of negativity try some positive remarks.
The current lack of direction (e.g. Roadmap from KAM) have a lot of folks, myself included, on waiting for 1.2 features and holding of on installing any addons that might just be part of 1.2 natively or the Resource Manager as well.

For example I want to use:
User Essentials
Book Reviews
and more, but I'm waiting in limbo until the 1.2 and RM feature sets are announced. On top of that... I hesistate using any mods that have other mods as a requirement.. UGH! TMS and other "cores" or "frameworks" very troublesome. :mad:
The current lack of direction (e.g. Roadmap from KAM) have a lot of folks, myself included, on waiting for 1.2 features and holding of on installing any addons that might just be part of 1.2 natively or the Resource Manager as well.

For example I want to use:
User Essentials
Book Reviews
and more, but I'm waiting in limbo until the 1.2 and RM feature sets are announced. On top of that... I hesistate using any mods that have other mods as a requirement.. UGH! TMS and other "cores" or "frameworks" very troublesome. :mad:
I understand. I hate using TMS or frameworks. Seems to be a waste but when you have multiple addons I can see that being a good thing but when mod developers use TMS as a method to build mods around, then it becomes a pain for peeps like yourself hence why I don't use anything like that.
Is it worth trying to collect money ?
like the Gallery did ?
MyGallery is in the development stages, so far we have the front end going, still have a lot of work but in the end it will be worth it. With MyReviews, they want to collect $2800 then so be it, no one has even hinted at an interest to my development schedule for MyReviews so I'm scrapping it.

How is this project going? This quote was posted 2 months ago.
Yep and if there was a bigger interest in MyReviews it would be on the development table for October but no PC's or any interest so I have scrapped MyReviews.

Hope a review system gets released but doubt it.
That's a shame that you're scrapping the plans for MyReviews.

I know of several folks that are interested in a review script but don't want to commit to purchasing until seeing it working.
That's a shame that you're scrapping the plans for MyReviews.

I know of several folks that are interested in a review script but don't want to commit to purchasing until seeing it working.
I can understand that but just a quick note of interest would be enough for me really.
So there are no plans for a Reviews plug in? I was hoping this thread was where i could contribute some funds to get this underway. lol actually i was hoping it was close to complete. At any rate im guessing at the time there are no plans by anyone to create this plugin or one similar?
Looks like it.
With plan to release Resource Manager delayed indefinitely and nobody is working on alternative solutions, I guess we have to abandon any plan to use it on our site.
Looks like it.
With plan to release Resource Manager delayed indefinitely and nobody is working on alternative solutions, I guess we have to abandon any plan to use it on our site.
I've been hoping for an imminent update of tenants' Business directory add-on which is supposed to contain review functionality. Not sure, but that could potentially be easy to adapt and use as a general review system.
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