XenForo 2.0 Discussion

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Quite simply, without XenForo 2.0 there's no way to work on add-ons for 2.0. Nobody can work blindly and not knowing what has changed in 2.0.

Except it would be useful if major 3rd party developers were given a preview beta to start working (under a strict NDA). This is what Apple do.

Maybe some are. (I hope) But we would never know due to the NDA and that's the way it should be.
As we've already announced, after the public installation preview, there will be a downloadable preview available to all:
The next step would be what could be considered an alpha or a developer preview. This will be the first time that customers will be able to try out XenForo 2.0 on their own server and work with the code/templates. We do not intend on limiting this to selected developers. However, you will not be able to upgrade into this version and you are unlikely to be able to upgrade out of it. You will likely also have to do installation using the command line and taking some manual steps. This preview is specifically designed to start getting initial feedback from developers (and stylers) and keen enthusiasts.
Only Kier, Mike and I have access to XF 2.0 at the moment and it will remain that way until the preview release.
But about the form controls though, will they be in the public templates like they are in the admin templates for 1.x?
I really hope more news is coming regarding extensibility (like IPB pages). We need such functionality for our conversion...
I really hope more news is coming regarding extensibility (like IPB pages). We need such functionality for our conversion...
More news ? Was there any news on this front ?

Xenforo 1.x was described as "just a forum".
Xenforo 2.0 is a rewrite of 1.x
I would think IPB-like Pages is beyond the scope of the plan ... but who knows !

Dream big ... but I don't think it'll be in 2.0
XenForo is a forum only. Additional stuff, like the equivalent to Pages, is essentially beyond the scope and would be a product in its own right.

With that in mind, no, don't expect anything like that to ship with XF nor are we planning any new products to launch with XF 2.0 at this time.
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