XenForo 2.0 Discussion

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So XF should not add popular features to the core because an addon exists?
There will always be opportunities for new addons. For example: An extension & flexibility of the rating functionality will only open up more addon opportunities.
Sounds stupid when you put it that way. Generally speaking though, it will cause a lot of problems for the add-on developer, including chargebacks from people that bought the add-on before it was integrated into the core. My statement doesn't mean don't do it, it was just meant to mean that it hurts the add-on developer.
Because of phones and 4K screens we have a wide range of display sizes - SVG icons and logos are useful because they look good on any size screen, even when you blow them up huge they won't get all pixelated.
Why is XF 2.0 using font icons instead of SVG icons?

When I rebuilt my site recently, I tried to use a SVG based logo, but found inconsistencies in how the fonts in the logo were rendered between browsers (particularly mobile vs desktop), so gave up and just used srcset instead to provide a 2x and 3x version of the logo for hidpi devices.

From an icon point of view, font-based icons just work and have excellent support across all browsers - right now it's a much safer option IMO.

There will hopefully come a time in the near future when solid SVG support is pretty much universal - but I don't think we're quite there yet.
When I rebuilt my site recently, I tried to use a SVG based logo, but found inconsistencies in how the fonts in the logo were rendered between browsers (particularly mobile vs desktop), so gave up and just used srcset instead to provide a 2x and 3x version of the logo for hidpi devices.

From an icon point of view, font-based icons just work and have excellent support across all browsers - right now it's a much safer option IMO.

There will hopefully come a time in the near future when solid SVG support is pretty much universal - but I don't think we're quite there yet.
What browsers failed and how? So far for me the worst experience was iOS SVG rendering, not using proper image scales and resulting in blurry image.
What browsers failed and how? So far for me the worst experience was iOS SVG rendering, not using proper image scales and resulting in blurry image.

I can't recall the exact details now - this was a couple of months back. Pretty sure it was Chrome on Android which was causing the problem - I think it wasn't being consistent with rendering the font (seemed to substitute something else).
When I rebuilt my site recently, I tried to use a SVG based logo, but found inconsistencies in how the fonts in the logo were rendered between browsers (particularly mobile vs desktop), so gave up and just used srcset instead to provide a 2x and 3x version of the logo for hidpi devices.
I think that if you save a SVG font as an image it works, but using a font that isn't present on alla devices makes for different fonts and looks.
I can't recall the exact details now - this was a couple of months back. Pretty sure it was Chrome on Android which was causing the problem - I think it wasn't being consistent with rendering the font (seemed to substitute something else).
Some fonts might be missing on different OS, not sure that's SVG-related.
Now that the endproduct is coming to a first alpha release, I have some questions. I know from past that 2.0 is about feature parity but asking (again) doesn't hurt anybody.

1. Will there be a documentation for developers?
2. Will there be a development manager, so you can integrate 3rd party addons with yours?
3. Will there be a built-in bridge, so you can integrate 3rd party scripts?
3. Are there any other major features other than the widget system and the navi-manager (no need to reveal them, just a simple yes and how many if possible)?
4. Will XenForo release a new official product with 2.0?
5. Are there any enhancements to the language system overall (not talking about phrases)? The approach now is heavily favoured towards mono-lingustic forums, it is very hard to run let's say a Spanish and a Russian community in one place.
6. Will there be a 1-click installation of addons possible or do we still need to connect to the server via a software and copy/paste the folders in right directory and then run the xml file?

Sorry for asking so much. Thank you.
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