No permission to download
just installed the style. Not able to display icons. path to icons set correct styles/uix. Permissions also correct and previous version of UI.X still working fine with all the icons.

@Mike Creuzer

You can't put HTML comments in IE conditionals. The --> will terminate the conditional comment and cause all the extra scripts to be pulled in by every browser, not just old IE. Right now this feature causes 3 extra scripts on every pageload that could be avoided.
Is there a bug with the style property -

Height of Header Logo

I have this set to increase my logo area size.

It looks fine when logged in but when logged out it seems to ignore the size and goes back to default size which is much smaller?

Not sure why that would be happening without taking a look. Please create a ticket at audentio.com

I see that www.xfuniverse.com using this style. Does UI.X has options to change the position of discussion and message total?


That is custom code. Can be done, but its not quite as easily as copying and pasting some extra.css code since markup needs be moved around and some settings might need to change as well such as node style and mobile concerns as well.

just installed the style. Not able to display icons. path to icons set correct styles/uix. Permissions also correct and previous version of UI.X still working fine with all the icons.

View attachment 99955

Very strange, are you loading FontAwesome locally? Does FontAwesome exist on the server? You can check UI.X Typography to check the path to FontAwesome.

@Mike Creuzer

You can't put HTML comments in IE conditionals. The --> will terminate the conditional comment and cause all the extra scripts to be pulled in by every browser, not just old IE. Right now this feature causes 3 extra scripts on every pageload that could be avoided.

Did not know we did this, definitely didn't intend to. Can you point me to a place in the code or template where this is happening?
Mike - I know you've discussed this before but I can't seem to find the right search string so I apologize in advance - how do you change the forum conversation icons displayed on the forum list? The actual chat bubbles.
Mike - I know you've discussed this before but I can't seem to find the right search string so I apologize in advance - how do you change the forum conversation icons displayed on the forum list? The actual chat bubbles.
There is no setting for this in this version, which we should have made so I apologize for that. We have this in the next release already built as well as an icon manager, its quite awesome really. You'll be able to change icons from the ACP per node and use inheritance as well.

But for now, here is some code for EXTRA.css:

.node .forumNodeInfo.unread .nodeIcon:before,
.node .forumNodeInfo .nodeIcon:before {
content: '\f086';

.node.node_X .forumNodeInfo.unread .nodeIcon:before,
.node.node_X .forumNodeInfo .nodeIcon:before {
content: '\f05a';

Where '086' is the entity value of the character. You can find FontAwesome's here: http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/cheatsheet/

And where node_x, the x specifically, is the node ID if you want to do icons per node differently.

You can also do .pageNodeInfo, linkNodeInfo, categoryNodeInfo if you want to do those icons respectively.

Also note this all controlled by clean classes like fa fa-folder in the next release, so apologies for the confusing code required for this version.

There is no setting for this in this version, which we should have made so I apologize for that. We have this in the next release already built as well as an icon manager, its quite awesome really. You'll be able to change icons from the ACP per node and use inheritance as well.

But for now, here is some code for EXTRA.css:

.node .forumNodeInfo.unread .nodeIcon:before,
.node .forumNodeInfo .nodeIcon:before {
content: '\f086';

.node.node_X .forumNodeInfo.unread .nodeIcon:before,
.node.node_X .forumNodeInfo .nodeIcon:before {
content: '\f05a';

Where '086' is the entity value of the character. You can find FontAwesome's here: http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/cheatsheet/

And where node_x, the x specifically, is the node ID if you want to do icons per node differently.

You can also do .pageNodeInfo, linkNodeInfo, categoryNodeInfo if you want to do those icons respectively.

Also note this all controlled by clean classes like fa fa-folder in the next release, so apologies for the confusing code required for this version.

Sweet. I'll play around with it. You have a ballpark timeframe for the next release?

BTW - I had to turn off upgrade notices in the ACP since it was still displaying the banner saying I had an upgrade available.
BTW - I had to turn off upgrade notices in the ACP since it was still displaying the banner saying I had an upgrade available.

We are considering turning the system into a notification system so you can dismiss notices. Since people who had to manually install the theme will get this alert the entire time.

Sweet. I'll play around with it. You have a ballpark timeframe for the next release?

We may wait for the next release of XenForo. Thats likely the situation. So maybe a few weeks.
Did not know we did this, definitely didn't intend to. Can you point me to a place in the code or template where this is happening?
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
        <!-- HTML5 Shim -->
        <script src="{xen:if '@uix_ie8Support_local', '{$javaScriptSource}/audentio/uix/html5shiv.min.js', '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/html5shiv/3.7.2/html5shiv.min.js'}"></script>
        <!-- Media queries for IE8 -->
        <script src="{xen:if '@uix_ie8Support_local', '{$javaScriptSource}/audentio/uix/respond.min.js', '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/respond.js/1.4.2/respond.js'}"></script>
        <!-- CSS3 selectors for IE8 -->
        <script src="{xen:if '@uix_ie8Support_local', '{$javaScriptSource}/audentio/uix/selectivizr-min.js', '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/selectivizr/1.0.2/selectivizr-min.js'}"></script>

The first line opens an IE conditional HTML comment with <!--[if lt IE9>, which works because just ">" alone does not close the comment, meaning all browsers just ignore everything until the <![endif--> (as it is "-->" that closes HTML comments), except for IE which looks for these conditionals in the HTML comments.

The problem is, the second line contains an HTML comment, and the end of that comment ("-->") will terminate the unterminated comment above it (the conditional).

The net effect is the IE conditional doesn't contain the scripts inside of it, meaning all browsers parse the three <script> tags.

You cannot have HTML comments inside IE conditionals or they will not work properly.
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That is custom code. Can be done, but its not quite as easily as copying and pasting some extra.css code since markup needs be moved around and some settings might need to change as well such as node style and mobile concerns as well.
Thanks. So i need to PM you for custom design.
Updated to newest version. Getting error: Please reinstall or reactivate the UI.X Add-On to regain functionality of your board.

Please advise.

EDIT: I have figured out what I had done incorrectly.. all is well now!
Great update!!

Can you share how you fixed this, I'm having the same problem?
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