Are there any plans of making XF 2.x versions of the following? I'm going down the path of planning a migration of an XF 1.5.x site with a lot of addons to XF 2.x and, even though it would mean having to migrate from other offerings to TH comparable addons, it'd be nice to have a single vendor to deal with but, with the amount of TH XF2 addons at the moment, I'm not sure if a TH subscription is the best value versus cherry-picking which addons to buy from multiple vendors.
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We’re incredibly honored to have worked with AnandTech and we’re happy to say that they’ve recently launched with their newly designed theme! The longstanding forum has upgraded with our framework UI.X Pro and it was a pleasure to collaborate with their team 🙂

AnandTech has been one of the top communities for tech enthusiasts since 1997. A well-known brand for two decades, AnandTech offers hardware news and tech reviews on the latest products.

Being such a staple in the forum world, it was imperative that we deliver a fresh, modern theme that helped elevate the community but still maintain current branding motifs. Styled category strips and custom iconography for each node made for an unique and brandable theme.

Included in project:
  • UI/UX design process of the forum list
  • XenForo development and customization of UI.X Pro
  • Dark theme creation
If you want to see more about the project, links are below!


Are there any plans of making XF 2.x versions of the following? I'm going down the path of planning a migration of an XF 1.5.x site with a lot of addons to XF 2.x and, even though it would mean having to migrate from other offerings to TH comparable addons, it'd be nice to have a single vendor to deal with but, with the amount of TH XF2 addons at the moment, I'm not sure if a TH subscription is the best value versus cherry-picking which addons to buy from multiple vendors.
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Hello Kevin, I've gone ahead and started a private conversation with you. Hope to hear back from you soon! :)
Wao i was waiting discount awesome themes and addons i used for xf1 now i upgrade my forum on xf2 so i am waiting some xf1 addons to be updated for xf2 thanks
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