custom add-ons

  1. XenCircle

    XenCircle : Addon Development, Migration and Maintenance Services

    I will provide all the service in very reasonable prices. My services features are: Installation and configuration. Addon Development For xf1, xf2 Solve addon Issues and Bugs. Forum Migration. Convert addon From xf1 to xf2. Integration Payment Method. Convert challenging Ideas into Addon...
  2. forumSolution

    ForumSolution-Complete services of forum (Development , Design , Migration and more)

    Hi everyone, I have more than 10 years of experience working with clients on a different PHP projects Services: Custom Addon development services (xf1 $ xf2) Installation Migration from any framework on xenforo Convert xf1 addon on xf2 Custom Design Extend functionally of any existing addon...
  3. S

    Seeking Xenforo Developer for Custom RSS Widget

    Hi there. We are looking to have a custom RSS widget developed for XenForo 1.5.24. Below are the specific requirements of this widget. Our timeline is rather tight as we'd like to have this operational in one week. Are there any members of this community that are interested in developing...
  4. Alex.D

    Addon Development | Migration Services | Monthly Maintenance

    Services no longer offered. Please Note: I am Alex.D (there is dot b/w Alex and D), there is also a great full stack developer named as AlexD and he is working here since long time.
  5. D

    Addon Development | Xenforo Hosting | Migration Services | Monthly Maintenance

    Hello Everyone, I have more than 2 years of experience in XenForo development, And working full time as a full stack software developer. Here, I can offer you different services for your XenForo forum, to work and run smoothly. 1) Addon Development Custom add-on development. Extend existing...
  6. wagrasol

    *XenForo Addon Development *Consultation *Migration Services

    Announcement: Some companies pay puppets to blame and downgrade competitors to win business,Some characterless people were trying to defame our work and have effected this thread. Some Companies want you to pay thosands of dollars for small modifications and addons they do not want others to...
  7. fahad ashraf

    Custom Addon Development | Xenforo 2.x | Xenforo 1.x | Custom Styling | Migration Services (9+ Experience)

    Hello all, I have more than 5 years of experience in bulletin boards, I am working full time as a software developer no holiday on weakend if urgent work needed, 1) Development Services Addon Development (hourly or per-project) Forum maintenance / Consulting (monthly base) 2) Migration...
  8. Thomas.B

    Meeting Your Needs with Custom Add-on Development by AWEDO

    I'm not longer offering custom development. For previous customers: I'm still going to fix bugs of existing add-ons until at least the end of this year. I may also add (smaller) features. But I will decide this on an individual basis. If you have any further question please start a conversation.
  9. Rigo

    Add-on Pages with categories & eBay API

    I am looking to hire someone who can create an addon in which I can create categories/parents (which can be on a new tab with dropdown or multiple tabs) which hold sub-categories or "childs" and I can write info on it, title, descriptions, pictures, and even source code. Also, on every page...
  10. ForumCube

    Complete Xenforo 2.x & 1.x Custom Services Expert Company | + 8 Years Experience

    Hello Everyone! We are ForumCube offering the services of Custom Add-on Development | Custom Styling | Xenforo Migration from different forum software| Technical Support & Consulting. We have versatile experience of eight years in the forum software field and yes we have got grey hairs in this...
  11. D

    Hi there, Edited this post after some 10 years. I could write something from ChatGPT but instead Ill just say that our agency has been here to help communities of all kinds get off the ground or make the impact they want to. This is what we've done for 16 years now. You can learn more about us...
  12. alexD

    Add-on development and data migration tools [$40/h short-term, $25/h long-term]

    Not available (until further notice)
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