s9e Media Sites

s9e Media Sites 2.15.6

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Have you tried the "Auto-embed media, and add a link to the content within this BB code" option? It replaces the original link with an embedded widget (with affiliate tag) then re-adds the original link after it (no tag unless the user had one in the original link). Apart from the order in which they are displayed, that seems to do what you're looking for.
I've enabled this for a few days. I've only checked with YouTube videos - which now have the link displayed below, and with Amazon links, which do not have the link below.
To be honest, I don't want the link below anything else besides the Amazon widgets.
Is there a way forward?
this is regarding youtube embeds. someone just posted this resource from a googler in another thread: https://github.com/paulirish/lite-youtube-embed

this is similar to the recently added implementation on s9e. was just wondering if this could be helpful in s9e.
No, they work kinda the same way but YouTube Lite is meant to be a generic solution whereas mine was tailored for XenForo so it's generally smaller and more efficient, and it can take advantage of XenForo's oEmbed service to pull video titles.
There's never been an option to change Twitter's colors. The latest version switches it based on the style's "type" property. Embedded tweets are dark if the style's color palette is set to "Dark".

To have light tweets in a dark style or vice-versa, it would require a separate setting for each style. If you really want light tweets in a dark style, you can add a template modification (or edit the template directly) to remove the {{property('styleType')}} part of the _media_site_embed_twitter template.
Come to think of it, as per the yet-unreleased version 2.6.3 of the add-on you should be able to find which YouTube videos have reached the maximum amount of retries (which is set to 10) with something like that:
SELECT * FROM xf_oembed WHERE media_site_id = 'youtube' AND title IS NULL AND fail_count >= 10
so i might be wrong but one of the recent updates might have broken the code that was increasing fail count. it stopped updating for me a while ago. i even truncated the table so it started fetching oembed data fresh but still no increase in values for dead videos.
I'm not aware of any changes. What data does it store for a known-dead video? The add-on waits at least at hour between failed attempts.
fail_count column is zero for all videos after the table was truncated. usually this would have a bunch of videos with a higher number. in fact, if i find a dead video on any of the posts. and i kept on refreshing the page, the number would keep on increasing till it reached 10. that also does not happen.
looks like my install specific issue. i installed an older build of the addon from one of the older posts (s9e-MediaSites-2.6.10 Beta 1) and it's not working on this build as well. fail_count remains zero for dead videos. have tried cleaning up everything! ombed table, cache files from the disk... can't imagine what could be the reason though lol. anyhow. also just realized that for dead videos title remains NULL. i guess i can use this to clean up old dead videos.
I think the issue may have something to do with YouTube's endpoint. I don't know what it used to return when asked about a dead video but currently it returns a 200 response (meaning the request was fine) with an error message in plain text. I haven't checked XenForo's code but that's probably why it doesn't consider the fetch as failed and the title remains null.

I'll have to look into it later.

I'm getting this error in the console, it's to do with twitter embeds from what I gathered. Any idea what might be causing it?

embed.modules.7a266e7acfd42f2581a5.js:10 Error: FeatureSwitchContext was not correctly initialized
at u (embed.vendors~loaders.video.VideoPlayerDefaultUI.6bbee158e3eaa35b12fe.js:1)
at e.value (embed.vendors~loaders.video.VideoPlayerDefaultUI.6bbee158e3eaa35b12fe.js:1)
at embed.vendors~loaders.video.VideoPlayerDefaultUI.6bbee158e3eaa35b12fe.js:1
at mu (embed.modules.7a266e7acfd42f2581a5.js:51)
at cs (embed.modules.7a266e7acfd42f2581a5.js:51)
at us (embed.modules.7a266e7acfd42f2581a5.js:51)
at Ju (embed.modules.7a266e7acfd42f2581a5.js:51)
at embed.modules.7a266e7acfd42f2581a5.js:51
at t.unstable_runWithPriority (embed.modules.7a266e7acfd42f2581a5.js:59)
at Hi (embed.modules.7a266e7acfd42f2581a5.js:51) undefined
It's not a JavaScript error, it's an error message generated by Twitter for debugging purposes. As long as it doesn't prevent tweets from being displayed, I'd just ignore it.
Has tiktok done something so it no longer works?

It works if someone pasts the /video/xxxxx link but not if they post the vm.tiktok.com/xxxx link (which most do).

I'm sure it used to work not that long ago.

Read the last few pages and couldn't see it mentioned
@HJW Yes, a few days ago TikTok started rejecting some HTTP requests based on browser type. The latest update uses a different "user-agent" which seems to be better supported.
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