Reactivation fee


Well-known member
Can anyone tell me how much is the reactivation fee for xenforo?I noticed that xenforo stuff said the reactivation fee would be a range from 40 to 140.
I need the exact number before determining to buy a license.Thanks.
Wouldn't a modification developer need to stay up to date with support and new releases in order to properly develop and support their modifications? The real question is who will pay for them to renew. IMO, if they are allowed to post paid mods (directly or indirectly), or solicit donations, they should pay for their own renewals. If they cannot post paid mods or solicit donations, then XenForo should renew them as a courtesy.
How about they develop and support a mod for XF1.1
XF1.2 comes out, they have no intention to make changes to get the mod working with 1.2, but will support members using it on 1.1? In that situation they wont need to stay upto date.

Theres mods om VB for 3.5,3.6,3.7 etc that dont get ported. Same goes for IPB.
How about they develop and support a mod for XF1.1
XF1.2 comes out, they have no intention to make changes to get the mod working with 1.2, but will support members using it on 1.1? In that situation they wont need to stay upto date.

Theres mods om VB for 3.5,3.6,3.7 etc that dont get ported. Same goes for IPB.

Are you talking about developers or their modifications? In your example, is the mod developer retiring from modding, or is he just retiring that particular mod?
Wouldn't a modification developer need to stay up to date with support and new releases in order to properly develop and support their modifications?
The vast majority of coders do so as a hobby, probably releasing stuff they have written for themselves. They will develop it on the version they run, and not everyone rushes to update a working site to the latest version, esp if its customised, or the new version offers nothing they immediately need. They may upgade eventually, but in the meantime, they need to be able to support the version they released. :)
The vast majority of coders do so as a hobby, probably releasing stuff they have written for themselves. They will develop it on the version they run, and not everyone rushes to update a working site to the latest version, esp if its customised, or the new version offers nothing they immediately need. They may upgade eventually, but in the meantime, they need to be able to support the version they released. :)

I'm not a coder, but I would guess that most coders, even "hobbyists" would want to stay up to date with support and new releases. The real question is who should pay for their renewals. If they work for free, XenForo should renew them as a courtesy for supplying the community with mods. OTOH, if they get paid (directly or indirectly) for their work, they should pay for their own renewals.
Are you talking about developers or their modifications? In your example, is the mod developer retiring from modding, or is he just retiring that particular mod?

I think Pauls summed up what I was trying to say!
A developer may create a mod for XF 1.1 and stay with that version, despite 1.2 and 1.3 being released. Just because they havent upgraded dosent mean they dont want to support their mod for used still using XF1.1.

How many forums are still running 3.5,3.6 and 3.7? Theres also a lot of IPB 2.X forums despite 3.1 being out.

Not everyone wants to upgrade all the time for the sake of it, especially if it is a heavily customised site.
I'm not a coder, but I would guess that most coders, even "hobbyists" would want to stay up to date with support and new releases. The real question is who should pay for their renewals. If they work for free, XenForo should renew them as a courtesy for supplying the community with mods. OTOH, if they get paid, directly or indirectly, for their work, they should pay for their own renewals.

Theres a lot of great mods on that were released for 3.5 and 3.6 and were never updated for later versions.
I think Pauls summed up what I was trying to say!
A developer may create a mod for XF 1.1 and stay with that version, despite 1.2 and 1.3 being released. Just because they havent upgraded dosent mean they dont want to support their mod for used still using XF1.1.

How many forums are still running 3.5,3.6 and 3.7? Theres also a lot of IPB 2.X forums despite 3.1 being out.

Not everyone wants to upgrade all the time for the sake of it, especially if it is a heavily customised site.

You seem to be implying that people don't want to renew their licenses. I don't accept that - everyone wants to renew their licenses (unless they give up XenForo altogether) - it's a question of paying for the renewals. If someone creates worthwhile mods for the community, either the people who use those mods or XenFor Ltd. (but not both) should pay for their renewals.
You seem to be implying that people don't want to renew their licenses. I don't accept that - everyone wants to renew their licenses (unless they give up XenForo altogether) - it's a question of paying for the renewals. If someone creates worthwhile mods for the community, either the people who use those mods or XenFor Ltd. (but not both) should pay for their renewals.

Theres going to be people out there that for some reason or another cant or dont want to update their licences. I have two licences which im currently not using. I'll probably use one in a few months, the other is a spare. Why would I want to renew that when its not in use? Im sure other mutiple licence holders may be in the same situation.
So am I. If mods are not updated, its the coders that have decided not to update them.

You're missing my point - everyone with a XenForo license (coder or not) *wants* to have an active license - to renew their license when it's about to expire. Whether or not they do so is simply a matter of money. That's what this thread is about - renewals and the reactivation fee. The coder in your example who has decided not to update his mods - you're saying that he should have access to the customer areas of in order to support his mods, right? I agree. The question is, who should pay for his access to the customer area (i.e. renewal fee) - the coder, the people who use his mods, or XenForo Ltd.?
Theres going to be people out there that for some reason or another cant or dont want to update their licences. I have two licences which im currently not using. I'll probably use one in a few months, the other is a spare. Why would I want to renew that when its not in use? Im sure other mutiple licence holders may be in the same situation.

If you don't use your licenses and don't need access to the customer area, not renewing is a viable option. If you use your licenses and/or need access to the customer area for whatever reason, you need to renew. Coders who support mods need access to the customer area so they need to renew. Question is, who pays?
What I was trying to say is that the coder may not want to upgrade. He's running XF1.1 with all his mods installed. XF1.2 comes out and his support has expired. He's not interested in any of the features XF1.2 has to offer so decides to stay with XF1.1.
As his support has expired, he currently cant access the modification area of the site to offer support to members using his mod who also decide to stay on XF1.1.

Theres a lot of people who decided to stay on VB3.6 because they were not interested in the features offered by VB3.7 and 3.8.
What I was trying to say is that the coder may not want to upgrade. He's running XF1.1 with all his mods installed. XF1.2 comes out and his support has expired. He's not interested in any of the features XF1.2 has to offer so decides to stay with XF1.1.
As his support has expired, he currently cant access the modification area of the site to offer support to members using his mod who also decide to stay on XF1.1.

Theres a lot of people who decided to stay on VB3.6 because they were not interested in the features offered by VB3.7 and 3.8.

Just because you don't upgrade your forum to a newer version doesn't mean you don't want access to the customer area for support of your version and mods. Anyone who wants/needs access to the customer area for access to support and mods needs to renew.
As his support has expired, he currently cant access the modification area of the site to offer support to members using his mod
This is a valid point. At the moment, users of a mod basically get punished if the mod’s author does not renew (for whatever reason). While I think the current rules are mostly reasonable, I think charging for permission to support your own software is the one point that’s really problematic.

If they don’t change who gets access to the mod forums, I think a good way to solve this would be to allow people to continue posting in their own threads even after their licenses have expired.
But if your running on a certain version and have been for a long time, if you havent made any alterations you probably wouldnt need any support.

That's not necessarily true as alternations on the xenForo side may not occur, but it does not necessarily mean alterations to the server may not happen (PHP, MySQL)
But if your running on a certain version and have been for a long time, if you havent made any alterations you probably wouldnt need any support.

Are you talking about you or your coder? As for you, of course you would want support and access to mods - the question is whether or not it's worth the price for renewal. That's up to you. As for your coder, he needs customer access to support his mods. The question is, who pays for it?
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