XF 2.0 How to embed Dailymotion and Youtube Videos in Xenforo 2.0


Hello Community and Developers,

XF 2.0 has just come out and I was able to make a great upgrade. But how can I work with Dailymotion and Youtube videos in MediaGallery and Forumposts?

Apparently BBCodes still have to be created for this, but as an XF 2.0 beginner I do not know which data of the BBCode must be created.

Can someone help me maybe?

Thanks in Advance.
I understood that too, but I have only two approved media sites. Please take a look at this screenshot. How can I allow all MediaSite?


  • possible-media-sites-xenforo-2-0.webp
    29.2 KB · Views: 111
Media Site ID:

Media Site Title:

Check The Following Boxes
[*]Show this site on the list of 'supported' sites shown to visitors

Match URL:

Emdedd Template:
<div class="bbMediaWrapper">
    <div class="bbMediaWrapper-inner">
        <iframe src="https://www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/{$id}?start={$start}&width=560&hideInfos=1"
                width="560" height="315"

Advanced Option

Url Match Call Back
First Box
Second Box

Html match
First Box
Second Box
Yes, before I use the s9 addon and after uninstalling all MediaSites were gone. You can read on here and I'm still missing Youtube. I do not work that way with Vimeo yet.

Do you uninstalled s9 add-in after XF2 installation? I think s9 will be deleting XF2 default Media BB Code? How can uninstall s9 add-in without deleting XF2 default Media BB Code?
Yes, indeed, I uninstalled the S9 addon after upgrading to XF 2.0. It was shown to me under Addons that as LegacyAddon it is only compatible with XF 1.x.

So I went ahead and uninstalled all previously installed addons. Yes, that was a lot with me.
Worth noting that legacy add-ons can be upgraded to an XF2 compatible version so I wouldn't recommend routinely uninstalling legacy add-ons unless you're certain you won't be ever needing it in the future.
Good to know, then I probably made a mistake. But ok, the collection of XF 2.0 addons in the resources is not that big yet. I think that will be much bigger in the next few months.

I also rely on ******* Addons and I had to ask if updates are made.
on my test install... s9e was disabled after upgrade to xf2. but xf2 backend showed all the embed options it supported. i checked youtube and the embed code settings had references to s9e. no embeds are working. i have posted it in the s9e thread and waiting for a response from joshy on what a user can do to get default sites work while he works on the updated plugin for xf2. i have not tried rebuilding master data on my test install yet.

want to upgrade only when it is clear how i can get xf's supported codes to work while still retaining the option to activate previous embeds when s9e is updated for xf2 because all of those embeds are also dead after the upgrade.
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