Gift User Upgrades [Paid] [Deleted]

First let me get this straight, you tell me to leave and then proceed to tell me you are unsure if it is dead? Second, no need to be so rude, I have my opinions and you have yours.
I was joking..
It has not been updated in ~8 months, the developers have pretty much ceased communication and has been confirmed development has stopped until after the trial which does not have a date set yet. In the chance they do win it is supposed to be developed however if that actually happens who knows.
Ah; interesting. Well I certainly hope they do not just drop the project, the license did cost a bit :)
Will you be working on this again now that the lawsuit is over? (And Xenforo is being developed again)
Just an update, now that the lawsuit is settled and I have some free time I will be updating this again soon, most notably the security error people have been getting. If someone is able to reproduce it please send me a message so I can look into debugging it.
Is anyone still receiving the error? I have not received any messages and am still unable to reproduce it.
Just sent everyone the new download info. If you didn't get it reply to the original PM I sent you so I can make sure you get it.
I'm having a problem with target user's accounts not being upgraded as they should. I checked my PayPal IPN logs, which confirmed PayPal receives an HTTP 500 error code when sending requests to gift_callback.php in my forum root.

Any ideas?
@Sumo - It seems only users who are already VIP can be upgraded to the selected VIP group while users who are not show "no packages available".

It shows up for VIPs. Basically I can only upgrade VIPs to be VIPs when in reality, I want to upgrade non VIPs to VIPS. When I restrict VIPs from receiving the gifts, it does show up for the other groups but I would like for users to be able to extend VIPs. Basically it's on or the other. Not a huge problem as I can wait for VIPs to run out where at that point users can then upgrade them again but that's grounds for profit loss as they "may forget" or when the time comes not want to do it anymore.
I'm having a problem with target user's accounts not being upgraded as they should. I checked my PayPal IPN logs, which confirmed PayPal receives an HTTP 500 error code when sending requests to gift_callback.php in my forum root.

Any ideas?

Hi can you PM me the contents of the gift_subscriptions_log table? At a minimum I need the message field for the ones that do not work.

@Sumo - It seems only users who are already VIP can be upgraded to the selected VIP group while users who are not show "no packages available".

Thats weird. Have you tried removing and adding the upgrade again? I just registered for your site and typed in a few random members and it says I can gift them VIP.

@ggace I think you need to define a few specific "Non Upgradeable Groups" before the packages will show up.

You should not have to define any groups for it to show. Selecting those options only prevents members in those groups from being gifted that upgrade.

It shows up for VIPs. Basically I can only upgrade VIPs to be VIPs when in reality, I want to upgrade non VIPs to VIPS. When I restrict VIPs from receiving the gifts, it does show up for the other groups but I would like for users to be able to extend VIPs. Basically it's on or the other. Not a huge problem as I can wait for VIPs to run out where at that point users can then upgrade them again but that's grounds for profit loss as they "may forget" or when the time comes not want to do it anymore.

Yes extending time is something I'd like to add when I redo the addon to integrate directly with the upgrade system (tick a box on the default subscription page that enables gifting).
Just a very minor bug to report: when you uncheck the "Can be purchased" option for a gift upgrade, it is not shown as disabled on the Gift Packages overview screen. To see how it should work, try unchecking this option with a normal subscription in the XenForo control panel.
I'm having the same issue where I have to define "Non Upgradeable Groups" before it'll allow purchases for members who aren't already upgraded.

I also noticed this small thing I'd like to know how to change. It says "years" instead of "year", which looks unprofessional when it's only a single year.


I'm really looking forward to this being integrated into the core upgrade system, but this should do for now.
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