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Extra Portal 1.2.4

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i may have worded it wrong.

i was wondering if it were possible to create a custom excerpt/preview of the portal items so that it doesn't cut off mid sentence, which happens a lot with the character limit option...then have a "read more" link appear.
i may have worded it wrong.

i was wondering if it were possible to create a custom excerpt/preview of the portal items so that it doesn't cut off mid sentence, which happens a lot with the character limit option...then have a "read more" link appear.
You could use the portal specific bbcods to define the preview text!

bb Codes
If you do not use the following bb codes, the portal message will be cut at the max characters option set in acp and the post will display as normal. The following bb codes are NOT necessary for the portal to operate, just provides additional options of what you want displayed.
[portalpreview] - You can use this bb code in your post. Only the text between these tags will be shown on the portal as opposed to the entire post.
[portalpreview=exclusive] - If you use the exclusive bb code, the text between these tags will be shown on the Portal only, not in the post itself.
after install it got two home link on index page, any suggestion??

How does the additional content type ?
Sorry, i don't understand what you mean?
You can add additional content types to the portal ( BUT we haven't released any oadditional official content type yet!)
How can I add a heading atop the news section (promoted threads)? I'd like to include a heading that says "Industry News:" or similar, before the news items.

Nevermind! Found where to put the heading in the el_portal_index template :D
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