My xenforo forum with a custom portal


Hello everyone,

I have been running forums for a long time, but in the past 3-4 years, I let my forum "sleep."

Last month, I revisited XenForo and saw that it had been updated a lot. I decided to update and take care of my forums again.

HERE ARE MY FORUMS with a custom portal (I think it's better than some paid portal add-ons available here). It is working well with dark/light mode.

I would appreciate any feedback!

Thank you.
Quite honestly and openly I say that you embarrassed me! :D Your forum doesn't look like a forum literally! I don't know how you managed to achieve it, but bravo, it turned out very well. For the moment I think it has everything that a blog system like WordPress can offer, but improved through XenForo. A unique forum, it made me very happy because it showed me that it is possible. Thank you. Keep going forward.
Quite honestly and openly I say that you embarrassed me! :D Your forum doesn't look like a forum literally! I don't know how you managed to achieve it, but bravo, it turned out very well. For the moment I think it has everything that a blog system like WordPress can offer, but improved through XenForo. A unique forum, it made me very happy because it showed me that it is possible. Thank you. Keep going forward.
Thanks for your reply.
Yeah, I think you can you xenforo look as much as you like.

My new customized forum view

Another cusomized forum view:

Ofcoures, normal forum view:

And the style will change if you view it via mobile or darkmode.
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