Easy User Ban by Siropu

Easy User Ban by Siropu [Paid] 1.4.4

No permission to buy (€14.99)
Ok, when the temporary ban of 1 week after 5 points is removed it works correct. So there is the problem.

Also when banned with warning points that user posts the thread in the ban thread instead of the chosen user in the options.
@Siropu I encountered a problem: I banned a few members and no thread was posted... although I have set it up. What could it be that prevents it?

Bildschirmfoto 2018-02-28 um 08.28.55.webp

EDIT: Could it be that this only works if I ban someone on the FRONT END and not from ACP?
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If you could add that in a tiny update I would appreciate that a lot. So it becomes fool (me) proof then... ;) My users were wondering why some bans were with explanations and other bans were without. Which led to some irritation.
Could you add 1 hour or 1 minute option here. Actually bought this mod because I saw you had the 1 hour option and then it turns out it's only available on one specific page.

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