Donations by Siropu

Donations by Siropu [Paid] 1.5.1

No permission to buy (€19.99)
Do you want to use the bank transfer option and don't plan to upgrade to XF 2.3 soon?
That's right, I have no plans to upgrade to 2.3 at the moment and I want to use the new bank transfer option.
The ideal is to never lose support with recent previous versions at least.

thanks and regards
Hi @Siropu , can you add a user panel allowing the author to add their payment for Paypal and Crypto, and other payments without an Admin panel or moderation tools needed? Let people use their payment configuration on resources so everyone can donate them
It would be helpful if there was a recurring goal. I'd like to have a goal for a certain amount every month but that doesn't seem possible.

Edit: Plisio support seems to be broken as well. Even though I've set up plisio and enabled a number of crypto currencies it fails on the XF side. XF always gives this error when someone selects a cryptocurrency to donate with:

Screenshot 2024-07-07 at 6.22.19 PM.webp
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No plans for importers at this point.

This comment is from 2020, and reading through the rest of the thread, I can't tell if this is still the case. Is it?

Either way, what's the best way for me to deal with the just over 1000 donors that I already have in the system? Our current donations system is a mess on the front end, although pretty straightforward on the back end -- just Paypal and Stripe, nothing fancy. Certainly none of the thank yous, reminders, and all the other great stuff in this add-on.

Anybody monthly, I'll just tell them to wait while I finish setting this up, but over 100 of them are annual. What's the best way to manage them? There are things I can add manually -- name, date, etc. -- but I obviously don't have access to their payment details.

Thanks for any advice! I've got this downloaded, and am looking forward to configuring it!
I can't tell if this is still the case. Is it?
What add-on are you using?

Either way, what's the best way for me to deal with the just over 1000 donors that I already have in the system?
Clone the database table and rename the fields to match the ones used by this add-on (xf_siropu_donations_donation) and remove the fields that are not needed (if any). After that, rename the cloned table to xf_siropu_donations_donation (after you remove the original table). Then in ACP > Tools > Rebuild cached > Run the "Donations: Rebuild donor stats".
What add-on are you using?

The old one was custom-built for vBulletin, which is where the forum was for its first dozen years. The previous devs left before the transition to XF was complete, and a lot of things were never fixed. This was one of those. :-) I tried to untangle the knots, but after spending maybe 10 times what your add-on cost, I decided that it better to start over with your Donations add-on.

But I really dreaded having to port the names!

Clone the database table and rename the fields to match the ones used by this add-on

Awesome! I can do this! That'll be easy!

The database is on the server, though, right? Which means that rather than working in the ACP, I'll need to go to the files on disk? cPanel or myphpadmin make this easy, but our host uses DirectAdmin, which I haaaaaate. :mad: Absolutely hideous. Can I do this offline in Excel and upload via ftp or something?

Anyway, thanks so much for this advice! Looking forward to this!
I get this when making a donation, it redirects to this URL /donations/thank-you

With error.
Oops! We ran into some problems.
The requested page could not be found.
Awesome! I can do this! That'll be easy!

Updating the database took less time than I thought. :-) It turns out that most of the ugliness was on the front end. The rest of what's left is just the XF User Upgrades.

I assume that Donations reads the information about current accounts, our site payments, etc straight from the ACP? If so, I'll get it configured and running!

Thanks again!
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