Donations by Siropu

Donations by Siropu [Paid] 1.4.1

No permission to buy (€19.99)
How would I modify the progress bar to make it act as a button that would display the details of the goal, last donor etc. If a viewer is curious and wants a little more information? It would be like the contents of the original, I think but would not have its own donate button (or maybe it should?).
Now that the month has changed, I need to update the display for March. I edited the goal information and deleted the progress amount to reset the display. That got me back to only display the button.

I have made two donations, one each in PayPal and Stripe but the results do not appear in my display. The donations do appear in the donations list. I can edit the progress amount to make the donations appear, but they are not updating automatically. Is there a cron job that updates the goal's total donations?

I presume I am doing something wrong, but I cannot figure it out.
Where is that link established? There is only one goal in use and I do not see a setting for the assignment.
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I edited the donations to see if adding the goals would fix the progress display. Before that edit the recent donations all read N/A.


Is this the view you are asking about?
This is what appears currently. Note that I edited the Donate phrase to show the Goal name and goal amount. I wish the progress bar outline and percentage were a different color. This is the live site and I do not control the account receiving the funds (we are a not for profit corpiration.)1709650883114.webp

In looking at this I saw I could "fake" a donation in the donation list. I added another $100 dollars with the above result. The actual amount of the donations in the list is $220. It was $120 before the fake donation I just added.

I deleted the fake donation and it went back to the first image above.

I do not see any method for automating the monthly reset of the goal. I could risk another $10 through PayPal to see if it gets recorded correctly or just show N/A.
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I do not see any method for automating the monthly reset of the goal. I could risk another $10 through PayPal to see if it gets recorded correctly or just show N/A.
It only shows N/A if the donation was made when the goal was inactive/expired.
So, does editing the donations have no effect on the display? I added the goal to the donations expecting to see the progress bar and amount updated. Is it impossible to update that? What if I edit the table in the database?

The goal says it is active, but the donations do not get assigned to the goal. There is only one goal.

Out of curiosity, I disabled the option to display the progress bar. The display did not change and the progress bar is still displayed. The $170 in the donations received amount is the result of me editing that value after checking the update check box.

So, does editing the donations have no effect on the display?
I have to make some changes because currently if you assign a goal to a donation that had no goal it won't work unless you change between goals.

The goal says it is active, but the donations do not get assigned to the goal. There is only one goal.
Does the overlay that shows up to donate says "Donate to goal "name" or "Donate"?

Out of curiosity, I disabled the option to display the progress bar. The display did not change and the progress bar is still displayed.
You are using a modified version of the template where you wanted only the button and the progress bar.
That is what I want to display. However, I would like it to accept the donations and display them on the progress bar. It appears that the button I have in use does not assign the donations to the goal.

Since the facility is live, it would be helpful if I could even edit the contents in some way and make the display correct for the activity.

The display says it has received 22 donation but it has only received 6 ssince March 1st. If I edit the assignment, that has no effect.

I am using the code you gave me in response to my request, Is there any way to make this display the donations? It seems as if the donation action is actually working, but it is disconnected from the display. It appears that the goal I created is only associated with the display and not the donation process itself.
Try this code instead:

<xf:css src="siropu_donations.less" />
<xf:foreach loop="$goals" value="$goal">
    <xf:set var="$progressPercent" value="{$goal.getProgressPercent()}" />
    <div style="display: flex;">
        <xf:button href="{{ link('donations/donate', null, {'donation_goal_id': $goal.donation_goal_id}) }}" class="button--cta  siropuDonations-donateButton" style="padding: 5px;font-size: inherit;" overlay="true" fa="fas fa-donate">{{ phrase('siropu_donations_donate') }}</xf:button>
        <div class="siropuDonations-progressBar" style="flex: 1;">
            <div class="siropuDonations-progressBar--bar" style="width: {$progressPercent}%; "></div>
            <div class="siropuDonations-progressBar--progress" style="width: {$progressPercent}%;">{$progressPercent}%</div>
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