[DBTech] DragonByte Shout [Lite]

[DBTech] DragonByte Shout [Lite] 7.2.0

No permission to download
Is there a documentation anywhere?
And how exactly do you access in-line moderation (so users can edit there own posts, staff can moderate posts etc.)

Also, even though I have post when someone replies to a thread unchecked, it is still posting when someone replies to threads
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Ah okay, I'll probably upgrade after I next get paid anyway.
Is it possible to install the premium version by using the update feature at all? Or do I have to completely reinstall?
It's an in-place upgrade, no uninstall / reinstall is needed :)

Is there a documentation anywhere?
Not at this time, sorry :(

And how exactly do you access in-line moderation (so users can edit there own posts, staff can moderate posts etc.)
Double-click your shouts :)

Also, even though I have post when someone replies to a thread unchecked, it is still posting when someone replies to threads
Where did you untick it from, the main instance area or the per-forum area?

Where did you untick it from, the main instance area or the per-forum area?

Both places

Another problem I'm getting is the fact that I am unable to see the chat rooms created on the ACP
Also, I notice this error at the top of the Instance options

Screen Shot 2016-06-06 at 22.01.24.webp

Finally, is it at all possible to show smily and bbcode options for members to use?
(sorry for all the questions haha)
Both places
This is not something anyone else has reported but I can look into it - it may be a Lite-only issue though :)

Another problem I'm getting is the fact that I am unable to see the chat rooms created on the ACP
Chat rooms created in the front-end do not show up in the ACP, this is working as intended.

Also, I notice this error at the top of the Instance options
That is not an error, could you please follow the instructions on that screen to resolve it? :)

Finally, is it at all possible to show smily and bbcode options for members to use?
Sorry no, there's no quick BBCode options as the BBCode icons are used to set shout style, not temporary BBCode like in the editor.

This is not something anyone else has reported but I can look into it - it may be a Lite-only issue though :)

Chat rooms created in the front-end do not show up in the ACP, this is working as intended.

That is not an error, could you please follow the instructions on that screen to resolve it? :)

Sorry no, there's no quick BBCode options as the BBCode icons are used to set shout style, not temporary BBCode like in the editor.

Is there a way for Admins to see created chat rooms?
And I tried to see if the option was on the php.ini, but it wasn't. And I'm not quite sure where to add that line to the .htaccess file

A new problem, apparently I am not allow to edit other users posts on the chat even though I enabled the option

Another one, I click okay when I'm invited to a chat room, but it doesn't add me
Is there a way for Admins to see created chat rooms?
Not at this time, sorry.

And I tried to see if the option was on the php.ini, but it wasn't.
Add the line in the bottom of the php.ini file and restart Apache.

A new problem, apparently I am not allow to edit other users posts on the chat even though I enabled the option
Are you sure the usergroup permissions were saved? If you haven't made the php.ini change, it may not save correctly for you.

Another one, I click okay when I'm invited to a chat room, but it doesn't add me
Have you checked the error console for any JS errors? This is not a problem I am able to replicate.

I notice this error keeps popping up on the error log

Error Info
ErrorException: Undefined variable: headings - library/DBTech/Shout/ActionAdmin/Instance.php:286
Generated By: triforceguy1, 5 minutes ago
Stack Trace
#0 /home1/nintybuzz/public_html/forum/library/DBTech/Shout/ActionAdmin/Instance.php(286): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(8, 'Undefined varia...', '/home1/nintybuz...', 286, Array)
#1 /home1/nintybuzz/public_html/forum/library/DBTech/Shout/Application/Core.php(297): DBTech_Shout_ActionAdmin_Instance->actionModify()
#2 /home1/nintybuzz/public_html/forum/library/DBTech/Shout/XenForo/ControllerAdmin/Shout.php(32): DBTech_Shout_Application_Core->runAction()
#3 /home1/nintybuzz/public_html/forum/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(351): DBTech_Shout_XenForo_ControllerAdmin_Shout->actionIndex()
#4 /home1/nintybuzz/public_html/forum/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#5 /home1/nintybuzz/public_html/forum/admin.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#6 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(89) "http://www.nintybuzz.com/forum/admin.php?dbtech-shout/instance&action=modify&instanceid=1"
["_GET"] => array(5) {
["dbtech-shout/instance"] => string(0) ""
["action"] => string(6) "modify"
["instanceid"] => string(1) "1"
["do"] => string(8) "instance"
["id"] => int(0)
["_POST"] => array(0) {

BTW, is it possible to automatically resize media posted on the chat?
Is there a way to disable youtube/video tags in the shoutbox? Whenever someone posts a link to YT, it's converted into an embedded video, which is rather annoying in a shoutbox.

Also, we'd live to move the shoutbox above the mainContainer div so it's above the nav bar and takes up the entire width of the page. It's simple enough in Chrome dev tools, but what would be the best way to accomplish this in the code?
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Is there a way to disable youtube/video tags in the shoutbox? Whenever someone posts a link to YT, it's converted into an embedded video, which is rather annoying in a shoutbox.
I don't believe so at this time, sorry :(

At the time of making this mod, I didn't have a chance to work out how to selectively disable BBCode, but it's something I plan to revise in a future version :)

Also, we'd live to move the shoutbox above the mainContainer div so it's above the nav bar and takes up the entire width of the page. It's simple enough in Chrome dev tools, but what would be the best way to accomplish this in the code?
You can use the manual deployment feature, instructions are in the Instance Management screen :)

I don't believe so at this time, sorry :(

At the time of making this mod, I didn't have a chance to work out how to selectively disable BBCode, but it's something I plan to revise in a future version :)

You can use the manual deployment feature, instructions are in the Instance Management screen :)

Thank you. I fixed the positioning, but do you think you could point me in the right direction for disabling the video bbcode? I don't mind making a quick and dirty hack in a PHP file somewhere, I just don't know where to look, I am not familiar with the XenForo codebase. Thanks!

Edit: I found it. In library/DBTech/Shout/Shoutbox.php, line 1929, add false as the second param on the autoLinkBbCode function call
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Edit: I found it. In library/DBTech/Shout/Shoutbox.php, line 1929, add false as the second param on the autoLinkBbCode function call
Great, that's really easy. I'll patch that in the release version just now so that any future updates will maintain the change for you. Thanks! :D

Just purchased the pro version, how do I upgrade from lite without losing anything? Is it just a matter of replacing the files in the upload folder? Thanks!
Thank you, everything's working great except this keeps popping up in our server error log, I think the admin page triggers it:

ErrorException: Use of undefined constant instanceid - assumed 'instanceid' - library/DBTech/Shout/ActionAdmin/Instance.php:693

It doesn't seem to cause any issues, it's just annoying.
Thank you, everything's working great except this keeps popping up in our server error log, I think the admin page triggers it:

ErrorException: Use of undefined constant instanceid - assumed 'instanceid' - library/DBTech/Shout/ActionAdmin/Instance.php:693

It doesn't seem to cause any issues, it's just annoying.
I'll have a potential fix for that tomorrow :)

I thought I'd try this out. I've attempted to make a room but I get this?

in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, string given
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