Current Litigation

In the US a response to the complaint must be filed by December 6th. In the UK allocation questionnaires must be filed by December 8th.


Would it help if we put statements that our interest in XF due to bad management at IB on paper and send it to the XF offices? I would happily do so if it would be beneficial for XFs defense.

Would it help if we put statements that our interest in XF due to bad management at IB on paper and send it to the XF offices? I would happily do so if it would be beneficial for XFs defense.
There are a million of these statements in the wild anyway, but nice thought :)
There are a million of these statements in the wild anyway, but nice thought :)

My train of thought was that something written on the Internet might, in a court of law, not be considered of equal value as an officially signed statement that someone actually took the time to write down and submit in proper writing.

I'm guessing that in the eyes of a judge, the written statement poses a much bigger hurdle than just switching on my PC and writing a rant semi-anonymously on teh Interwebs.

Would it help if we put statements that our interest in XF due to bad management at IB on paper and send it to the XF offices? I would happily do so if it would be beneficial for XFs defense.

I don't see how it would be beneficial. The lawsuit has absolutely nothing to do with how IB is/has been/was ran.
vB/IB is claiming as part of their causes of action in the lawsuit that XF conspired to steal their customers, so customers leaving vB software and looking for other options due to the actions of IB when Ray Morgan was running the show (before he was fired) are critical to XF defense in this case.

In addition, many customers, myself included, did not rebel against IB/vB/Ray Morgan/Bob Brisco and company until we saw the new licensing terms (vB EULA) changes dreamed up by Brisco and Ray Morgan, this has nothing to do with Kier, Mike or Ashley and Xenforo.

Customers left vBulletin due to new licensing terms forced on them, along with the new vBulletin 4 user interface and design that they hated in addition to thousands of bugs in the script.
vB/IB is claiming as part of their causes of action in the lawsuit that XF conspired to steal their customers, so customers leaving vB software and looking for other options due to the actions of IB when Ray Morgan was running the show (before he was fired) are critical to XF defense in this case.

Exactly. I have no clue about the copyright issues whatsoever, other than Kier's word. But for the above, I would be able to offer my personal statement that Kier and co had nothing to do with my decision to leave IB/VB. Seeing IB is the accusing party in this, the burden of proof is on them. Withlay one of their claims with testimonials, and it might be easier for the magistrates to see that other claims were perhaps also greatly exaggerated by the accusing party.

Mods, feel free to remove the post if you think that it's not in XFL's best interest. However, my offer stands :)
I moved to IPS because of the way IB managed the vB 4 launch and subsequent lack of fixes and poor vB 4 performance.

I'd happily state that and say that I only found out about xF "after the fact" so to speak.

Shaun :D
I am with you Geeks.. I moved my site to IPB after the horrible launch and lack of service, fixes and response to vB 4.0 Suite.

I didn't know there was anything in the works for several months after I switched..

I would offer the same as EntropiaPlanets and will gladly give you a notarized statement to this fact if you find you're in need of them.

vB/IB is claiming as part of their causes of action in the lawsuit that XF conspired to steal their customers, so customers leaving vB software and looking for other options due to the actions of IB when Ray Morgan was running the show (before he was fired) are critical to XF defense in this case.
Well... if XF's legal need straight out customers saying otherwise, if they sent out a notice to all paid customers requesting to sign an affidavit or such that I shifted freely and had nothing to do with Kier and Mike, but the product I was using and the company methods behind that product... I would sign in a heartbeat.
A simple statement like "I moved away from the vBulletin forum software platform because I was disattisfied with the software/service. I was not influenced by any party and the decision to move away was taken by my own volition." - with company / web site names, contact name, address, phone and email - is something we could do ourselves and present to K/A/M to either use themselves, or to pass on to their legal representatives.

OTOH it may not be needed or necessary, but there's nothing to stop us doing it anyway .... !!!!! ;) - Shaun Hague, Room 112 Microfirm Centre, Wincolmlee, Hull, HU2 0PZ - Tel: 01482 323010 (answer phone) - email: webmaster ~at~ - Personal statement: After running vBulletin 3 series for about three years I bought a pre-sale license for vB4 expecting great things (the sales blurb was impressive and enticing). I waited 8 months after the release of the so-called "gold" vB4 for it to get to a stable state that I felt comfortable using on my web site. It didn't happen and I got tired of waiting and moved away to IPS. I only found out about Xenforo after vBulletin's announcement of legal action in late 2010.

OWZAT!!! :D A few of those and the courts will soon get the picture that vBulletin shot themselves in the foot and that their own actions brought about the exodus of long-term customers.

Shaun :D
i think during the trial, the judge should call in webmasters of vb4 owners like digitalpoint owner and expplain himself why many would move away from vb4 and the license structure cause uproar
IB know why their customers migrated away, they may not want to see the reality of the situation but the reality stares them in the faces if they choose to look. Let's take their incompetent behaviour into account. The amount of employees that have come and gone doesn't that say something? People left because people don't like getting screwed up the backside unless your that way inclined then all power to you.

You cannot support a company that a) doesn't care about the product. b) doesn't care about it's customers and c) wants to get a free ride off the glory days, that train left and won't be coming back. I still see their PR stints are still going on, great stuff i say as this works on some people though with anyone with half a brain will ignore what they say and take it with a pinch of salt.

Whenever they make an upgrade, they "improve" they try and that's where the problems lies they try to the point that it's a difficult kind of trying where it comes so easy for the likes of xenforo and IPB.

I won't lie, I don't like vbulletin, I don't even like how their support staff work (selling vb3 licenses to vulnerable customers) a day before vb4 pre-sales I think they look out for no1 and to ensure that their annual christmas party is well funded. Sure, they maybe laughing at you current customers that's their privilege, but the people who whine about it and still persist in hoping for a better future only lines their pockets ensuring that 2011 annual christmas bash will be ensured.

You don't focus on a mobile app when your supposed "flagship product" is in need of repairing. Once all this information is condensed, evaluated then the appropriate people will see that this business model amongst other reasons is the reason why loyal customers left for pastures greener.

And, no amount of PR or smooth talk can escape facts.
Talking with Veritas and Chronos a lot and they suspect it's one of those "throw everything on the wall and hope it sticks scenario." It's a classic legal tactic in hopes to score a legal victory even in one area.

This way Internet Brands can claim they were victorious even though it is on one minor, trivial count.

It's probably best we do get involved as we put our foot down and say back off. I'm tired of Internet Brands having the attention of a two year old with attention deficit hyperactive disorder. Internet Brands needs to really work on their SDLC.
Talking with Veritas and Chronos a lot and they suspect it's one of those "throw everything on the wall and hope it sticks scenario." It's a classic legal tactic in hopes to score a legal victory even in one area.

This way Internet Brands can claim they were victorious even though it is on one minor, trivial count.

It's probably best we do get involved as we put our foot down and say back off. I'm tired of Internet Brands having the attention of a two year old with attention deficit hyperactive disorder. Internet Brands needs to really work on their SDLC.

Not sure why you mention constantly that you talk to those people .. unless they work for XenForo limited or Internet Brands, what they say has as much weight as anybody saying something in this thread.
If you talked to ancient Greeks and Romans you'd probably brag about it too. I mean, they are some important figures in mythology, and they don't communicate with just anybody. Veritas is a goddess fer chrissake. When's the last time you communed with a goddess? Yeah, that's what I thought.
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