That's not a feeling anyone enjoys, and it can certainly be frustrating. What sort of input were you hoping to have? I've had the opposite experience: I feel like the XenForo team has taken my input into consideration far more than they need to, and I greatly appreciate that. It's unfortunate that not everyone feels as though they've had that sort of positive interaction.
You are also a developer if I am not mistaken. So, your expertise knowledge will be considered with a higher priority than Joe's.
Also, this is not about my person and my wishes. Like I am not that kind of an important figure that everyone or XF needs to hear from.
But, as I am an avid community member, I have witnessed all sorts of things and to me in general people are complaining a lot about not getting heard or how the "suggestions system" works. Look at the suggestions node, filled with thousands of suggestions, dusting away for years.
That is the only way giving an input but that channel is a one-sided one. Nobody gets ever a feedback, nobody ever receives an update, nobody ever knows if their suggestion was seen or talked about or considered or worked on.
There is a laziness going on in the system. "This is currently not possible and open a suggestion about it" is the standard reply to everything. Well, that would be okay if once or twice any kind of suggestion was addressed and implemented or thought about. Anything, not mine, not yours, but Joe's suggestions or Doe's suggestions. And when finally an update is released, for half of the stuff I asked myself "who wanted this or why did this got implemented and not that"?
My prime example is always Xon. If they were half in it as him, this would be a different world.
I think this thread is just going around in circles fueled by a minority of members who perhaps wouldn't be satisfied regardless.
Look, I already ignored your senile jabs so far but this is too much. Don't accuse me of a such thing.
A minority has also rights, wishes, thoughts, expectations, etc. Being the minority doesn't mean one is wrong.
Also, a lot of people liked my 1st post. Exclude XF team's first posts and try to find other threads with that amount of likes and you will see that this minority is not that minor. It is a considerable amount of people considering the activity we have here. Perhaps you are in the minority and you don't know it?