Current Litigation

People should not assume that Adrian or Anders are who brought the lawsuit. I have had quite a few discussions with Adrian over at and Adrian is a cool/fun guy. He is bound by the job he does and understandably so.
I don't know why they had to use their IB names and presumably their IB email addresses to register. But whatever, the sooner xF can win the lawsuit, the sooner I don't give them the crook eye.
People should not assume that Adrian or Anders are who brought the lawsuit. I have had quite a few discussions with Adrian over at and Adrian is a cool/fun guy. He is bound by the job he does and understandably so.

When something I am associated with becomes incongruent with my beliefs and values and I can't change it - I leave - as otherwise I would be supporting it. People are "bound" by what they choose to be.
When something I am associated with becomes incongruent with my beliefs and values and I can't change it - I leave - as otherwise I would be supporting it. People are "bound" by what they choose to be.

True, but it's a real world and in our jobs we have to often toe the line of our employers. It's all ideal to say that, since your employers' integrity is in question, tarnishing your reputation as well, quit the job. But in real world, we have commitments to fulfill, homes to run, families to feed, future prospects to worry about, bills to pay etc etc. Life isn't a fantasy movie...
True, but it's a real world and in our jobs we have to often toe the line of our employers. It's all ideal to say that, since your employers' integrity is in question, tarnishing your reputation as well, quit the job. But in real world, we have commitments to fulfill, homes to run, families to feed, future prospects to worry about, bills to pay etc etc. Life isn't a fantasy movie...

I am obviously aware of that - I also speak from very relevant first hand experience - not a Disney movie tainted view of the world.

Nor do I make excuses for or reason out how I choose to spend my time or what I associate myself with. The world I live in because of sticking to what I believe and how I feel is far more real than most peoples I can assure you of that.
I don't know why they had to use their IB names and presumably their IB email addresses to register. But whatever, the sooner xF can win the lawsuit, the sooner I don't give them the crook eye.
Well I think it shows their good faith in not trying to sneak in the door. Bit of a damned if ya do, damned if ya don't, here.
Very impressed that Kier has demonstrated the high road in all this, as have many others.
And I LOVED the Trojan Horse video!
I am obviously aware of that - I also speak from very relevant first hand experience - not a Disney movie tainted view of the world.

Nor do I make excuses for or reason out how I choose to spend my time or what I associate myself with. The world I live in because of sticking to what I believe and how I feel is far more real than most peoples I can assure you of that.

well said. Yet again. :lottothumbsup:

There's one person in the world you can't lie to no matter how much you turn a blind eye and are oblivious to everything that goes on and that's yourself. Families are affected, reputations are on the line (due to lies being told) and with this, families of honest hard working people (xenforo team btw whom are honest) are affected. Should we turn a blind eye to that? I don't think so before anyone comes on here on their "I'm better than you type of thing) the morality train left along time ago.

It's a growing trend turning a blind eye these days stepping on the innocent party.
I am obviously aware of that - I also speak from very relevant first hand experience - not a Disney movie tainted view of the world.

Nor do I make excuses for or reason out how I choose to spend my time or what I associate myself with. The world I live in because of sticking to what I believe and how I feel is far more real than most peoples I can assure you of that.

It's not about you or I. It's about reality and circumstances are different for different people. Just saying that don't be quick to judge people.

In my opinion, Adrian or anyone at IB who are just doing their jobs and have no say in management decisions on unethical and frivolous lawsuits should not be blamed in the same vein as those who are making the active decisions. Not everyone has the luxury of being able to choose what you know is right.
It's not about you or I. It's about reality and circumstances are different for different people. Just saying that don't be quick to judge people.

I was speaking from a personal point of view, so yes that bit is about me. Of course every situation is different, though to try and argue that life is a fait accompli and we are all victims of circumstance is a very negative and dis-empowering stance in my view.

Also a convenient way of disowning any responsibility for action - even certain orders can be disobeyed in the military given the right situation.

In my opinion, Adrian or anyone at IB who are just doing their jobs and have no say in management decisions on unethical and frivolous lawsuits should not be blamed in the same vein as those who are making the active decisions.

I'm not saying that anyone outside of the boardroom is responsible for anything of the sort.

Not everyone has the luxury of being able to choose what you know is right.

I disagree wholly, and for a person to try and make themselves believe that, compounds the issue. To try and ensure that we do choose what is right makes us who we are and ensures we live in the real world, opposed to some fantasy where it's all up to someone else .......
If Bob Briscoe himself registers, should he get the same niceties, and if not, why not? Maybe he is "out of the loop" too, generally speaking. I would bet that "nobody" at IB would claim to have any involvement with the "current litigation", but obviously "somebody" has to have involved the legal team.

I've had some personal discussions with IB employees who are not just speaking for the company, but speaking as a customer service agent against valid requests that I've submitted, insulting my intelligence with half truths, and disingenuous propoganda. I don't have to be nice to them here, I don't even have to give them the time of day, but I can avoid them.

If they and their management don't have a problem with registering an account on a software site in which they've made some grandiose accusations in a lawsuit, then that's their problem, but fool me once, blah blah lbah.
It's not about you or I. It's about reality and circumstances are different for different people. Just saying that don't be quick to judge people.

In my opinion, Adrian or anyone at IB who are just doing their jobs and have no say in management decisions on unethical and frivolous lawsuits should not be blamed in the same vein as those who are making the active decisions. Not everyone has the luxury of being able to choose what you know is right.
I agree, when it comes to feeding family, reality changes. It s easy to judge, when u have it all, but I wonder if someones family would be hungry, how their opinion would stay.

And that being said, we all have different opinions about what is ethical and what is not.
I agree, when it comes to feeding family, reality changes. It s easy to judge, when u have it all, but I wonder if someones family would be hungry, how their opinion would stay.

My point exactly.

Martin Luther King Jr. said:
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
So anyway, have there been any updates to the litigation lately? Have they amended the list of copyrighted materials to include the whacky shirt day photo? That's probably the worst factual offense I could actually agree with, unless it was just hotlinked from vB.

You can't scare him - he has known a fear beyond every other.
I disagree wholly, and for a person to try and make themselves believe that, compounds the issue. To try and ensure that we do choose what is right makes us who we are and ensures we live in the real world, opposed to some fantasy where it's all up to someone else .......

Like I said, and I stand by it, not everyone has the luxury of choosing what one knows is right. That is not an excuse though, it's just reality.
Like I said, and I stand by it, not everyone has the luxury of choosing what one knows is right. That is not an excuse though, it's just reality.

I believe I understand what you are saying - though more importantly why - I lived that way for a while myself, and it was horrid. It's just that now, because I choose to do what I believe is more in tune with who I am, actually makes it a reality.

I empathise with people in challenging situations I'm actually a counsellor as well as living in IT, so I really do. Though I still believe that once we loose ourselves to compromise or accept something that isn't congruent, we are not being ourselves, and that is always a choice (and yes it can be under duress or challenging situations).

Though I find it important to remember that it is a choice, as then we own it ......... so we can change it, it's not afflicted.
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