Current Litigation

Saw this, it made sense to me.

What is a request for further information?

  • At any time during a dispute where proceedings have started, a party can request further information from the other side. This is known as a Part 18 request as it is made under Part 18 of the rules of court.
  • A request is usually made to:
  1. Seek clarification in relation to a particular issue in the dispute where one party believes that the statement of case provided by the other party does not give sufficient information about the nature of the claim or the defence; and/or
  2. Where the requesting party believes it is entitled to further documents.
  • A request for further information can be used tactically, for example, to put pressure on the other side, to try to obtain admissions from the other side or expose potential weaknesses in their case.
I'm sorry, but I've got to say this.


If you're so concerned about losing customers, fix the frackin' software, and do what your customer base has been begging you to do for 18+ months.

I've just had a couple of people I associate with tell me they each bought an XF license.

Keep on, KMA, you're following the right path.
I've been helping Jelsoft since their early beta of vBulletin 3.0, to giving feedback and raising concern with vBulletin 4. It was clear that the path and vision that existed during the vBulletin 2.2 period (when I became customer) was turned around from engineering a product with a passion by a great team, to a corporate vision with what appears without passion to get that quarterly 25% to please board members.

Learning last summer that a new product was in the making, written from scratch and using industry standards, and being able to test it from an early alpha on to it's stable release announced for today, brought back that feeling of 'look, THAT is a prime example of engineering a product vs hacking one together', and sure, they're in it to make money - you gottah pay them bills - but it's done with the customer in mind, modern technologies in mind, understanding what board administrators want and respecting the customers' wishes where appropriately -- and touched with passion in mind, to build a product that's here to stay and to jump in a market where there are free alternatives.

With a skill set in PHP and product architecture, Kier and Mike joined Jelsoft and showed the community universe what could be done with a forum product, resulting in vBulletin 3.0 - 3.6. You can't unlearn that skill, and history simply repeated itself, they've used their skill set to build a new forum product.

Lawsuits aside, disputes aside, competition aside, denying it's a modern forum solution worth upgrading to is only showing the competition their lack in what board administrators understand that are looking for what XenForo is introducing today as a stable product. And I believe that web site owners that take their community seriously, that take their business serious, will start to show they are serious and understand the potential behind XenForo, and upgrade their ipb, phpbb, vbulletin, ubb, etc boards over to XenForo.

And they should. The product provokes participation, provokes community involvement, provokes a positive atmosphere.

A lawsuit or two can't take away the reality of passion, product architecture, smart thinking, and the expertise from the guys that run a company, and the power of critical mass from the community universe.

You're an idiot if you don't see the difference. If you run vBulletin or IPB at the moment, and you believe you take your site serious. It's never to late to recognize a positive change and use it to your advantage by converting / upgrading / moving to XF.
What a surprising coincidence that IB would choose today to serve their first Part 18 request for information on us after months of the UK action being quiet! Who'd have thought it? :rolleyes:

How utterly pathetic. Just when I thought they could not sink any lower.
What a surprising coincidence that IB would choose today to serve their first Part 18 request for information on us after months of the UK action being quiet! Who'd have thought it? :rolleyes:
I'd wait an extra day (or two) with release just to annoy them :D And then unexpectedly release it at a late hour when certain offices are closed ;)

But seriously this is beyond pathetic.
What a surprising coincidence that IB would choose today to serve their first Part 18 request for information on us after months of the UK action being quiet! Who'd have thought it? :rolleyes:

I spotted when you released the RC 2 version, that Internet Brands released another new version of vBulletin 4 on the very same day (but a little later). Just goes to show they are actually holding releases back on purpose, and that was no coincidence either.

Compare the dates of these two threads: XenForo RC2 and vBulletin 4.1.2 (Feb 3rd, 2011). What was the odds of you releasing an RC version and them releasing another vBulletin 4 version at the same time. :whistle:

Now they've done this today also to try and throw a spanner in the works. All a bit pathetic really, very childish indeed of them. I hope other vBulletin customers come to their senses and see the type of people they're dealing with running the show their now. They are acting extremely unprofessional!
If Internet Brands could only quantify the amount of money, new business and consumer goodwill they've lost because of their greedy and incompetent actions. My guess is many hundreds of thousands of dollars...millions more over the lifetime of the software. Their bean counters need to accept the fact that their software stinks and people are voting with their feet. It's called COMPETITION. Get used to it IB. You're not king of the mountain anymore. The only hill you're standing on, is a pile of dog crap. And I can't tell which stinks worse!
What a surprising coincidence that IB would choose today to serve their first Part 18 request for information on us after months of the UK action being quiet! Who'd have thought it? :rolleyes:

Can you say what they've asked for?
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