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[bd] Widget Framework 2.6.6

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Is there a easier way to position all of this? It seems if I put something on 0 x 1 and it's 1 x 3 in size, and I put something on 1x1 with also a 1x3 size. The 1x1 position appears on top of the 0x1 widget. If I use the mouse to move the top 0 x 1 widget below the 1x1 widget, it fixes it... this doesn't make any sense.
Yeah, the layout editor is a bit dumb now. It is being fixed.
Just curious, considering there was already a similar in the package.
The old one is for statuses only (self posted profile post) and supports input fields to post new status. The new one will be identical to 1.4 sidebar block (all profile posts, no input to post).
I created a new widget, Threads renderer, Widget type: Most replied threads, default layout. Doesn't show whatsoever. If I switch the Widget type to new threads it does show. Any idea if I did something wrong? Is it possibly due to not enough threads on the forum, there are only a few I believe.
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I wanted to turn of the visitor panel, you know the widget at the top of sidebar that shows your avatar and post count when logged in. I did this by selecting "hide visitor panel too?" in clear sidebar. However i am now getting these errors.
Looks like an issue if the clear widget is rendered more than once. I have fixed the problem in development version of the add-on but you will need to workaround this by avoiding having 2 clear widgets on the same page.
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Is there a work around maybe? Editing through the database?
Workaround is to edit each widget and enter the layout column/row manually, avoid using the layout editor as much as possible.

I created a new widget, Threads renderer, Widget type: Most replied threads, default layout. Doesn't show whatsoever. If I switch the Widget type to new threads it does show. Any idea if I did something wrong? Is it possibly due to not enough threads on the forum, there are only a few I believe.
Check your cut off option, maybe the select forums don't have any recent threads? Try increase the cut off to 365 (a year) to see if it works.
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I have some widgets double
where can I disable the widgets from XenForo sidebar?
[bb] widgets framework is ok
I have some widgets double
where can I disable the widgets from XenForo sidebar?
[bb] widgets framework is ok
Use the "Clear Sidebar" widget. It will remove default sidebar contents. Make sure you set the display order right (Clear Sidebar should have the lowest display order).
Any idea where i can look for language settings in widgets.
The Problem is that Umlaute from German Languages are not shown properly.
This is from the widget Newest Answers.


The whole site is set to use utf-8 also the server run at utf-8.
I check in templates, in style option but did not find anything.
[BUG] In the New Threads widget if thread X was moved from forum A to forum B then you'll see 2 instances of thread X on the New Threads list.

Another one:

[BUG] In the New Threads widget when you click on the author avatar you get the membercard shown however if you click on the author nickname you're redirected to the member's full profile. I think the proper behavior should be to show the membercard for consistency.

@xfrocks hope you can fix these!
Any idea where i can look for language settings in widgets.
The Problem is that Umlaute from German Languages are not shown properly.
This is from the widget Newest Answers.

View attachment 80224

The whole site is set to use utf-8 also the server run at utf-8.
I check in templates, in style option but did not find anything.
This add-on doesn't have "Newest Answers" as a renderer. Maybe it comes from some other add-on?

@xfrocks hope you can fix these!
They are not bug but I will see if I can improve them.
Sorry mate.
The render is threads and the widget typ is newest answers.
But i have it also at threads with widget typ polls.
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