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[bd] Widget Framework 2.6.6

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Is it possible to get this to work with Social Groups by Waindigo? I have tried to add latest posts in the sidebar widget but it does not pull any information.

Haven't tested with that particular add-on but it should work?
Nope, no luck. It works with all other forums, but as soon as you try to get anything from the social group it does not work at all.
Are you trying to show a widget in Social Group page? Or showing threads from a Social Group in some other pages?
Are you trying to show a widget in Social Group page? Or showing threads from a Social Group in some other pages?

I am trying to display the latest replies to social group threads on the main forum page sidebar. It does not display anything though.
Small suggestion: make for New Threads and Posts new Layout same as Default but use instead of user avatar, at it place, Thread Thumbnails by Waindigo - image from post as source.
Could the description for this addon be enhanced to include or point to instructions on how to work it, please?
E.g. what is a renderer?
I installed, but am clueless.
Hi @xfrocks
I'm develop an add-on and when i try to put an own page template, with the code
<xen:if is="{$sidebarts}">
I get the following errors:
4.webp 5.webp

How do I have to do to make it look within the template the wf sidebar?

PD: i disabled the widgets into my own template.

Hi @xfrocks
I'm develop an add-on and when i try to put an own page template, with the code
<xen:if is="{$sidebarts}">
I get the following errors:

How do I have to do to make it look within the template the wf sidebar?

PD: i disabled the widgets into my own template.

This one is pretty complicated, please start a conversation with me with more information to debug the problem. Sorry.
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