Resource icon

[bd] Widget Framework 2.6.6

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@xfrocks can you update the XFRM widget to show the number of votes (reviews) right after the stars just like how the default RM layout.
It does not take much space. You can look at my forum index and see that it will make a lot more sense ;)
@xfrocks can you update the XFRM widget to show the number of votes (reviews) right after the stars just like how the default RM layout.
It does not take much space. You can look at my forum index and see that it will make a lot more sense ;)
Yeah... will change that.

Edit: And it's done ;) The change will be available in the next release. Or if you love to take risk, download it here -- the cutting edge version :D
Last edited:
Deep in library/WidgetFramework/addon-widget_framework.xml ;)

Make sure you upload the files too, and once again: this comes without warranty :p
Ok, I took the risk ;)
successful trial

To get the widget to work with @sonnb addon, he suggested that I addon this to line 157 of WidgetFramework_WidgetRenderer_XFRM_Resources so I can get the resource thumbnail to work instead of the default author's avatar
$resources = $resourceModel->prepareResources($resources);

I did and it works on 2.3.5 and your latest version. If you don't see this breaks anything, would you consider adding this line so I do not have to edit your php for every version ;)

Ok, I took the risk ;)
successful trial

To get the widget to work with @sonnb addon, he suggested that I addon this to line 157 of WidgetFramework_WidgetRenderer_XFRM_Resources so I can get the resource thumbnail to work instead of the default author's avatar
$resources = $resourceModel->prepareResources($resources);

I did and it works on 2.3.5 and your latest version. If you don't see this breaks anything, would you consider adding this line so I do not have to edit your php for every version ;)

Great idea. I can add it myself but consider that the project is open source, I would love to have you make the change and send a pull request. If you have a few minutes to spare... Just head to, create an account, read this tutorial I think it will only take you 10 minutes :P
Great idea. I can add it myself but consider that the project is open source, I would love to have you make the change and send a pull request. If you have a few minutes to spare... Just head to, create an account, read this tutorial I think it will only take you 10 minutes :p
Ok, heading to github to register now.
In the mean time for the xml, I think having the (17 votes) right after the stars is a bit too crowded. I prefer the default XF layout where the 17 votes are align right. What do you think?
You can see how it looks now on my site.
Ok, heading to github to register now.
In the mean time for the xml, I think having the (17 votes) right after the stars is a bit too crowded. I prefer the default XF layout where the 17 votes are align right. What do you think?
You can see how it looks now on my site.
Done. Get the new XML from github and import, no need to upload files.

How is the Feed Reader working? I have put this RSS Link in the Options: - but it doesnt work, no RSS Feed Block. :(
I checked the code and it runs fine. However, a problem with the feed has been found (Extra content at the end of the document) and prevented it from being loaded.
The widget uses XenForo feed reader so you can try to use the XML with system feed to see if it works (AdminCP > Applications > Registered Feed).
"hook:ad_above_content" doesn't support that expression unfortunately. The expression is supposed to use in position like "resource_category".
aww so it ads a sidebar :( Thanks anyhow!

edit: just realized I can use @Waindigo's customfields addon to have content appear in the category's header.
Most liked threads (supports cutoff) widget not working currectly as it seems.

This only count the topic 1st post as a like not the total likes of the thread.
Using Xenforo 1.2.1
2.3.5 Widget Framework

Using in the sidebar on the home page
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